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myOtaku.com: Sakabato Samurai

Saturday, February 25, 2006

   hectic week!
the past few days have been rather...um...f***ed up! ok, no school monday as most of us know. then tuesday was a fairly normal day. not much happening. then wednesday we had "career day" we went to our second period class and stayed there doing random stuff for a while. then he talked about the schools academy program for a while. next we went to an assemble and ppl dressed up in mardi gras outfits we throwing beads and glitter everywhere. also, someone was allowed to dump vast amounts of glitter from the ceiling and it got everywhere. ppor janitors...*shakes head. then we had lunch and they combined all 4 classes and it was so crowded! spencer was able to convince a bunch of ppl to play spin the bottle and kinda forced me to play, but noone actually kissed eachother. then we went back to our second period classes again and talked about signing up for next year and pickied classes and stuff. i dont know if i wanna major in web design or pre-engineering yet. hmmmmm... then we had like 3 diferent career thingys that were like mini classes/assambleys. then the busses were parked on the other side of the building than normal. so we went home and i typed up a six page research paper and did the research for it. ^^V we had 2 weeks. then the next day, they combined all 8 classes instead of the usual 4 a day. they wetre short and we didnt get anything done, but they tried to teach us anyway. we had a 55 minute lunch which was great, cept spencer got lots of ppl to play spin the bottle again and they litterally force me to play. one gunho girl tried to kiss meon the lips and missed and bit my nose! her hair got in my mouth too. BLECH!! well then today was normal. ish.

anywho: unless your blind, you'll notice i changed my theme. its cool i think. i like it better thatn the last one. i jsut thru that one ogehter in like ten minutes. i spent like an hour oand a half on this one.i think it paid off. i watched the amv and it had many spoilers. so if you are watching evangelion butr havcent finished it on your own...WATCH IT ANYWAY!!!! its really good. fits the song perfectly, and its a great song too. a classic.the series gets so mcuh bloodier and stuff at the end. i cant let my little sister watch it anymore. nope. nope. well, im gonna go uh...do...uuummm...something....oh! btw:im trying to get alerts on my site and its not worknig for asome reason. i made it work before, but i think i altered the code somehow. help my out please! also, if you didnt already, go read my new intro and some new profile chenges please. well...uh...Ja Ne!!!

*fades away into teh falling snow*

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