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Sunday, January 22, 2006
Sorry i havent updated
Hey everyone, hows everything going? I am sorry that i havent updated in a long time. I have been extremely busy with my boyfriend, school, exams, work etc. I now go to a new high school, i attend Mukwonago. i have Marketing, Personal Law, Gym, study hall, chemistry, College english 11, US history and Advanced Algebra. i am in a club too. The Club is DECA. DECA stands for An Association of marketing students. i am enjoying my junior year of high school. i also have a new member that joined my family over the summer, my older sister crystal brought a baby girl into the world in july, my neices name is Mckayla. I also enjoy spending time with her, My father also has a new girlfriend and she has two little girls of her own, and love me to death, they keep telling me that they wish that i become their older sister which i wish too but they dont know that yet. I turn 18 in september and cant wait. I have also been busy trying to find new pictures i can use on my page. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CONTACT ME, YOU CAN EMAIL ME AT... or
Love ya all
talk to you soon
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
Mukwonago is the best football team we had 3 touchdowns in the first quarter last night at the homecoming game. Tonight is the homecoming dance which ought to be extremely fun and so i am rushing around the house to get ready for it. Will update on monday.
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
my birthday
hey my birthday is on friday so i am really excited because i spend it with my grandparents and my father and brother and then on saturday i spend it with my mom which is really neat. I turn 17 so i cant wait because i am also taking driver ed so i will be able to drive by my next birthday. School is going extremely well. well got to go do homework.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
hey you guys sorry i havent updated in a while i have been extremely busy with my grandparents and with getting ready for school. ill update you guys again sometime within the next couple of weeks
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Saturday, June 11, 2005
im the cute gril for the guys and nice to the grils
hey hey hey this is me a hot chike here that like to see hot guy in actionż? Hey grils there something u like to hear u go read this
----->>>>13 things girls themselves say they want from a guy. 1. tell her she looks pretty 2. write her a note 3. just walk around with her 4. let her fall asleep in your arms 5. call her 6. call her back if she hangs up on you 7. get her mad then kiss her 8. give her space if she needs it 9. stay up with her all night 10. when shes sad, hangout with her 11. stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything 12.look into her eyes 13. sit outisde with her & look at the stars 14. kiss her in the rain HOW MANY GUYS OUT THERE WOULD DO THIS?
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
hey i passed my first hour exam, i'm so happy. im about to take my 3rd hour exam @ 11:30 yeah. miss u all very much.
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
quiz i took

What Personality Do You Have?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
whats up
HEY you guys sorry i havent updated in a while i have been really busy with school, work and things at home. Anyways everything is going good between me and my boyfriend. My cousin told me yesterday that now he is having second thoughts about myself and him which kinda mad me upset because i dont deserve to get dumped. My cousin also to me that he now likes a girl that he goes to school with which upset me even more because he said that we would try to be together forever. Then in the past couple of weeks my mother, brother and myself have managed to get sick and so that wasent any fun. I also had to go to the hospital on saturday to get a migarine (headache) knocked out because it was really bad. My stepdad had to go to indiana for a funeral a week ago and then he had to drive down to flordia to help his dad move some things down there that were left up here. I also found out that my mentally challenged little brother is going to a camp this summer and so i hope he has a lot of fun with that.
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Friday, April 29, 2005
 you are sailormoon and tuxedo!
from Sailormoon
WOW!! this is the ideal couple. you both telling each other how much your love is strong!
What popular anime couple are you?? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, April 25, 2005
Weekend/ boyfriend update
well let me see this weekend was fun on friday night i did absolutely nothing besides work and then on saturday i did nothing until six besides help my neighbor clean her house and then at 6 my boyfriend came over which was a lot of fun. He didnt seem nervous after meeting me and then he met my parents which was actually kinda funny because they were eating but anyways my neighbor offered to let us go to her house and so we which tv, which was kinda interesting. but anyways i had a lot of fun and he might be coming over on wednesday even through i want him to come over today but i always happy when i am talking to him. My parents and siblings all but one approve of him so far so that is a good thing for me. he is supossed to being calling me right away after school. Well i guess i'll talk to you guys later because school is about to start.
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