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a foolishly clutzy high school student
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you can call me Shi
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i was like 7
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i love d.gray-man <3 but i love a lot more, but there's too many to name
i want to keep my mouth shut, instead of saying stuff that will hurt others
drawing,singing,writing stories
drawing,singing,writing, pissing people off
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
meow, hmmm...maybe i should reconsider waking up at 6:15am...instead of 5:30am...hmmmm....i'd really like summer vacation to come so that i could get more sleep...well i didn't go shopping yesterday, instead i looked at a lot of stuff i could buy...which was depressing...well i got to go so i'll talk to peoplez lata...
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
...i will eat you all...sorry couldn't help saying that...i'm not depressed now
hee hee, i'm not depressed now...ok ya all i did was say "i will eat you all" but i thought it was funny, and i'm all smiley now!!...ow....that hurt...anyways....i started to draw other pictures other than my manga...i'm gona get back to drawing manga during summer i get to go shopping for some stufffor my coustume i can't wait. AND ZU-CHAN WILL GO AS SYAORAN FROM TSUBASA CHRONICLE OR ELSE!!!!!or else i'll start acting more and more like mi-chan...anyways that was a note to back to other do yuo draw a piano??i need to now so i can finish the picture i made last night...well i have to get going so i'll talk to ya people lata!!!
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Tuesday, January 9, 2007
hmmm...well...i wonder...what cn i do other than type...hmmm...i'm bored...and my younger brother is being his self-centered self again, what a self-centered brother is spending his day of the stupid phone...what a girly guy...i've finished my homework...and i'm bored...i still have two ish three hours till bed and my mother hates the music that i'm trying to memorize, and there are no headphones...i'm depressed...and bored...and annoyed...if only i had my own's all my big FAT brother's fault...his stupid train room need to get lost...and he need to get a life...can't you tell i'm depressed today...oh how i wish tomorrow would come already so that i could go shopping...then i'd be less depressed...i have a headache...I HATE TRAINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hearing my brother talk and talk about them gives me a REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY HUGE headache...well i'll talk to ya people lata i have to go find something to do that will not involve my brothers...or my STUPID music that annoys my mother...hmmmm...i'm depressed tonight...i hope to be less depressed tomorrow...
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Monday, January 8, 2007's raining...
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TT.TT nooooooo
i don't want it to be monday, monday means health, and school, and a test and a quiz today, one after the other, a math test, and a science's still cold...i don't wana go to school today...oh well, i'll talk to ya people...later...maybe...zzzZzzzZzzz...
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Sunday, January 7, 2007
hmmm...i went to syn-chan's house yesterday...oh i don't think i've said this before but, me and syn-chan have our own fan fic, right now it is 5 pages long and icludes: bleach, inuyasha, fruits basket, and is quite an interesting story...well...i got to get going so i'll talk to ya people lata.......................-.-
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Saturday, January 6, 2007
...i'm sooooo bored... i really should start working on making my outfit...but...the only person who could help me is sick right now...oh then again i could ask hannah to help me but i want my mother to teach me...she still needs to teach me...*sigh*...well i still have like 4 ish 3 months till the con...well i guess you could last manga...was a failure...i kinda lost interest in i'm trying a new one...well i got to get wants the computor, i got to go "hunting" for food(just gona open frige and get an apple), and i need to be bored an draw i'll talk to ya people lata...american girl hopscoth dolls...they are the cutes american girl dolls!!Gwen is the cutest!!
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Friday, January 5, 2007
hee hee
tee hee hee..opps...ya well the day before school starts again i go and get my self grounded...(it's amazing i was actually grounded!!)...and it all because i did my book report at the last minute...-.- opps...well ya here i am on the computor...i had girl scouts today...i'm trying to get my self ready for anime boston...i have to get the outfits together(i'm determined to get mi-chan and zu-chan to also cosplay people from tsubasa chronicle), i'm going as sakura-chan, and i'm trying to get zu-chan to be shryoan here is a picture of what i determined to get me and zu-chan to cosplay

here is a picture of what i'm going to try to get mi-chan to cosplay

well i'm pretty determined right now so i should go and find some good pictures to get the basics of the outfits so i can MAKE zu-chan and mi-chan where THOSE costumes *evil laugh* i really think they would look cute in those costumes, i think i would look cute as sakura too, and i don't want t be all lonely again. well i got to get going and see if i can find another costume mi-chan might wear...cause i know she hates skirt...maybe even i'll talk to ya people lata!! ha ha i'm not grounded anymore...i THINK i have learn...a lesson...i think...
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Sunday, December 31, 2006
happy new year everybody!!
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hee hee i went over to madisyn's house and "babysat" her i'm so happy...other than the fact that after yesterday i think i'm gona end up with more brain damage than 2 days head still hurts...well i was soooo close towatching the three InuYasha movie s i missed last week end...but instead...we went up stairs to her room and spoun each other around in a chair while looking up...we had the need to be dizzy...then i missed all my shows...(tringiy blood, i probally didn't spell that right)i usually watch bleach, trinigiy blood, Eureka 7, Paranoia agent, big O...well ya i got to get going...probally gona have to work on my book project for school...well talk to ya people lata
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