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myOtaku.com: saiyuki chick

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

alright!!!!!!!!!! we get to do testing all week long!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!...(extreme sarcasm ><;;;) *sigh* i hate testing...not like i'm the only one, but oh well...grrrrrrrr...><;; and maybe it's just me, but the tests seem insultingly easy...i'm not saying i want harder tests, or anything...God, no...but it's like Testing for Dummies, i swear!!
"class, open your test booklets up to page one and open your answer documents to page one."
...because we'd open to page 36 otherwise...
"turn to page two in your test booklets and read silently while i read aloud, 'read the question and make the best choice. fill in the appropriate bubble. continue until you come to a stop sign at the bottom of the page...'"
so sad...we wouldn't know to stop when it says "STOP" fer God's sake...
"do sample question number one, and stop when you are finished."
what, we're so incompetent that we can't do sample question 2 right along with it?!
...after taking 3 hours to get through sample questions 1 and 2, you can finally start. the part you're supposed to be working on takes you 20 minutes, and you were given 2 hours...it's pathetic...

*sigh* well, if any of you are also testing this week, i hope the creater of your tests think that yer all just a tad smarter than that...-rolls eyes- LAME!!!!!!! i read demon diary 2 three times...then i had to read it again for SSR after homeroom...*sigh* i read comics over again, but not 4 times within 3 hours...i'm sorry...-glares at nothing in particular-

well...now that yer all bored to death with my complainings...are any of ya planning on doing anything fun anytime soon? ^^

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