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myOtaku.com: Sakabato Samurai

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

ok, all done with rants and such fior now, so this is gonna be a normal post. nothing important or noteworthy has happened recently, well, there is one thing, but i havent made it official yet, so then i'll post about it. heres another unofficail maybe: i couild be getting back into teakwondo. its a program thats sparring, weapons training, and XMA (extreme martial arts) unfortunatly, its $95 a month. too much for now, but im gonna be putting in a job application tommorow to the local grocery store. hopefully that'll all pan out. oh and tomorrow (wednesday) i get the day off! YAY!! im probly gonna finally clean my binder, you should see it. theres this crazy girl in my speech class who enjoys writing "____�� kylie" then she replaced kylie with alex, who is a guy! then she went even farther and put Ms. Wargo, our teacher. now kylie, who is also there, is righting "___�� boys" on everything. they seem to aim especially for things i still have to turn in. and for the record, i dont like boys. or my teacher. nope nope... ok, back on track: actually, this is totally off track, but still...we had a discussion thingy in freshman success class (yes, thats an actual class) about fairness. that turned into talking about schools that need a certain # of non-white ppl, which turned into a discussion about immigration, which then turned too cuba, which then turned too the ethics of employers who hire illegal immigrants. i really think the whole system and policy the US has right now is way over-kill. anywho...sorry i havent visited many sitres latly, i havent been on much. i'll take tommorow to do that too. ok, so no questions tonight, me too sleepy...-_-zzzzz then again, im always sleepy latly it seems. ok, well heres a pic!

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so much is done with this pic, i konw, but i couldnt resist ^_^

ok, byes!
*fades away into the swirling cherry blossoms, but falls asleep before dissapearing all the way*

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