My name is Rawra.My birthday’s at October 19 I’m 12. I have my mum, dad, three brothers, the biggest one is married so, sister-in-law and 1 nephew.

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Sunday, December 12, 2004
What anime kiss are you?"
 You have a goodbye kiss...sweet and romantic, but tragic. Is your beloved one leaving?
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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What's your anime-girl steriotype
 Childish Girl:
You're still a kid, don't you?! Your naivity and happyness are your charm! Just try to be more serious, sometimes you forgett this is the real world. Remember: u cannot fly!
What's your anime-girl steriotype?! brought to you by Quizilla
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IF you werent human WHAT would you be
 An alien! Because you arent one of us! You never know whats happen around you and you have a serious problem with our language!!! You have to think REALLY careful before you answer a question and walk REALLY slothful cause you DONT want that we noted that you EAT WITH YOUR ASS!!! Right?
IF you werent human WHAT would you be? [ CUTE PICKS!!!] brought to you by Quizilla
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HOW are you TODAY
 You are... OK! That's true! You are perfectly normal and happy!
HOW are you TODAY? [anime picks^^] brought to you by Quizilla
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Are you Spring, Summer, Auntum or Winter?
 You are Summer!!! You like the sun, you like the water and you LOVE the beach!!!
Are you Spring, Summer, Auntum or Winter? [ WITH BEAUTIFUL ANIME PICKS!!!] brought to you by Quizilla
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What Different Element Are You?
 You are Balance. The Balance Element is the balance between Light and Dark. Balance was created when the two Elements,Light and Dark,where at battle and threw their Dark and Light magic at eachother at the same time. Coliding with the magic,Balance was born. Balance keeps track of her creators,making sure there is an equal amount of Light and Dark in the world. Being made up of two elements,Balance's mood changes rapidly. Being Balance,you have both Elements inside of you,meaning you are a moody person. Sometimes social and sometimes anti-social. Your Elements would be Light and Dark. And your creature would be a werewolf! Congrads! You're the Balance between Light and Dark! ^^
What Different Element Are You? For Girls only! Lovely Anime Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
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What Type of Anime Angel are You
 You are a Light Angel. The next best thing to God himself. Light Angels are cheerful and caring,and a real people person. They can't stand being lonely or left out of things and dispise devils or other evil creatures. Sometimes they can be judgemental,meaning even though a person is different and seems to be evil they really aren't. Light Angels stay in Heaven with God,keeping an eye on the mortal world below them. They would never kill,but try to defend themselves if possible
What Type of Anime Angel are You? For Girls only. With lovely anime pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
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What's wrong with me
What is it that you want?
Feels like i'm fighting to stay near you
Why do you keep pushing me away?
What is it about me you don’t like?
I have so much to offer and you know that I do
I’m beautiful why can’t you see
Feel like I’m disease when I near you
I know I look like a fool hanging by you
Guess I’m just a clown
Why do I like you like this
Why do I put up with this?
Who is going to offer a love like this?
You won’t find a love as good as mine
But I guess you'll never know
You don’t even want to look my way
Yet when you fall I run to catch you
Starting to hate myself for being like this
Why don’t people care when my tears fall down
No one understands you like I do
I treat you like no other would do
Why are you like this
How can I like some one like this?
Breaks my thinking
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What’s on your mind?
What’s on your mind?
Why isn’t it me
Are you just blind?
Or don’t you wanna see
Don’t you feel my words?
Can’t you hear my heart?
It’s screaming for you
But a small whisper
Steals your attention
What can I do?
You won’t accept my affection
Don’t you like what you hear?
I’m offering my world to share
I’m giving you my dreams and
You don’t seem to care
I just don’t know what to say
Or how to react
It doesn’t seem right
How can you be like that?
You ignore my everything
So why do I call
It’s always been about him
There’s nothing here for me at all
Is it sad what I do?
Cos I feel kinda low
Am I bothering you?
I really need to know
I struggle for a reason
For this game that you play
You try so hard to please him
It’s time to give up and listen
To what I have to say
Look I can’t take anymore
I’m down to my knees
I was strong before
Now I’m begging you please
Get out mind, I’d rather be alone
Than to waste my whole life
Feeling like a thorn
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To those with shouldn't love
A lonely beat flows through my veins
I seem to spend my life looking for you.
The thing that brings my happiness never has.
Though my mind just wants more
Deep down my heart cry’s for it to stop.
When I get the strength to go through
Then they come along and break me again.
I wish the world could see me
I wish the world could appreciate me.
I dress myself till I look so pretty
And wait for just one response of love.
Foolishly I break my heart over you again and again
Have you ever noticed me or thought of me
My thoughts of you are everlasting and desperate.
Do you even hear me?
Have you ever seen me?
I know I can’t wait for you any longer
And I know I will wait here for you forever.
As endless as time, my head spins
Thoughts and feelings bear me down, till I can’t breath
Love is suffocating me
I would tear out my heart and burn my soul
Just to see a sense of joy in your eyes
Although my heart aches and my pillow is full of tears
I would wait here forever
What kind punishment is this?
Regret and desire.
In a house full of love and joy
How can a man feel so cold?
I sit at home alone thinking of what I could of done
And what I should do
But when the time comes you’re not even there
Why must I hate me?
Why can’t I stand me?
Without you, I would love me
Without knowing you, I would respect me
Why must I have you?
Why can’t I have you?
Why do I need you?
Why must you hurt me?
Pick me back up, and break me
Seem to love me, only to hate me
I’m the laughing stock of the world
Yet there is not one, true laughter for me
Only a hundred fake smiles, I wear to please you
Though someday they ill save this tear falling from my face
And so it begins again
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To those we shouldn't love
One day I will have the strength to not even see you
And you will beg like I did for you
I’m going to build myself up so I can break you down
And the world will want to see me
And the world will appreciate me
And my smile will be everlasting
And my joy will bring the house down
But don’t worry loneliness I won’t forget you
When they see me it will be spectacular
They will want to hold on to me so desperately
I can imagine the yearning in their eyes
I can imagine the pain in their hearts
I will control your emotions
Like you all controlled mine
And to my companions
That day I will realise the love you had for me
To get me through these cold days
I will find a way to double it and repay you
Because there’s no more broken hearts for me
And no more sad days for you
I’m sitting in my room
But I’m thinking what I will do next
Not you
Because I’m not think of you tonight
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To My On going Strength
After time we all find, all people can be paper thin
Yes we all have faults and I know we all make mistakes
But that doesn’t mean that those mistakes don’t hurt
I wish they didn’t but believe me they do
I feel sometimes I would be better off alone
At least then I can say I am for responsible
I can’t find an answer to why people hurt people
I have searched so hard to find out
Why has their heart turned out like that?
Do they ever realise what it’s like to be hurt
How can people still do it when they know
I always end up believing that’s its me
Somehow I get confused and think people hurt me cos
I have done things to hurt them
Well NO, I guess last night I found that people are vindictive
When they find someone else is happy or has something good
It’s so sad knowing that deep down no one wants to see you’re happy
Hey! Except your family (and you my on going strength)
You can see annoyance in their heart
And feel their lack of care in their eyes
When you’re happy you’re bragging
When you’re smiling their jealous
It kills any joy you have inside
I think its time I let go
I have my family and my ongoing strength and of course Allah
It’s crazy the best relationships we have is the ones that lay in the heart
The ones that don’t call, you the ones you don’t see
The ones that are always there
Even when you’re alone and sad
The ones that keep you warm when you walk home
I don’t wanna be alone
But I can
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The magic is you
Each time the wind blows
I just long to be close
To you’re embrace
Because there’s a warmth in my heart
Knowing you care.
Such a tender a love just sweeten the air
And in my every breath
Holds a sweet memory that was once there
So when I lay here alone
And dream of the world
I’m flying on a carpet just me this girl
We’re flying so high
Through that paradise sky
But if you weren’t here what would I do?
Because I now realise that it’s so true
That when I look deep in your eyes
I’ve found that this magic is all you.
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Some words that are special
I want to say some words that are special to me and to you
Cos I have never pledged like this before
I was just a guy
Looking for a girl
Trying to be happy
In such an unkind world
Now, I feeling crying when I understand
That instead I found an angel
Who would hold my hand
Tears of joy god blessed me with
That help to honour all the love you give
I want you to know
You are in my heart
When ever I’m alone
Or feel lost
I know your presence
Will walk me home
Although we can’t be together
You are my secret love
You’re in my heart forever
The one I’m dreaming of
Please don’t be sad
About the way things are
I know it’s easy
When we are so far
But try and think
Of the memories we had
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Second best
Let me tell you how it feels to be second best
It’s like there is nothing you can do, to be the one
No matter how much heart you have, or how good you are
It will never matter, or make a difference
It’s like every time you try, people will laugh
You end up laughing at yourself
Cos if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry
You just wanna get away from it all
Get away from everyone
You wanna prove them wrong
Then you think what’s the point, cos you know you can’t.
Whatever is the reason for you losing
It will never make sense to you
Who is high and who is low is a sense of perception
A question of the mind
And you will never understand their minds
So don’t try
In fact we don’t even understand our own minds
Who is beautiful who is not?
Everyone has beauty but not everyone sees it
So beauty, do we decide that or is it pre-installed in our heads?
Is it something we can’t and maybe shouldn’t change.
I feel Beauty a matter of taste,
I believe that it must exist like that
We all must win some and lose some
Otherwise we would all fall for the same person
All fall for one girl (I guess she’s a winner!
I guess she will pick a guy, and the rest of us guys will all lose!)
That’s why loves a funny thing, to some we are always second place
And then to others we will never be, that’s cos to them we’ll always be the best
So never be sad you’re second cos we all are
And remember at the same time we are all first. So smile
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I’m living as some else to you keep you in my heart
They would take my soul and keep us apart if they knew the truth
When will I be allowed to breathe your name?
When will I ever see your face?
I’m in a world that that won’t let me be
I must face the world with a smile I cannot feel
Somehow I know you are screaming out to me
Each night your love fills my eyes
Since that night the arranged marriage changed our lives
I know we weren’t meant to love
But still how can a man meet an angel and keep his heart
I never had the words to say how much I felt
I know it is worthless to say since we are no longer
I’m dying every second to hold you near
How am I to live a new life I never wanted?
You love keeps me alive, only to tear me down every moment
I miss you and our time
It’s like a memory I can’t remember
Cos I m been forced to forget
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Lesson time
Well I’m in lesson and my head’s still consumed with you.
I have 45 minutes, damn how will I make it through?
Man it’s crazy how I’m mad for you,
But when I close my eyes it’s time again for our rendezvous.
Yes I want to be free of these thoughts,
But I cant. Didn’t want any others,
It’s you I’ve always sought.
We hear so many love songs, but now they have meaning.
When a man cries, I understand the feeling.
I realise that the hurt and sorrow is very piercing.
It breaks even the strongest heart ‘til it’s cold and shivering,
Then leaves it’s mark so it hurts just living.
Should have known about this feeling from the beginning,
But men will always crave women to give their lives meaning.
Well the lesson is nearly finished now but don’t know what he’s saying.
Missed the pearls of wisdom the lecturer’s been giving.
Damn it’s a weird life I’m living
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Waiting for love
Here I stand again
As she passes me by
She hasn’t noticed me again
I never even caught her eye
And though I smile, my heart is in tears
I wish our worlds could collide
Cos she’d smash all my fears
Cos all I fear is her
Not wanting to be by my side
Will she ever know what I m about?
Will she ever care?
I need to know,Cos it’s starting to rain
And I m still standing there
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I’m worthless
I’m ugly
I don’t be wanna be me
I just wanna it to stop
I can’t escape this, I’m trapped
Every now and then I wonder are these words true
Or is it just how I’m feeling.
I’m so certain I was great once
What happened to me
So easily we can decline
Why do you think they are better than me?
I have so much to much offer
Why don’t you see me?
Is it me who is blind to the truth?
Is that the truth?
Or is it just how I’m feeling
Everyday I grow old
Soon my time will be here
Will I be ready? Because I’m so far behind
I have so much to do
What good is a table with a broken leg
Even though the frame is good
I guess it has become worthless
What good am I with a broken heart
Even though the surface is good
I guess I have become worthless
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Goodnight girl
You know me so clearly
And see how I try
You feel me, and heal me
And you won’t let me cry
You keep me so near you
And yet see me from so far
But I won’t a tell soul
I won’t tell at all
About my goodnight girl
Doesn’t matter how sad he made you
Doesn’t matter how hard i cried
Just remember the same old reason
Things are easier
By each other’s side
My Goodnight girl
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Broken silence
Broken silence by the tears in my eyes
Washing down my face
But they can’t wash my heart
Of this everlasting pain
Proud of whom I am
Happy for myself, as a girl
But the world won’t accept me, as I am
They discriminate, won’t see me as I stand
My love, my friends will leave me one day
I must hide my tears though (I can’t show I cry)
Because I won’t show that it’s true (that I’m broken)
I am the strength that shouldn’t die
The smile that keeps them warm
But won’t some one love me?
Why can’t the clown laugh for himself?
Why can’t the joker hear a joke?
I feel so cold
Yet I know I’m beautiful
Wouldn’t change a thing
Why can’t they see it?
Are they blind or am I?
Am I rejected by society?
Or don’t I accept their view
Maybe it’s the same thing.
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