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a foolishly clutzy high school student
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you can call me Shi
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i was like 7
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i love d.gray-man <3 but i love a lot more, but there's too many to name
i want to keep my mouth shut, instead of saying stuff that will hurt others
drawing,singing,writing stories
drawing,singing,writing, pissing people off
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Friday, July 27, 2007
...major headache...
*sigh* last night i couldn't sleep, so around midnight i ate coco puffs...yeah...and then i was asleep for a while...and zu-kun, it only stung me slightly, and it was still alive when my dad went down, well, my fingure does hurt at all anymore...yay...i have nothing left to talk about...edward is being stupid again...well, talk to ya people lata...i'm gona go draw some more stuff
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Thursday, July 26, 2007
...well...i'm offically afraid/hateful of bugs, i just woke up, and it's usually kind of dark, so i feel something on my arm i pull it of, and i feel a large pain in my finger, i got stung by a stupid bug!!!! i think my dad said it was a yellow jacket, and while he's gone to go get the bug, i'm sitting, with my fingure pointing, and i'm waving it around cause it stings like hell, and i can't bend it, my poor fingure...and for all those who probably don't know, i'm not allergic to anything...except edward...speacking of edward, he's copy-righting my art, i have a block styled person, and he's copying my style...grrrrrr...well, i'm gona be going with syn-chan, i'm gona watch her get the hair straightened, i'm gona watch her(...owwwwww...fingure...bending...not good) become mini me, we look alike...and if i could ever find my camera, i'd take a and my unbendable fingure are going to get going, so talk to ya people lata...not that many people visit now adays...and here's my nephew

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
well, i saw my nephew yesterday, and i got to hold him, he's so adorible and little, as i said to shaun, he's my freedom from edward, cause i'm going to be babysitting him, nyaaaaaa, if you people want i can put a picture of him up...anyways...well...yeah...i don't have much tp say today...i'm choking on toast cause i couldn't find the toaster and i had to us the microwave...well, i'll talk to ya lata...
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
again, my brother is an ass...
...grrrrr...edward is a major pain in my neck...1) he won't SHUT THE HELL UP 2) he still won't shut up 3) he's hell...anyways...i finally got past a stupid spot in final fantasy X-2...but then there's another spot right after it i'm having trouble with...well...yeah...anyways...*sigh*...i'm gona get going...i need a nap...i only got 6 hours of sleep last to ya people lata
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Monday, July 23, 2007
well...i'm tired...and my brother is an @$$...he's desided on the weekdays because my parents leave for work in the morning, he thinks it's ok to wake me up cause there's no one around so he won't get in of these days i'm just going to wake up earlier than him and hide somewhere so he can't find me and then take a nap...i hate not having my own room, edward snores, but it has it's good points, when he snores i know that he's asleep and i can continue writing or what ever i was father also snores...don't's raining...well...i'm gona gt going, i have business to take care of *take out knife and starts cutting cucumbers* i'm so hungry...i need you people to do me a favor:
choose 3 months and a day for each month (ex. may 23) thank you, and have a nice day
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Sunday, July 22, 2007
...*sniff sniff*...
my axel-kun...he died...AHHHHH wtf sora, donald and goofy can't sing, they just can't sing at all...anyways...i need to call chi...anyways, yesterday from my shopping trip with molly-chan, i got a sand village headband, and i also got some rising sun arm warmers(don't ask, they were cute), and right now, i'm wearing my headband, i've desided to either wear it around my neck, or like sakura wears her's...anyways...i really need to find my camera...well, i'll tlak to ya people lata, i'm gona call chi now...i haven't talked to her in a while...
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Saturday, July 21, 2007
well, i woke up at like 6:30, so i play kingdom hearts 2, it was fun, i beat some of the bosses the first time, when edward woke up, i bragged, i mean it's not everyday that i can brag...nor play a i bragged by saying "i don't make mistakes, so i learn from your's" i was lucky, he didn't kill me for saying that...anyways...i'm just looking around on a site for kingdom hearts myspace layouts, so far i haven't found any...yeah...anyways...yesterday i talked with molly-chan, and we are planning on going shopping at tokyo kid's more or less an anime store that i was introduced to yesterday...well, i got to get working on finding a wallpaper...for something...maybe i'll make one...i don't know yet...well, talk to ya people lata :P have a nice day
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Friday, July 20, 2007
grrrrrr >.
*sigh*...syn-chan has pocky...*sniff sniff*...and i'm stuck here...babysitting my brother...well, i'll probably be able to go later...i'm going to get to see molley-chan tomorrow, molly-chan is a friend os shi-chan's from school, shi-chan is very happy ^-^ well, i'll talk to ya people lata
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
well, edwards is playing kingdom hearts 2, he refuses to let me play kingdom hearts 1, and we have a new playstation 2, also, i hit my knee while getting into this chair(i usually sit with my legs over the arm of the chair, so you can kinda get home i get into the chair)...*cries* i wana play kingdom hearts, i still need to finish the game *sniff sniff*...anyways...*sniff sniff* i wana play kingdom hearts...that'll be my new theme...kingdom hearts...go to get going, talk to people lata
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
*depressive aura*
well...i'm empty minded again...and again, i'm depressed...edward descided that mom left to deliver papers, he can wake me up, i swear he never sleeps....and now he's calling me a smexy mama(for all of those who don't get it, take away the m in smexy, i don't like saying certain words, and that's one of them)...hmmmm....i think i've been eating too much watermelon...there's none left...other than the new watermelon...*evil laugh* *cough of piece of watermelon* *falls over dead*...anyways...i think i'll take a little nap...or not...well, i'll talk to ya peoplez lata...
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