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a foolishly clutzy high school student
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you can call me Shi
Anime Fan Since
i was like 7
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i love d.gray-man <3 but i love a lot more, but there's too many to name
i want to keep my mouth shut, instead of saying stuff that will hurt others
drawing,singing,writing stories
drawing,singing,writing, pissing people off
Thursday, June 14, 2007
i think i might go nuts if i ever go to a amusement park with my school
1) i got stuck listening to chi and dan (a guy from our cluster) talking about things i wish i never heard, zu-kun, me and jade, we are all mentally scared for life because of their talk, it was so disturbing!!!
2) zu-kun left us
3) chi and dan continued to talk about "STUFF"
4) they were so slow
5) at the end when i left chi and dan, i walk around and found some of my other class mates i hang around during lunch, and some of my other classmates walked by, one of them said "hey shi check it out we but a monkey's head on scoobie" it was depressing, a monkey's head on a dog's body, i wounder what he'll be called now...
well in the end i couldn't find zu-kun and the yankkee cannonball rocked, i loved the swing thingy, and the fried dough there kinda sucked...well anyways back to other things, yesterday after i got home, i was here, typing, falling asleep as i did so, cause i descided to read the night before, and i went to bed, hoping to be woken up, but, i didn't get woken up till my younger brother was going to bed (he turns on the light, i wake up), i look at the clock, and wow, it's i stayed on here til midnight, tried to go to bed, ended upreading till like 3 in the morning and then i went back to bed, the end, well 1 and 1/2 days left of school, yay, well i think if i can keep myself from reading at night, i might be awake for school...well talk to ya peoplez lata!!

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