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Sakabato Ronin
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minimart image assosiate (stock boy and janitor)
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Kakeru Yoshi
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot, if your one of the 2% who hasnt, paste this on your profile
Anime Fan Since
the first time our eyes met
Favorite Anime
all 3 FMP series, dokuro-chan, peacemaker,fma, rurouni kenshin, wolf's rain, s-cry-ed, naruto, evangelion and inuyasha MANGA: ranma1/2, kenshin, inuyasha, love hina, chobits
become a famous musician or writer, obtain a black belt in 3 different martial arts, survive high school
Tae Kwon Do, Writing, Reading both novels and manga, and doodling on scraps
singing and writing music, writing, drawing, acting, raising hell. ^__^
| Sakabato Samurai
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
hello everybody
im actualy supposd to be headed for bed right now, so i may keep this breif. well, as breif as i can be. you know me well enough to know my posts are usually very long right? see, there i go already, taliing and rambling and typing and just putting down whatever comes into my head! moving on before i start spilling my guts completely!
today was a fairly uneventful day. yes, i always say that, but i always yave such long posts. school started off like normal and blah blah blah. nothin special there. i got home and watched a dvd with 3 different anime eps on it. it had hare+guu, macross, and misaki chronicles
macross was alright. very oldschool. looked like it was from aorund the time of speedracer. hare+guu is what i like to call a "'WTF?!' anime" its really random and kinda embarassing to be seen watching it because unless you see the episode or understand just what kind of show it is, you'll think "what the hell is this kid watching?" but really its very funny in some weird, halucinagenic way. misaki chronicles looks very interesting. intugueing and original concept too. but the basketball-sized boobs are a bit distracting, i must admit. i must et more of hare+guu! anywho, the only other thing i did today was loook up some stuff about wicca. im begining to find it very interesting. vearing away from the mormon church has really opened up a lot for me. when i was there every few weeks it was: "wait, so i cant like that anymore or i cant do this, this and this, which means im going to hell?!" thats really how it is when you think abot it. if anyone who is mormon is reasding this, dont take offense. im just stating my beliefs and you can feel free to state yours. as long as it doenst attack me or my beliefs. anywho, where was i? oh yes, wicca. it is witchcraft, but not in the traditional sense. a wiccan doesnt like chant over a bubbling cauldron or hex ppl, but its very in tune with nature. im still gathering lots of information about it and know very little. it looks interesting and ties in to everything from celtic to buddhist to native american in multiple ways. i am kinda hooked now and want to learn much more. i friend of mine is wicca and i can ask her about it if i ever get the chance. i may have to trap her with mints. she's a bit crazy about them. theres lots of stuff about elements and astrology and signs and spirit guides and faeries and crystals and meditation and energy and chakra a bunch more! i emialed the makers of "" or maybe it was .org 0_o oh, and i drank this really good tea today too. thats all. no piccy today, bed time. latr!
nope, wasnt short....
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