Sailor Otaku
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Sunday, December 14, 2003
Back at home
I'm baa-aack.
I had a great time in Disney. I got to see the sun.
I celebrated my 16th b-day early. I got to go on a birthday cruise at Disney. We traveled on a boat around the rivers around Epcot, and then, we parked under a bridge and got a real close up view of fireworks! complete with decorations and cake!
Of course, i spent the majority of my money at Japan in Epcot. I got some real great stuff: like a really cool Inu-Yasha shirt. On the front its has the word Inu-Yasha with a real cool shiloutte of Inu-yasha, and on the back, it has Inu-Yasha with the transformed Tetsugia, and behind that, has Inu-Yasha and Fluffy!
My b-day dinner was at the really great restaurant they have at Japan. They make your dinner right there in front of you.
Gotta go and finish homework. When I come back, more about my trip!
Hurry ba-ack ~ hurry ba-ack
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Friday, December 5, 2003
today is Friday. that means i'll be at the airport at 8, on a plane at 10 i think, and in florida on saturday.
I'll be gone for a week enjoying myself in the sun and hopefully nice weather (i need some sun, i think. the dark and cold of Seattle is getting to me).
That means no posts for a week. I come back and tell everyone what a fanstatic time I hide.
Then, it's only one week of school left before christmas break! ^___^
Ja ne!
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Thursday, December 4, 2003
never enough
 You're from the Inuyasha universe. Demons devouring humans, a corrupt government. I'm soooo jealous.
What anime universe do you live in? brought to you by Quizilla
 <<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics ) brought to you by Quizilla
I can't help it if i'm adorable! ^_^
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Monday, December 1, 2003
Yadda Yadda
Yesterday we put our christmas tree. It's real pretty. Our theme this year is blue and silver. We have blue lights and blue and silver garland. So know I'm really happy. It feels more like the holdiays.
Went to school. Whay joy. I only had french homework. So now the rest of the evening i can be on the computer and watch Average Joe.
I added my first Yu-Gi-Oh fic on Could you please check it out? It's called Destiny Foretold It.
and that concludes this post.
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Friday, November 28, 2003
Guess what! guess what! guess what!
I just submitted my first fanfic on! I joined Wednesday night. I'm known as Darling Chii. My first fic is a Chobits fic.
I also did a stupid thing...forgot disclaimer. I just finished making one and uploading it.
So please come and review me! I take good reviews and constructive critisicm(I know i didn't spell that word correctly)
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Thursday, November 27, 2003
How could I have forgotten?
Happy Thanksgiving!
(Eat all the food that you can)
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Finally. I have a four day weekend. I can just imagine all the computer time I will have. Hopefully I'll be able to watch Inu-yasha.
But that also means that we'll be getting the christmas stuff out. Yippee!!
Today is gonna be boring. We're cleaning house. On Thanksgiving. Fun, huh?
But tommorrow, I get to go see Haunted Mansion. I've been dieing to go see it. The Haunted Mansion happens to be my favorite Disney ride.
That's all the rambling for know.
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 Night Fairy: Congratulations you are the nigh fairy! You are the fairy who creates the stars within the sky. Legend goes that your are just another shotting star among your creations, disguising yourself, as you streak across the sky creating more stars. Little is known about you but your powers are known to be great.
Fairy categorization: Which elemental fairy are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I love the night and stars and moon, and such stuff...
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 Goddess of the Moon. You are usually somewhat sad or solemn, but no one knows why. You love the luminous glow of the moon.
What Goddess Are You? (Girls) (Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, November 23, 2003
yep! another one
 Sakura and Syaoran! (from "Card Captor Sakura")
Who is your ideal anime couple? brought to you by Quizilla
Aren't they cute? i'm not a big S/S fan, but this is a cute pic!
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