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myOtaku.com: Sakabato Samurai

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

   why always this class?
once agian, i come to you from my engineering class, but this time its first period instead of second. lots of schedual changes. i dropped 2 classes, got 3 new ones and only have 3 classes that are at the same times as before. my binder is orgoanized for once! YAY!!! i've been working on a drawing and got a new sketchbook to do it. its a nice one too. i'll post/submit the pic when im done with it. im gonna get photoshop soon. i've decided to pay more attention to the moon, now that i can see it again. its been cloudy for so long. i bet i'll at different. anywho...MY B-DAY IS IN LERSS THAN A MONTH!!!! and its a full moon. kickass! anywho(again) the seahawks the the steelers in the SUPERBOWL!!!!who are you gonna root for? SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!! (once again)anywho...the bells gonna ring in like 5 minutes, so...um...HAVE A PIC!!! Image hosting by Photobucket OR TWO!! Image hosting by Photobucket OR THR- ...nah 2 is enuff. BYES!!
*fades away inot the falling snow*

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