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Sakabato Ronin
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Member Since
minimart image assosiate (stock boy and janitor)
Real Name
Kakeru Yoshi
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot, if your one of the 2% who hasnt, paste this on your profile
Anime Fan Since
the first time our eyes met
Favorite Anime
all 3 FMP series, dokuro-chan, peacemaker,fma, rurouni kenshin, wolf's rain, s-cry-ed, naruto, evangelion and inuyasha MANGA: ranma1/2, kenshin, inuyasha, love hina, chobits
become a famous musician or writer, obtain a black belt in 3 different martial arts, survive high school
Tae Kwon Do, Writing, Reading both novels and manga, and doodling on scraps
singing and writing music, writing, drawing, acting, raising hell. ^__^
| Sakabato Samurai
Saturday, May 6, 2006
hey guys!
well, today was an ok day. i never did get my wristband back. i think if i dont get it back mopnday, i'll file a report at the school office. i think you guys got the wrong impression. he didnt put me in a sleeper hold and then take it, he took it because i was too afraid to do anyhting.even my friend lewis leaves as soon as he shows up without a word. if only i could get my kunai into school...
speaking of which! i did get that back today. my parent took it away because i stabbed the workout bench in my room repeatedly. ^__^ but now it has returned to me! BUWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! more good news today, i turnmed in the mountain of makeupwork for geomtry!! HORRAY!!! to top it all off, i got to rent anime!! yeah, i got final fantasy unlimited vol 2. and my sister got all purpose cat girl; nukunuku. i havent watched mine yet, but my sister is watching hers and she says its really gunny, so i'll give it a shot. also there, THE LOVE HINA OVA!!! YAY!!! my mom said i can go get it tomorrow. *dances around!* yeah, so thats all thathappened for my friday.
oh wait. in case your blind, NEW THEME!!! oh yeah, and congrats to KITABUG69!!! for 1 full year of otakudom!!
heres a random tidbit of information: my shirt says otaku right now!! in kanji and romanji!! for those of you who have no idea what im talking about, kanji is the symbol for it and romanji is it written using western style letters. yeah. ok, so now to questions.
1)what does your shirt say right now?
2)is there anyone who you deal with alot who intimidates you? ~ DUDE! this guy intimidates the guy who intimidates me!, tho the latter not so much anymore.~
3)did you follow that?~barely~
4)will you go visit kitabug if you dont already?
5)whaty do you think of my newest theme? ~i actually have the poster thats my Bg, but its got more in it.
6)go watch my scrolling pics!!~ok, so its miore of an order or request, but please do, i worked hard to find all those!
ok, that alls. latr!

edit: apperatnly, there is something wrong with the previous post style that was up here, becuase at the first place i pressed the enter key, thats where it begins the post. so im gonna have to finsd out whats wrong with my coding, till then, no post styles. sorry
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