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Beneath the wrath of my shadow
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Vocalist, Guitarist, Nuisance, Life-Wrecker, and Saint. ^^
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Define "achievements."
Anime Fan Since
Since I saw Vegeta perform the final flash. That won me over forever.
Favorite Anime
Rurouni Kenshin, Suzuka, Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad, Bleach, Peacemaker Kurogane
Major in Business Administration, own/run record label, open a small cafe (with manga and pocky!)
Writing music and lyrics, listening, giving advice.
Guitar, Guitar Hero, perception, living on 8 hours of sleep occuring 4-5 times a year.
| Saint Alchemist
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
A Ruined Puzzle (2:58 P.M. CST)
Not much new news today...the teachers are still striking, and the school board has given them an ultimatum: Come to work on Thursday prepared to teach, or all of them are fired and some are going to jail. (Striking teachers are illegal in my state.) Doesn't matter either way - I'm off to a rough start in my senior year. I'm automatically more than a week behind in every class, and I may have to transfer schools. *Sigh* I can never win, apparently...In any case, I was playing a song before I decided to post, and thought I'd put the lyrics up for you all to read. I guess it's relevancy is kind of high...just read it. It's "This Ruined Puzzle" by Dashboard Confessional. I actually play this song a lot when I'm "over-analyzing," but whatever. I think it's a very well written song, and because Dashboard Confessional rocks, I'll put the song up in my Media Player. It's Track 3 - D/C - This Ruined Puzzle. Just click it to hear it, no downloading necessary. Well, either that, or just let my music play through ^^; Saint out, laters.
This ruined puzzle is beige with the pieces all face down, so the placing goes slowly.
The picture's of anything other than "it's meant to be."
But the hours they creep, the patterns repeat.
Don't be concerned, you know I'll be fine on my own.
I never said "don't go."
I've hidden a note - it's pressed between pages that you've marked to find your way back.
It says, "Does he ever get the girl?"
But what if the pages stay pressed?
The chapters unfinished?
The story's too dull to unfold?
Does he ever get the girl?
Well, this basement's a coffin; I'm buried alive.
I'll die in here just to be safe...
I'll die in here just to be safe.
'Cause you're gone, I get nothing, and you're off with barely a sigh...
I never said, "Goodbye."
But I've hidden a note - it's pressed between pages that you've marked to find your way back.
It says, "Does he ever get the girl?"
But I've hidden a note - it's pressed between pages that you'll read if you're so inclined.
It says, "Does he ever get the girl?"
But the hours they creep, the patterns repeat.
Don't be concerned, you know I'll be fine on my own.
I never said "don't go..."
Does he ever get the girl?

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Monday, August 28, 2006
Drowned Out... (11:54 A.M. CST)
Today was a very off-beat day...I can't even really explain what's been going on...
So, there was a student-teacher protest organized to try and catalyze the movement of students back into the schools here. I went and said my few little words and immediately came back home. I wasn't feeling very good today, but then again, that's nothing new. I think it was how I slept...I ended up outside of the covers and the cold air rushing from the vents all night...I think that's what caused it.
In any case, the clouds here have been gray lately. Seriously, almost every day for the last few days, the clouds have been completely pewter in shade. I was back home by 10:00, so...yeah. I basically sat around the house and talked to Jamille for most of my morning (she called me as soon as she woke up). About an hour ago, I started feeling worse, so I opened the front door and spent some alone time with my thoughts. After a while, it began to rain...the rain is the most beautiful spectacle to witness on this earth.
I find it so serene, and I can sooner gather my thoughts and try to comprehend things that, in other situations, I probably wouldn't understand. I revel in's so clean, and pure, and so...symbolic. It makes me think of...attrition - being worn down by the crashing of the raindrops. But out of that grinding, friction, and abrasion, comes something so pristine and wonderful - a new shape, molded from the erosion and arising as something new and unknown.
Alright, enough of my inner workings. I'm supposed to be enigmatic and mysterious >_>; Apparently, I'm failing ^^; I've been having some issues with a file I was supposed to host here for my Angel to hear. But...yeah. I've been having some file conversion issues (apparently it was saved as an .wma and not .mp3). So, in it's place, I put up something else she'd probably like - "Haruka Kanata" by Asian Kung-Fu Generation. It's a song from Naruto that she wanted to put up, so...I've figured that much out, if you're reading this, and I'll put it on your site for you whenever you're ready ^_~.
Oh, by the way, I'm listening to "Where Have You Been?" by Reel Big Fish. Awesome rock/ska song.
Now I'm gonna vanish...I'm still feeling a bit nauseous and I'd rather sit and listen to the rain for a bit longer. It's so much easier to do this when your family's not home ^^;. Laters, everyone.

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Sunday, August 27, 2006
On The Last Day... (3:20 P.M. CST)
So, let's see...I've decided against my half-assed .hack//SIGN theme, and went for what I knew - a Dirge of Cerberus theme! 'Cause Vincent Valentine is just that awesome. Best video game character of all time, hands down.
I've also put something else up here for a certain someone. Last I checked, it wasn't working, so I had to re-do it. I'll bet she still hasn't checked here for it, so...heh, we'll see. Keep your ears open, genius ^_~.
In other news, right now I am locked away in my little brother's room to use the computer. I've got some relatives and family friends over here visiting - and I'm not enjoying it in the least. Actually, I want to play Dirge of Cerberus right now, but the kids are downstairs in my room playing other games on the PS2. And I can't call my girlfriend because she's doing other college stuff. I can't hinder her college success, and she does deserve a life outside of me...therefore, I'll leave her be until she calls me.
Not like I'm doing anything anyways. The teachers are still on strike. I don't even know if there'll be school tomorrow, but I'm praying so fucking hard...T_T I don't wanna stay here again. Summer is over! I accept it! I concede! EDUCATE ME, DAMNIT! *sob* T_T
*ahem* And now that I've had my moment of hysterics and overdramatics, I think I'll cool down ^^; I think I'm done rambling now...I have a tendency to do that a lot, and it serves no purpose...I apologize.
Oh, I almost forgot - I'm listening to "Beautiful Flower" by Default. I'm trying to go through my expansive media player library and listen to all of it. In doses, of course.
At this very moment, I have: 995 songs, amassing 63 hrs., 20 mins., and 41 seconds. Grand total of space used up: 4.28 GB.
I'm ridiculous, aren't I? XD. Laters! ^^;

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Thursday, August 24, 2006
Primer! (8:38 A.M. CST)
So, this will be my first entry on this site, so I suppose I should leave this one up. For those of you who once knew me, hi. To those who don't remember, I am also Saint Sniper - I had a few site issues, so I decided to create a new one. (Actually, I've had this site for a while, just haven't done much to it, as you can see).
Now that we've broken the metaphorical ice, let's move on. Today is both good and bad - incredibly wonderful, yet excruciatingly painful. It's raining and thundering this morning, and I'm enjoying every second of it. At the moment, I'm waiting to take my kid brother to school, and I'm listening to "Last Song" by Gackt, and reading the news about how the teachers in my town are STILL on strike - therefore, I'm not going to school today. (Truth be told, I have reasons why I wasn't going anyways). Really, I'd like to go - this is the beginning of the end. My last year in high school...and I want to finish it and be done with it altogether. Of course, I want to enjoy it, but I want it to "fly by" as formers have said it will.
There's also something else that's bothering me. My girlfriend of two years is leaving to go off to college later today. I can't exactly say that I'm happy about all aspects of it, but I want for her to be. She's going off to start a new life - and even though she says she's had the experience before, it's something so wonderful and rare that I want for her to be happy. And I'll still see her whenever it's possible - it can't possibly be as bad as when she went away for high school. In retrospect, I must be some kind of patient person lol. It doesn't really matter, I suppose. I know that she's the one that I want to be with, so waiting isn't an issue for me. Only makes me miss her more <3.
Well, I need to wrap this up, because I think my little brother is ready to go to school. I'll update again another day.
And if you're reading this, Angel, I love you so much. Good luck today ^^;

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