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Beneath the wrath of my shadow
Member Since
Vocalist, Guitarist, Nuisance, Life-Wrecker, and Saint. ^^
Real Name
Define "achievements."
Anime Fan Since
Since I saw Vegeta perform the final flash. That won me over forever.
Favorite Anime
Rurouni Kenshin, Suzuka, Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad, Bleach, Peacemaker Kurogane
Major in Business Administration, own/run record label, open a small cafe (with manga and pocky!)
Writing music and lyrics, listening, giving advice.
Guitar, Guitar Hero, perception, living on 8 hours of sleep occuring 4-5 times a year.
| Saint Alchemist
Friday, January 12, 2007
To be brief...and not so brief...
Hey, everyone. I was sifting through a lot of my old material, and thought to post something here. First of all, I'd like to thank my Kizu for getting me my awesome wallpaper. Secondly, I love my dearest Angel. I love you, sweetheart. I guess it's kinda like that song goes; "I think she gave me something to live for - I guess I helped her pass the time. And it's cruel, but she's got a good hold on me." <3
Anyways, on to the main reason of my post (aside from showing off my awesome wallpaper ^_^;). A dear friend, Deena, told me that I'd encouraged and inspired her to write something. So, while I was going through my stuff, I found one of my darker poems. I think it's really rather emotional and not that great, but it's all I had with me, so...yeah. Any comments would be nice lol. Take care everyone. ^^;
Mercy Killing From The Pages
Take this blade, prepare for the worst.
Take this oath, swear by it's sharpened edge
Promise me you'll kill me with no remorse...
Be ruthless; cut me down, banish me from this realm,
Because I cannot bear existence any longer.
Don't look so surpised, and I'm begging you,
From the bottom of my heart, do not deny me this time.
You stand there, inches away from me -
I'm right here. Does it appear to be as 'alright' as you think?
Dreams' constituents feed from ending this misery.
I pray, night after night, to never rise from this bed again.
Why? Do you not comprehend?
My life is expired...completely depleted...
Hours of creeping heartache.
Minutes of misery ridden cries.
Seconds of stabbing regrets, spilling blood.
My eyes are so exhumed that they could never shed a single tear again...
I've exhausted my life's supply too soon,
Wasting them on people so undeserving, and I admit it;
The king of the damned fools all along was myself.
I've realized, in my time of emotional incarceration
That the meaning of existence is not life or love - far from it;
Brooding death...violent, twisting, vengeful death.
I've no time for your pleas; my time is nigh. Do it or I will.
Decide now - no more waiting! Three, two, one...farewell...
