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Beneath the wrath of my shadow
Member Since
Vocalist, Guitarist, Nuisance, Life-Wrecker, and Saint. ^^
Real Name
Define "achievements."
Anime Fan Since
Since I saw Vegeta perform the final flash. That won me over forever.
Favorite Anime
Rurouni Kenshin, Suzuka, Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad, Bleach, Peacemaker Kurogane
Major in Business Administration, own/run record label, open a small cafe (with manga and pocky!)
Writing music and lyrics, listening, giving advice.
Guitar, Guitar Hero, perception, living on 8 hours of sleep occuring 4-5 times a year.
| Saint Alchemist
Friday, September 8, 2006
Okay, let's go (9:10 P.M. CST)
mar'tyr - n. : 1. One who makes great sacrifices or suffers much in order to further a belief, cause, or principle. 2. One who endures great suffering without complaint to arouse sympathy.
That's one of my favorite words. Not for any particular some cases, I think martyrdom is foolish and prematurely conceived. However, in some cases, it could be the most clever of tactics, if manipulated precisely.
Just one of my quick thoughts...
In any case, I just thought I'd let people know what's going on in my world at the moment. It's looking more and more like I'll be attending the University of Southern Indiana next fall, which is cool. I'm also intent on applying to IU Bloomington and Manchester College. Whatever works, man. Also, I've been involved in a lot of school activities. The way I see it, with me being a senior, a lot of activities would be really nice-looking to a lot of colleges. So, here's a *general* rundown of how busy I'll be soon:
Robotics Team
Academic Superbowl Team (English + Fine Arts)
Boys' Varsity Tennis
Student Council c/o '07
Spell Bowl Team
Stage Convo (Jazz Band)
Theatre Guild Stage Crew
Class Activity Coordinating Assistant
Not to mention rebuilding and reforming PARANOIA, and doing my own solo acoustic recordings. That, and focusing on schoolwork and maintaining the few close friends that I do have.
It's gonna be one hell of a year, that's for sure.
I can say that my classes so far are easy, and I'm actually working ahead in some of them (Econ, Pre-Calculus). I haven't worked ahead in a textbook since my freshman year, so it'll definitely be interesting. Em...what else? Oh, and I'm participating in all of the senior activities. I don't think I'll go to all of the dances...or any, for that matter...but I'm gonna help coordinate them and plan them out. And I'm going to do Senior Ditch Days and go to as many home games as I possibly can.
I want to be as close to my friends as possible, because I don't want us to drift apart next year. I already feel as if a lot of people I knew that were seniors last year are 1.) going through major changes, 2) incredibly busy with classes, or 3) have totally moved on, and accepted the fact that even a long-distance friendship has become the inconceivable. *sigh* Oh, well then, eh? I can't force anything upon anyone, and I know who my truest friends are.
For that reason, I consider myself to be the not-so-social. I'll smile and wave and speak every once in a while, but either you know everything there is to know about me, or you know close to nothing. I hate to sound so typically "emo" or "goth" or "outcast" or whatever, but I'm being what I really am. I don't like mass numbers of friends - lots of people so large in numbers, you don't even know if you can trust them all or not.
Nonetheless, remember all of their names and numbers, haha ^^.
In any case, I'm gone now. I think I've written a novel at this point, but if you've read this far, I love you <3. Takes a lot out of you to read the pointless crap I post here, haha. Laters.
