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Friday, November 5, 2004
Well, Halloween was fun. My hair got died pink. ^_^ And, of course, I gots tons and tons of candy. Now my heels hurt, but thats okay. Okay, not going into detail on that.
Bored, so not much to say. Kinda tired. But I’m okay. Oh, and Bush won. *curses* I hates him. *nods her head* Yesh I does. Anyways, nothing to say. Just do this and you’ll be fine.
Survey-thing. You know what to do. >.>
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. Do you love me?
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Friday, October 29, 2004
Date:Friday, October 29th
Time: 10:19
*sigh* I hate updating sometimes, because I hate having to type this all down. But it’s nice to have it somewhere other than my brain.
On one side, Crucifix drew me an Imric as an apology for not getting around to doing the comic. That was cool, and I liked it. Its such a cute picture; everyone knows how I adore Imric. Another good thing is the fact that Halloween is coming up. I’m going as a witch this year(and don’t tell me I’m to old; Dragon Warrior is older than me.), and I’m putting hot pink highlights in my hair. It’ll be a lot of fun, with the Halloween carnival and all at the church. Also, the Dia De Los Muertos celebration is this Sunday, so I’m going to take something for Mr. Tex to put on the church altar.
Bad thing about all of this is I’ve had a killer headache for two days straight, and my face is warm, but the rest of me is freezing. I don’t want to be sick on Halloween. Also, today, when playing my brother and his friends, we were doing this tag thing as groups, and I was about to tag my brother(he was holding one of those multiple-fire play guns), and he moved to gun to block. It ran into my thumb, and my thumb had a purple line on it. It hurt like hell. And it’s still not gone. I think he may have broken a couple small blood vessels or something. We may have to get my blood checked; I shouldn’t still have it, and especially should not still hurt when someone touches it.
Anyway, that’s my rant for now. I’ll probably come back and tell you all about Halloween. Eventually… oh, and my Elfwood library is waiting for an update, so lets hope the mods get around to it before Halloween. *sighs* This headache is killing me. Oh, gods… I just remembered something. The guy I’ve been crushing on for a while, has a girlfriend. -.- I was kind of upset when I found out. My friend Molly told me that Baxter had hooked up with Becca at the church camp. Our church has the different age groups, and me, Molly, and Baxter(along with Andy, Tim, Rose, Mikey, and Gracie.) are all in OWL together. Unfortunatley, I’ve never met Becca. Oh, well. ^^ I’m jealous, but I’ve still got the guy who likes me back… >> I’m a dork. I need to ask him out.
Later, guys. I’m going to bed.
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
Well, just because I said I would, I’m putting up another hting for today. Gah! My brother is doing this thing with sodaplay that is makign WAY to much nosie. =.=
Well, my art is going well. Hopefully, I’ll get a scanner for Christmas. But not before.
Nothing else. More buttons added. Laterz.
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Thanks, heVn! As you can all see, I now have buttons. ^_^ Pm me if you want me to put up your button. (I would put up ALL my buddies, but that would take to long, and I need to go eat!) Well, day boring so far. Loving my table code thingy. Lmao
Well, bored to death. I am trying really hard to draw this one chick from like, fourteen diferent veiws, and its hard. 0.o I got a brand new pen! My old one ran out on this dragon-bead picture I did, so I couldn’t do detailed stuff for a while. -.- I almost killed my blue ink pen with a different picture. Dead hand! Anyway, I’ll post again later.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Waaa! So sorry!
>> My life has been so hectic lately! No updates for a loooong time! >< Okay, lets see.
I finally became a member at Elfwood! ^_^ I’m now an author there, so go check it out! The link’s in my biography. I have this one story that would be up, but they keep saying the font isn’t blue. *grr!* That aggravates me, because every time I check the font color, it says its black.
Happy 80th, Nancy! An older woman from my church, Nancy, turned 80 this month! She’s still kickin’, goes out more often than I do(dude! I’m 13!), and is really cool. I went to a party for her not to long ago, so I had fun. My brother and I made a new recipe for the party, and everyone liked it.
OWL is going well. My mom hates having to rearrange her schedule depending on when Baxter has soccer practice, but hey. ^_^ Everyone but one person refused to come to class if we had it on Halloween. Heh, so the grownups are rearranging the schedule for that. Our church is going to have a Dia De Los Muertos celebration, and afterwards a Halloween carnival. I’m going to be a witch.
Question: how in the world do I make and put up a button? Pm me if you can tell me. >< I wanna button!!!! >>
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
 | You are Rinoa! Your relationships with others are important to you. You like to socialize and have a good time. To some people you might seem a little shallow, but you really just like to be happy and make others happy too. Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here! |
Not much to say except: in eight days you will be able to see me as a writer in the Elfwood domain! W00t!
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
I’m gonna murder my best friend…. Grrr!!!
She was supposed to pick me up so I could help her move, and before I could call and arrange a time, she disconnects her phone lines! And whats worse, she doesn’t have a cellphone! >< AH well. At least I got a new cordless, and its really cooool… >>
Still sleepy, but catching up. I’m not starving anymore, though at the moment, I’m waiting for my coffee. I’ll update later today if I feel like it. >> And I’ll tell you all if she called.
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
>< SO sorry!
When did I last update? I’ll update when I remember to, and when I get the time. SO beware. >< Sorry! ;_; I’m starving myself… on accident… and I can’t stop… waa… its okay, chocolate and noodles is yummilishis. LOL
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
My bff is moving!
Okay, so she’s not going anywhere until the 28th. >< She’s moving closer to me.
Anyways… bored is me…. Humhumhum…. Lalala… whatever… What Ninja Class Are You? What Anime Rose Are You? What Personality Do You Have?
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Monday, September 20, 2004
Kreepyquiz thingy...
I killed Hillary Duff with a MIRROR?? What kinda ppl are you???
 You would be a regular girl. You are very nice and most of the time you are quite mellow. You don't stand out in the crowd but you have a lot of friends.(please rate)
what kind of girl are you?(Anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
Mellow? ME? Eep!
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