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Maid Selene
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California, USA
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College Student
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Well, I've been able to keep my RPG running for two years now I believe. I've recently moved it to here: Come visit!
Anime Fan Since
Um...Forever? And ever and ever..and the Energizer Bunny!
Favorite Anime
Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, All of the Gundams, Yu-Yu Hakasho, Digimon, Pokemon, Yu-gi-oh, .hack//sign, Cardcaptors....ETC!! LOTS MORE!
To write my book (up to chapter 5!), create a manga/anime series
Drawing, writting, painting, anything fun and creative!
Drawing, Writting, the ability to remember details about animes I watch. *grins*
| Sailor Outer Moon
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
'ello! How's everyone?
Well, so far my articles are doing pretty good. One is at a 100% rating an the other is at 93%. I also have now 12 people in my RPG. *hugs the newest member* Welcome! Anyways, the offer is still open. Most of the senshi are still open.
Anyone watch Inuyasha on Saturday? It was sooo sad but funny at the same time! But you could tell Miroku was hurt by Kagome saying that he wasn't as good as the lord that wanted to marry Sango. But it was funny how they stayed together at the end. Well, ja till next time!
OH! Before I forget, there is about 200 + people ahead of me on active sites! But I'm slowly getting there! Keep up with the help! Thanx!
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
Over 100!!!!!!
Yea! I have over a hundred visits on my site! I want to make a goal of getting my site under two thousand on the active meter. *thinks* Will everyone help me out? Pwease? Well, got to go to bed now...have fun, a great night/day/whatever!!
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Friday, October 15, 2004
New pet. *look below*
How's every body? Well, my day is a little better. I found this awsome kitten on one of my new friend's pages. Hope everyone has a great day!
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
Mornings's a morning. Haven't you ever noticed that mornings suck? *sighs* Well, I've submitted another article, but it's not showing up yet, but I do have my first one up there, so check it out if you wish. Well, I have to go, I have school...blah. See everyone around!
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
First Flame!
Well, I got my first flame today, from a really stupid person. *sweatdrops* Told me I should go get a boyfriend or something...I do have a life outside of the internet. If you want to, you can read it in my's kinda funny.
ANYWAY, I submited an article and it's up, so go read it if you want. It's a Sailor Moon one of course. I hope it's good, i'm praying for some reviews.
Once again wishing for new members for my RPG...*sniffles* At least I have over ten...sort of. Well, hope everyone has a great day! Ja!
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Moshi-Moshi! Anyhow, hope everyone had a great day. I had another algebra test today, I think my teacher is on super speed or something because this was the second test in a week. *sweatdrops*
Well, Still promoting my RPG. We have 11 Members, but I think only about 5 participate. *gets down on knees* Please join?!?!?! I also have fanfiction on under Princess Silver Serenity. Please read? I'll be posting more soon...eventually...hopefully! Well, have a great night!
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Monday, October 11, 2004
You know those days that everything seems to go crappy? Well, it's been one of those days. I guess it's just my mood. Oh well. I wanted to post something about my RPG.
It's a Sailor Moon RPG. We are friendly and semi-organized. Eh, I'm improving. Anyway, we'll be restarting our "Season" on January 1, so if you want to join, now's the time! Contact me for more information or go here
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Hey everybody! Nothing much has changed. I have a stupid test in Algebra tomorrow. *sighs* It's the second one in a week, exactly. I hope I do'm supposed to be studying, but I can't focus. So I decided to come here! *grins* Anyway, hope everyone has a great day and thanks for signing my guestbook!
(These pictures are from Wishing Moon Website.)
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
The best weekend ever.
This weekend was awsome! I got to go to an anime convention. I saw ALOT of AWSOME costumes! O_O I was soooooo happy, and I didn't ^_^ It's the best ever! I just need to get a black wig....some silver paint...*starts counting off*
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
Long time no see....^_^
I know I know! I haven't posted in a looooooooooong time. *sighs* It's sad. But I've had a lot of junk going on. But I do have good news! I'll be able to post fan art soon! *does a dance* I have a scanner avalible to me now! So, YEA!!! *blushes* Don't mind me. Thanks for visiting my site and enjoy!
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