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| SailorBadGirl
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Monday, July 16, 2007
Song: Step Up
Artist: Cheetah Girls
So last night sucked. Like, royally. I tried to go to bed early, right? Well, 11 PM. That's relatively early for me. But I had these pains in my shoulders, you know, only slightly sore. But the pain kept getting worse and worse, so it was making it difficult to sleep. I was in this half-awake, half asleep state so I was dreaming and watching the world around me at the same time, which was disorienting. The pain got so bad that I was crying. That was around four in the morning. I finally took something for it, finally could think straight enough. It took 45 minutes for it to kick in, and I got to sleep around six.
So I'm exhausted.
;-; No one comes here anymore. It makes me sad. Doesn't anyone love me anymore?
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Sunday, July 15, 2007
Song: Jewel Song
Artist: BoA
Yesterday, I was informed that a dear friend of mine, one Josh Moate, was killed in a car accident. He, along with the driver (another kid from my school), were killed almost instantly on impact. La Rochelle – driver – has had a problem with stopping in the middle of a sentence to just stare into space. Apparently he didn’t stop at the sign, and pulled off of a access road onto the high way, and an 18-wheeler slammed right into them. Both were killed.
It’s really hard to lose a friend. Josh was one of three brothers not by blood – my bubba’s. Kevin Reese and Wil Woodrum were the other two. When Steven’s mom told us there was someone else in the car, Steven and I were both afraid it was Kevin because they were good friends.
It hurts when you lose someone you care about. It’s going to be really hard going back to school in two weeks and – you know, you automatically look for them and then remember “hey, they’re dead.”
But what’s really weird is I haven’t cried from anything more than shock yet. I know in about a month, after I’ve heard his name over and over again, that’s when I’ll cry.
Zhai’helleva, ashkes.
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Just thought this was interesting.
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So I got this PM from a member saying his name was Jamin Huggins. Now I searched for the member but it says it couldn't find it! Grr!
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Long Time Gone
Wow. I mean, wow. I haven't been here in forever! *twirls in circles* And for all you crazies who care... Steven and I have been dating two years! *falls over*
I am now a junior in highschool. Go me!
And just to refresh my page... I retook that "What Gender is Your Brain" quiz.
Your Brain is 60% Female, 40% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve
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Sunday, August 6, 2006
Been a long time hasn't it? Heh, I am now driving! Score!
Yeesh, I am so used to using HMTL to be able to even type on websites... how wierd...
Anyway! Steven and I have now been going out a little over a year! Three cheers for the Steffster! LOL I won't be updating that often, if at all. Real life kinda gets in the way. John kinda reminded me this place even existed...
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
I know, bout damn time I added something...
Well, I'm going to Florida for Christmas this year, but I refuse (REFUSE!) to stay till New Years. One, I would feel guilty missing Steven's birthday, and two... I can't be in the same house I was in last year when one of the most important people in my life died... and I didn't say a word. I saw him at the hospital and I didn't even say I love you. I can't be in that house on the anniversary and deal with it. I'd want to die, and with Steven so far away, I would likely commit suicide. *sighs* But neway. Been feeling good lately, drawing a series of astrology signs that actually MATCH and look cool to boot! I've also been writing lately - song lyrics. But since I know you don't want to hear mine, I'll stick in somebody else's - like Josh Gracin. ^_~
Big Brass Bed
Baby, the clock on the wall is lying
It's not really that late
It's too cold outside to be walking around
the streets of this town
Anywhere if you think you have to be can wait
(Baby) Why don't you stay with me
Share all your secrets tonight
We can make believe the morning sun never will rise
Come and lay your head on this big brass bed
And we'll be alright as long as you stay with me, yeah
Baby, there's just no use in hiding
The way that I am feeling right now
With you standing there baby I swear I can't help but stare
Girl you're wearing me out, wearing me out
(Baby) So why dont you stay with me share all your secrets tonight
We can make believe
the morning sun never will rise
Come and lay your head on this big brass bed
We'll be alright as long as you stay with me
Baby don't go it looks like it's starting to rain
And it's so warm here in this apartment wrapped up in this blanket
[Repeat chorus]
Bwah, much luvs to my friends/family. ^_^
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Monday, September 5, 2005
All right, another rare update. And it's just to say...
I am not likely to update again for a while! No, there's more, really. I'm dating a guy named Sam, who lives across the creek, behind my house. A sophomore, and incredibly sweet. Damned three-day weekend. ^_~ I missed both my best friends birthdays, and so had to apologize profoundly - but that's what I get for taking school seriously! But I've talked to both recently, so all is good. Lets see, I started keeping a diary, and my pen has recently died so I have to find a new one. Writing a brand new story, taking this one more seriously than the others. Also currently have a SP conflict, Alex, Steffie, and Magpie all showing up at once. Maybe if I leave the gold coin at home they'll all stay away...
Anyway, sorry for never being around anymore, and I wanted you all to know I'm still alive and I love you all. Ciao!
Stephanie aka Squiggles aka SHapeshifter aka Magpie aka CC aka... a number of things
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Yesh. Quirk is cute. ^-^
And I got my daily dose of Steven hugs, so I am happy. Of course, he drank two hole bottles of Coke today and was frikin hyper when he showed up at school. He kept standin up every time the teacher would leave the room during algebra and I had to threaten to sit on him before he would stay sat down. It was funny.
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
Song: Scars
Artist: Papa Roach
Currently am going out with a really cute red-head named Steven in my algebra class, who is also incredibly sweet. :) Happy about that. *shudders* For homework this weekend, I had to read "The Birds". That is a disturbing story. I'm afraid to see what the movie is like. *shudders*
So yeah. SHort update, but an update nonetheless.
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