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Monday, September 20, 2004
-.- I am STILL exhausted… Really. I got to bed on time, but woke up every other hour, and it drove me nuts! Gah! I had my second OWL class last night… we had a new kid named Travis (very cute), and one of my friends, Molly. Next week there’s no class, though, because Baxter has a soccer tournament in South Carolina! SO he and his parents aren’t going to be there. His parents are teaching the class (I feel so sorry for him…).
My muse came back, and I drew this thing with huge beaded and ribboned wings. Love feathery wings… ^^ Now I’m busy inking it with red ink, blue ink, purple ink, gel pens and such. Its fun.
My best friend is moving next Tuesday, on the 28th! She’s moving to Oconee, and a smaller apartment, but that’s okay. She’s probably holding a Christmas party, which I finally get to meet Taylor and Brittany(In real life; I know them from phone calls), and some others. I would have met Megan at Alia’s birthday party, except she exploded something in her kitchen and couldn’t go anywhere till it was cleaned up. ><
Anyway… I’m going to have one really boring week with no class, so I guess I’ll catch up on my sleep. Dude… O.O There is a lot of wind, and every time there is a strong gust, the fan in my window starts to turn. Freaky.
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
 EIEN, the depressed, soft spoken, cute eyes GOTHIE GOTH! He absolutely adores painting, but he hates singing. Oh well, he is talented but he does not like to admit it at ALL....WHICH PISSES ME OFF! You know him to be really quiet, timid, a little extreme, but Didja know that he could get very hyper if he feasts on too much candy bars and drinks a carload of coffee? It's true, it's scary! He watches anime by the carload, Hellsing, Yu Yu hakusho, um....(i don't know alot of anime...mind you) and i think X/1999 but i could be wrong. oh well. SPOTLIGHT'S ON EIEN!
would a nice guy, badass, punk, or a goth boy go for you 15 (done! new Eien pic) brought to you by Quizilla
>_< MY sexy depressed man! *fights off fan girls*
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Yep. I stayed up till 3 and got up at eight, on Saturday, and I hadn’t gotten any sleep before that either. So I went to bed early and got up at noon. ^_^ Took my shower, and now I feel human. I caught up on my sleep. Yay!
Second O.W.L class is today. SO hungry… anyone got anything I can eat? My stupid cellphone is dead, and I’m out of soda. My muse has gone on a lengthy vacation, so this manga I’m trying to write/draw is on hold (Mitzy Miho: Pyro 4 Hire). Unfortunatley, Tanner (drawing muse) to Olivia (writing muse) with him. -.- MegaTokyo still hasn’t been updated, and Elfwood has become slightly boring. I am bored out of my skull. Suggestions?
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Got up at six, got ALL my stuff done for today... Now I'm bored senseless. XP WHat to do...? Ah, well. I can go draw if all else fails. LMAO CHeers!
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Long day... I woke up on time for once, and no one was up! Gah! And I was up and ready to go! So I went back to sleep. >_< I ran around with my dogs a LOT today, and Crucifix and I (on OB) are starting a manga! Yayness!
Well, I'm hungry now... (my dad made liver and rutabega's; ugh) -.-Now I must go sleep...
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Monday, September 13, 2004
Romance Meter>
>< I got it off James site. Pretty accurate I say. As did he.
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Well, I lofsh drawing(sorry no scanner) and one day I was drawing new Sailor Scouts. They’re the Zodiac Scouts. The only ones I have drawn are Sailor Pisces and Sailor Ares. >< Fun. So, I drew Ares, and suddenly got this inspiration.
Out came an anthro. She had paws, ears, and a tail. >< And she was in a bikini. She was kneeling with a surfboard. I feel so… naughty now. >< Gah.
Well, the first O.W.L class went well… all we really did was eat snacks and get to know every body. Tim liked my Pink Koolaid lemonaide with sprite idea. ^_^ OH! And O.W.L stands for Our Whole Lives; can you guess why its titled that?
I am so sleepy… I got home at ten, went to bed at midnight, then got up at eight forty-five so I could go to the store. >< My life sucks. I got a new set of earrings. Yay. Man, I feel so bad. I still haven’t told Baxter I like him. His hair got longer! Is as cute as ever… Rose told me to stay in eighth grade as long as possible. She hates highschool.
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Saturday, September 11, 2004
More quizes; and-!
Well, tommorrow I start O.W.L(I'll tell you, Linkin, when I remember what it stands for! XP) and we paint the churches hallway yellow! >< GaH! The sanctuary is the color of my livingroom!
 Cool! your the sports Babe,your a tom boy and proud. You love playing all kinds of sports with the guys. They probably think your a dude. Your athletic and strong. Just becouse you like sports dosen't mean your not cute. If you were a goddess you'd be the war goddess.
what type of anime babe are you?*UPDATED* brought to you by Quizilla
 JOYFULL!! you're not as good as alive but close. You're always happy and active. You love life but you have your problems. But you deal with them and go back to your JOYFULL self. You make everyone around you happy and irratated. Well your going to have a joyfull life.
what's your level in emotion? UPDATED agin!!!,GREAT PICS brought to you by Quizilla
 TOUGH GIRL, Cool and No your not a body biulder or a tom boy.your just a cute, strong girl that can hold her own.You rule,but not over me,^-^
What anime gifs are you. REALLY CUTE PICS brought to you by Quizilla
Who 's Your Inner Sexy Cartoon Chick ? brought to you by Quizilla
 Alex is your man! Stats: bloodtype is O, height 5'11''. Hobbies are piano playing and running, He hates to be on the internet alot. His favorite subject in school is history and his least favorite is Math (even though he is very good at mental math)
would a nice guy, badass, punk, or a goth boy go for you 5 (Three new pics) brought to you by Quizilla
SKye-chan, out.
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Friday, September 10, 2004
 ~Blue~ *Love*, his eyes would turn blue meaning he loves you. You must be sweet,caring and a close person. You must be nice, and cool. src="
" border=0>
* Could you be in My crew?* take the Bobby eyes test. brought to you by Quizilla
Your very mysterous and rare. You're usally laid back and very quit. You're shy,cool,com and lazy. You always seem like your hidding a big secert. You keep to yourself alot, even with friends.Rate^-^
What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^UPDATED!!! brought to you by Quizilla
>< Well, ants have been taken care of, and I am studying Georgia! Yay! Lol >< This Sunday O.W.L starts(LinkinPark knows…) so I’m gonna have fun. SO sleepy…
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
>< Finally!
I have my room baaaack! But somehow, tehres ants on the carpet… blah! Oh, well, at least I have my room back! The grandparents are gone and its raining. Gag. My legs are cramped… I’m tired… waaa!!! ;_;
Well, I’m starting O.W.L this Sunday. Anyone know what it is? *blank silence* All right, it’s a erm… >.> <.< >.< it’s a class on… oh, hell, if you really want to know PM me. Its kind of embarrassing.
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