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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/02/07:
Yay for me! ^^
Who's your guardian angel? Anime pics
Result Posted on 07/02/07:
I'm not so sure on this one...History is my least fave subject in school, but out of school I guess it could be true.
It's back to school! What subject are you? Anime pics
Result Posted on 07/02/07:
What anime are you? Pics, some are Chibi
 ~Fruits Basket~Tohru Honda, has been living in a tent because of her mother's death. She is suppose to live with her grandpa, but he was going to do some work on the next house he will be living in. Tohru is later on found and taken into the one and only Prince Yuki Sohma's house. Sohma family is kind and nice to Tohru. But hold many secrets that you'll find out during the anime. But what is the main secret the the Sohma family holds? Fruits Basket is a Drama and Comedy to enjoy. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/02/07:
I get that a lot...^_^'
What Kind of Girl are you? (pics)
Result Posted on 07/02/07:
What kind of Kitty are you? Anime pics
 You're a cute kitty! Cute and sweet. People love you and never want to leave your side. They just want to protect you forever! Even though you enjoy the attention it tends to get on your nerves. You try to get as much space you can by changing your clothes or w/e. You love to play games and can be hyper at times. You are very caring over your friends and hate seeing them depressed. You also hate it when they fight. But other than that you are a very sweet caring kitty that no one can resist! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/02/07:
In a way...
What kind of elemental angel are you?anime pics
 Your a light angel!! Your stronger than dark duh!but sumtimes you can get sucked into it!! *gasp* So be careful! You are very helpful to others too! but u can be shy too...but there many things that are very special bout you! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/02/07:
Yep! ^^
Result Posted on 07/02/07:
I guess I'm sort of like that...
Which proud princess are you? (Dazzling pics and detailed results!)
 You are a simple princess! That doesnt mean you cant have all the wealth in the world no, it just doesnt appeal to you. You are refreshingly innocent and happy with your life of purity and play. Nature is the setting you prefer to be in - Always. Barefoot and wild you can't be tamed. You'll grow up someday, but you'll always be a child at heart. You are adventurous and love to take risks, and feel a deep connection with the weather, plants, and animals. You prefer sunshine to thunder or snow, the warmth of summer to autumn's chill, and quiet forests to suburban backyards. Though you can be childish, naive, stubborn, and self-absorbed, one thing is certain - life with you will never be boring! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/02/07:
That could be me...I suppose. ^_^'
Result Posted on 07/02/07:
It has to be right now, doesn't it? ~_^
The Personality Resume
Would you rather be an African elephant or an Asian elephant? Why?: An African elephant because I'd be more free.
Would you rather freeze to death or burn alive? Why?: Freeze to death because the heat and smoke would be more tortuous to me.
Name three movies you like: X-men 1.5, X2:X-men United, and X3:The Last Stand
Name three books you like: Princess Nevermore, Ranger's Apprentice, and The Assassins of Tamurin
Have you ever fallen in love with a fictional character? Which one(s)? Why?: Yes, but I'd never say which ones because I'm not obligated to...
Republican, Democrat or other? Why?: Republican because of the way I grew up and my strong dislike of change...
Attendance percentage at high school dances?: Well, I've only been to one...This past year's homecoming.
What television shows do you watch regularly?: Winx Club, Navy NCIS, and CSI: Miami
Abortion is...: Extremely bad. I'm not for taking away a God given chance at life from anybody...
The death penalty is...: A bit harsh in some cases, but in others, I can sort of understand.
How do you take your coffee?: Um, Starbuck's mocha cold coffee or the powdered ones...
How do you take your tea?: With honey!
Who's your favorite teacher/professor?: Mrs. Cooper
How do you feel about your parents?: They can be really annoying...but I love them all the same.
What sort of music do you listen to?: Christian variations and country mostly...
List five or ten bands you listen to.: ZOEgirl, Mercy Me, Casting Crowns, Third Day, and Relient K
Do you use public transportation?: For school, yes (though the bus isn't so great)...
Ever told someone you love him/her?: Yes, one person, but you'll never know who he was...
Morning person, night person or both?: Definitely a morning person...
Siblings?: 1
What are your friends like?: The best people in the world!
Amusement parks are?: Fun sometimes, depending on what is there.
Cafeterias are?: Well, I see the use of them, but I could live without one...
Dogs are?: Great! I have one of my own!
Any phobias, traumas or other weirdnesses?: I used to be afraid of what was in the dark, but I'm starting to get over it. However, I do have a phobia of most bugs...
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