Sailor Otaku
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
3 French Hens (A Tinkerbell Pin)
The pin is very cool. And so, my collection grows ^_^
Well, we did a centerpiece in Hort today. It turned out very nice, except that if you look at it from the very top, it has some bare spots.
And I don't have to go to tutorial tomorrow. We finished the physics test in class. But now we have to start working on our project, which is to make a Rubegoldberg contraption or however you spell the name. Very annoying.
Last night, my sister had a skating holiday show, and she did very well. She skated to a song done by Manheim Steamroller. The show itself, though, was very poorly organized, and the actually skating was short. The ones in TX were much better.
Today was pretty ordinary, I'm not in a great mood, and not looking forward to tomorrow. This week is going by too slow.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
My school has been selling hot chocolat and then went around asking for change for this fundraising thing. They're raising money for some orphans or such in Africa or somewhere over in that direction.
Okay. That's nice and all but what about our country? There are plenty of shelters, charities, people, etc right here that could use money and such. We should be taking of our people first and then worry about others. It just makes me mad.
Me and Thomas were questioning one of the girls who was helping out with the fundraiser. She was getting angry at us because we were asking why couldn't we donate stuff to a charity or something like that here? Why send it all the way to another continate(sp?)? What's so bad about caring for your own country?
I also miss my junior high in TX. Every christmas, they'd post up these tags with names of children on them, and what they would like as a gift. I'd pick a couple and go out shopping and stuff. It's really alot of fun. It made me feel good. Here, they probably wouldn't even know what I was talking about. But my mom got a tag from the skating place, so we got something for a 9-year old girl.
Doesn't anybody understand the christmas spirit here in WA?
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Two Turtle Doves (or gummy bears)
The second day of Christmas... and I got gummy bears!
Okay, let me explain. Me and my sisters got these big knitted mittens from our grandma that we put out on our bedroom doors. Alyssa ran into her door today (said she was busy with the cats) and she discovered candy in her mitten. Haribo Gold-Bears (the best gummy bears ever). I go look in my mitten and I've got gummy bears and for the first day, gum. A piece of paper with the day's number (like this 2 the second day of christmas; the 2 is all fancy looking) is attached to their respected candy. Heather hasn't found her's yet. Gotta appreciat Alyssa for running into her door.
My mom said she's doing it, because we're all kinda down in the dumps because it doesn't feel like christmas. We're really missing TX right now too.
I wander what I'll get tomorrow?
Well, Ms. Dossett was gone today, but we still had to take the test (it seems she's never at school when we have a test). I have to go to tutorial on thurs to finish it. I don't think I'm doing too good on it.
We're watching Amistad in History, as it's the last cause we're going over before we do our Causes of the Civil War essay on Thurs. Not happy.
But yea, everything else has been the normal routine stuff. We're making a centerpiece tomorrow in Horticulture, so that's going to be fun. And I still have to wrap Heather's and my dad's gift, and put together my friends.
And then there's all the studying.
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Monday, December 13, 2004
Last Monday 'till break... and the beginning of the 12 days of X-mas
Great. Just great. I found out today in french, that our chapter test is on friday. Now, I get to freak out over that, along with my history essay.
Have to keep reminding myself '4 days left, 4 days left'.
Now that the analysis is done with (thank god), in Lang, we're watching Hoosiers. We're going to do a writing assignment later on. I'm trying to understand what's so important that a writing assignment needs to be done on it.
I've already planned out my week:
Tues: Freak over history
Wed: Work, freak over history and french
Thurs: Freak over French and Math
Fri: Collapse
Hopefully, me and my friends our going to go off campus for lunch, which should be fun. Doesn't it sound like a fun week?
Yup. My mom said that it was the first day of the 12 Days of X-mas.
See ya!
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
 You dream about magic! You love to daydream and hate the modern world. You constantly find yourself wishing that the world had more adventure and excitement.
What do you dream of? (anime pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
I totally agree.
 Your anime hair color is navy!
Whats your anime hair color? brought to you by Quizilla
Navy... cool.
 You are a normal girl.
What Mythical Girl are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Hmmm... I guess (but I don't agree). But I love the outfit ^^
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And the weekend comes to a end...
Ah, well. Just one week untill break.
I finally finished my analysis *celebrates* Now I can enjoy Miracle on 34th Street (the good black and white version, with Maureen O'Hara). It was supposed to be on Thanksgiving but they didn't show it; I always watch it on Thanksgiving to start my Christmas! But I get to see it so I guess it's okay.
Now, all I have to worry about is my phsyics test, the history essay test, and maybe a math quiz -_- Teachers like to pile stuff on just so that they can watch us run around with deranged looks on our faces, I just know it.
So now I get to freak out over all the studying I have to do (I'm really worried about the essay). What joy.
I hope that you guys had a good weekend and hope the week goes well for you.
See ya!
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Friday, December 10, 2004
14 days left ^_^
I came back from seeing The Polar Express a little while ago. Oh my god. That movie has got to be my favorite movie! It's soooo good. I've read the book and I love the book too. Those you haven't seen the movie, GO SEE IT!!!!
Well, finally it's the weekend. I have to finish the stupid chara analysis, which I did get a little bit finished in class. I have a test in physics on Tues, but I don't know how anyone is going to pass since nothing gets done (or taught) because certain people just won't SHUT UP! I really wish Ms. Dossett would just kick them out.
After school, me and some members of the Hort Club went to donate some wreaths we made; we went to a home, the fire station and the police station. Unfortunately the police station was closed, and the firefighters had been pulling out when we got out of the van -_-U But the home we went to was really nice, like the last time we went. And the person who took the wreaths for the firefighters was really nice.
I'm kinda sad though. Around here (WA), it just doesn't feel like Christmas. Which makes me sad because I loooovvvveeeee Christmas. I look forward to it every year; especially the years we go to Disney World, which we're going to next year to celebrate Alyssa's sweet 16 (which we did last year for me!). We go during the first-second week of Dec every other year, and everything is decorated and all the other great things they do for X-mas and it's just a wonderful time. So it's kinda, almost... depressing right for lack of a better word.
But anyway...
I hope you guys had a great day and I'll see you around!
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
15 days till X-mas Day
Well, just got back from my Hort. Club meeting and going to Crossroads. I have to start homework soon so that I don't miss CSI, but I wanted to post first.
I'm going to fail my character analysis. One, I only have 5 of the 9 paragraphs needed and none of them are the min. 100 words. Plus, I have to get two people to proofread and get their signature as proof. I'm doomed.
Math was as usual, rather long, since math isn't taught properly here in WA in my opinion (I miss my TX math teachers!), made character collages in lang, and started our debate thing in History, which was fun, even though Mr. O said we'd watched the Daily Show.
Next thursday, the hort club is getting together, going to starbucks, then going to the botanical garden to look at the lights they put up, which is going to be alot of fun.
I got to go; someone is coming downn the stairs (most likely mom or dad), so I'll see you guys later.
*glares at US History homework*
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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
I'm soooo tired. I just finished my physics homework, and will have to start my lang soon. Stupid character analysis.
Right now, I'm watching Ebbie, starring Susan Lucci. One of the saddest remakes of A Christmas Carol but very good.
French was rather fun (surprise). Before class started, Anastasia, LJ and I talked about CSI. I'm very excited about tomorrow's episode. Anastasia is freaking over Greg (sp?). Ms. McKay was at some seminar, so we had the same sub as yesterday, along with Ms. Schumacher. Physics was okay, but that class just seems to drag, and half the time is wasted with everyone talking.
Work went by alright and I checked out vol. 2 of Ranma 1/2, and vols 4, 5, and 6 of Dragon Knights.
And I think we're going to see Polar Express on Friday! I can't wait!
See ya later!
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Well, today was rather blah. It's been raining off and on, so it's dreary outside and reflects how I feel somewhat.
The only thing that really miffed me was that I had an arguement or the beginning of one with a friend. I had asked if she knew what day it was; she didn't have a clue on what I was talking about. I told her it was the 63rd anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. I wasn't surprised that she didn't remember; rarely anyone I know does. She later asked me why I asked, and I said I was curious to see how many would answer right because no one cares to remember or respect what happens or even really know about it. I was also going to say some other things, but I never got to really clarify myself. I finally told her that we were just going to disagree and should leave it at that.
Other than that, and my physics class just won't shut up, the day was fine. How about you guys?
Before I'm found here typing this and lectured, I should get going.
And please, take a moment to remember the many lives that were lost at Pearl Harbor, Decemember 7, 1941, and the few that are still around.
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