Sailor Otaku
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Monday, December 6, 2004
Well, my weekend was rather boring. Except Saturday morning was fun; was working at the horticulture store. I also made another wreath while I was there.
Today was so-so. Had a sub in french (yea!) but the good stuff ends there. I have to do a character analysis in language, finish my personal wreath by tomorrow, there's a french quiz tomorrow, and I just remembered that I have some history to do.
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Saturday, December 4, 2004
Today (which is really still Friday)
WE had our winter sports pep assembly. It's always amusing at those assemblies. The person who sang the national anthem was horrible. I kept cringing; she couldn't hit certain notes and she kept going up and down the scale, trying to find the right section to sing (like high, low, soprano, alto, something like that). Then there was Cheer, Drill, and Color Guard. Now, our school is good for two things: Drill and Horticulture. Drill is so much fun to watch; they always have good music.
I have Lang and History homework. History is going to take like 3 minutes to do, but I have to make a spider plot thingy for character analysis in Lang. I have to do a character from The Crucible which is a really dumb play if you ask me. I don't like the author either; Miller is really dumb (we had to read three essays by him before we read the actual play).
And so now I have to get up really tomorrow so I can work in the Horticulture store. Not happy. Then I have to go to work. So tired. Plus, I'm not 100% feeling great either. Just my luck.
All I have to think is just two more weeks of school. Then two weeks of Christmas break, which is pretty sad if you ask me, but we get a week of in Feb. I'm hoping to start on my costumes for Sakura-Con during break.
So I'll see ya guys later!
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
Pretty good day
Pretty much busy work today. Did my quiz in math; felt pretty good about. In lang, it was busy work. Group work so it was fun since we pretty much talked about everything else other than our work (which was creative writing, which I love). Then there was the History test, which I feel very good and I hope that I passed.
Then, had to go back to school to finish my wreath. Making wreaths after school is better than doing it during class. So my sale wreath is done, and now I have to finish all the group stuff tomorrow, because my other group members don't have any brains to do anything!
So I'm happy for two reasons: Tomorrow is Friday and we have an assembly so the classes are shortened.
We got our first batch of presents! From my grandma and grandpa. I was looking through them when mom was downstairs looking for mine ^_^ I couldn't find any that was shake-able. Shaking gifts are so much fun :)
Now, since I'm done with homework, all I have to do is waste time till CSI.
See ya later.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
The countdown to Christmas begins!
Hey everyone. Do you like the new look? Took me a while to decide where the colors should be (it was going to be a red background originally, but it didn't look good in my opinion). Also here's the full picture of the one I'm using:

Cute, huh?
I'm soooo tired. Tomorrow, I have to go in for tutorial to finish my wreath for the horticulture sale, then after that, go to a meeting for work. Then on Saturday, I have to go week in the store for the Horticulture sale, then go to work. I also have a quiz and a test tomorrow. 3 weeks till Christmas break seems every long.
Well, I've got to go fix dinner before my parents find me on here and forbid me to come here, and finish studying.
See ya!
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
I'm not liking WA. It's cold, raingin, and I've been freezing all day.
I'm just waiting for my school not to be open any day, because of the construction. Either there will be no heat (like last year) or no power (like last year).
Well, I hope everyone had a good day. I'm really excited because I'll be changing to my Christmas theme! I also have an adorable pic ^_^ Christmas countdown is going to start too!
I'll see you guys tomorrow.
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
Ah yes. I'm updating finally.
I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving. I did; I'm enjoying the last of my 4-day weekend and not looking forward to school.
I'm also happy because... Christmas Time is here *cheers*
Friday, we started decorating. We decorated our tree in these beautiful ornaments made by my great-grandma I never was able to meet. All of them are homemade and they're gorgeous.
I also saw The Incredibles last week. A great movie. Edna was the best part. She is my fav character, then Frozone, then Violet. Anyone who hasn't seen it, should.
I can't wait to see The Polar Express. Has anyone read the book? I love the book; it's a great story.
I'll see you guys later.
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Sunday, November 14, 2004
The weekend is ending
I'm so relaxed after 4 days of no school. Tomorrow is going to be such a drag. Did anyone else have a four day weekend because of Veterans Day? I'll probably also fail my French quiz.
I've fallen in love Full Metal Alchemist. I had recorded the first episode and watched it last night. It's soooo great! Then I watched the second one this morning (also had that recorded).
Anybody watch YGH yesterday? I was on the edge of my seat and I'm dying to see next week's episodes. The show keeps getting better in my opinion. And DMG was so cool too!
Well, I hope everyone has a good week and hopefully I'll be able to get on and post something, or at least to visit.
See ya!
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Thursday, November 11, 2004
Veterans Day
It is the soldier, not the reporter, Who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the soldier, not the poet, Who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the soldier, not the organizer, Who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.
It is the soldier, Who salutes the flag, Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag, Who allows the protestor to burn the flag.
- Father Dennis Edward O'Brian, USMC
Freedom has a price, and it is high. Sometimes a man must give all he can sometimes a man must die.
--Doug Stewart
Please put in a pray for our brave men and women over in Iraq and their families. And a prayer of thanks for the men and women who fought for our freedom in times of war.
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Sunday, October 31, 2004
Happy Halloween!
Go out there and get candy!
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Monday, October 18, 2004
In-the-middle day
Well, it was a good and bad day for me (hence the subject name).
The Bad:
My stupid language teacher. I wish he'd go down and burn. Seriously. I finally had a chance to talk to him about my passage test (one of my answer sheets wasn't returned to me). I had gone to tutorial to finish the test, turned it in, and I didn't get it back. I told him this, but what he said (and says to me everytime something of mine is missing in that class) 'Well, it couldn't have walked out on its own.' He gave me a passing grade, but the next time something of mine is missing I'm 'responsible for it'. It's not my responsibility after I turn it in. It's his. I really hate him -_-
The Good:
I got to miss 5 and 6 period and got to go to IKEA! I love that place. It's lots of him to go at all the really cool furniture. I got a new desk; the first real big thing I've bought with my own money since I got my job. Now, I actually will be able to work at my desk.
And tomorrow, I'm going to miss 5th and 6th again, since I've got a fieldtrip to the Japanese Gardens!
Hope the rest of you had a good day.
See ya!
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