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a foolishly clutzy high school student
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you can call me Shi
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i was like 7
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Sunday, June 3, 2007
another one of my older brother's friends slept over...well on the other side of things, i didn't get to call chi, my parents weren't home so i couldn't call, and then i played kingdom hearts, so far i've beaten mileficent, but now i can't beat her damn dragon self, so i went back to the little mermaid place, and i beat ursala and her gaint self, found the keyhole, and went back and still couldn't beat the stupid dragon milficent so i'm planning on just leveling up through the collosuim, and i plan on beating hercules, but i play on attempting to call chi-chan again, as long as my parents stay home long younger brother got another game for gamecube, wairo world...anyways, i got to get going, i need to type my of my story, so talk to ya peoplez lata...zzzZzzzZzzzZzzzZ

visit chi-chan!
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Saturday, June 2, 2007
today, our little group that sold lemonade yeasterday, sold cookies and muffins today...and we made money, i thought no one would buy any, but the funny thing was when the mail person came and bought a muffin...well talk to ya lata, i'm gona go call chi now
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...i'm all alone...
well, both my parents have seemed to leave with both my brothers...yay...anyways, yeah, the lemonde stand went pretty well, we got around 10 dollars, i say we should have made the lemonade 50 cents instead of 25 cents...and darn....they're back...anyways, i'm gona get going, got to finish the chapter of my story and then i'm gona call talk to ya peoplez lata!!
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Friday, June 1, 2007
well...i feel so stupid!!! a friend of mine was staying a my aunts house the other day and i totally forgot *goes emo* i like never see her...i feel so stupid.....well other than the fact that i just probally did something i'll never forget, i've done nothing...except go nuts over brother wouldn't leave syn-chan alone while she was here...and then he spit all over my floor and at me and syn-chan...he's a little devil brat...there isn't any one word to describe him...well...i'm probally going to be selling lemonade after school...then i'm gona see if i can play kingdom i'll talk to ya lata....questin? what is your favorite video game?
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Thursday, May 31, 2007
tee hee hee
hi...well tomorrow i'm going to be helping syn-chan out with a lemonde stand, she owes me 14 dollars, so she needs to pay me back, though if we make enough money i think we'll just split it 50/50 or so...and for once, i finished all my homework...with having to be told to do so like 20 times...i'll try to be better next time...try...well i'm gona go download some manga...i don't know which yet...maybe i'll download something i'll talk to ya peoplez lata!!
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
i'm so happy, i got 6 comments yeasterday, anyways, i fixed the quiz thing cause my sister pointed out that i don't like rap and one of the answers said all, so everyone should get that question right if you take the quiz again, here is a warning, most of the question are out of the blue, so some answers will be unknown, guess...
Get Your Own Quiz!, More Quizzes is a question...what is green? can you describe green? well have a good day, i'll talk to ya peoplez lata
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
happy i fixed it
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good morning...i'm i'll have peoplez answer a question or two:
1. what is your favorite color? i like red
2. what is your favorite race(like human,elf,faries,ect.)? i like vampires
well i'll talk to ya people lata cause i'm hungry now...
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Monday, May 28, 2007
the truth
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well, i once again, had an unwanted sleepover at syn-chan's house...well my brothers are home...unforcunatly...and with them, edward has his damn temper, which is really getting on my nerves...*sigh*...well, i'll talk to ya peoplez lata, i'm gona go cook something
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