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Monday, October 9, 2006
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
You Belong in Spring

Optimistic, lively, and almost always happy with the world...
You can truly appreciate the blooming nature of spring.
Whether you're planting flowers or dyeing Easter eggs, spring is definitely your season!
Yesterday I was soooo tired coz I rushed to do my homework, and then today I got NO HOMEWORK, well no exactly, but still it's finally like...not rushing time, you know, I think I might be updating everyday! I'll try of course, but right now I am^^ I'm kinda happy today^^
Maybe Mata ashita~
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Sunday, October 8, 2006
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
OK Ill update:
but I got so much I feel like writing it here, here it is:
Stuff due on :
Monday: French Correction, Eng Lit poetry, History WWI worksheet, EPA worksheet, Reading English bk to Chapter 16, Eng Lan mind map
Tuesday: Comp Lit movie making, RS project making, Bio test
Wednesday: Geog powerpoint, Chem movie worksheet
Thursday: French Dictation, RS project due
Friday: French retest
Skool life in Hong Kong is REALLY hectic, just like my uncle said@_@
I just realised how much there is...
BTW, someone comment how they got got deleted, who wrote it anyway? Well thanx for all the comment, yeah my score sucks but I'm working on it ^^||
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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Goodbye...and maybe forever
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
As the title suggest, I might be leaving otaku...oh no my otaku account might be still on, just that I might not update anymore... why?
Today, First period: Double Eng Lan,
Watch movie, do worksheet, got highest mark, me happy
Second: Double PE
Did high jump properly, teacher have high expectation of me, me happy
Double French:
Here's the bad thing, ever since French everything went downhill... e got our French's our scores:
Tiffinay: 87%
Marcella: 76%
Stephie: 68%
Kayla: 34.5%
Alisa: 33.5%
Me: 0%
Go ahead, laugh. I didn't study, I got to this new school, their syllabies is at a totally different level. So I failed, I get to retest, but what's the point? And on Bad Friday too...
Then Maths, I nearly failed...
Full marks: 44
Pass mark: 22
Full mark students: 3
Failed students: 3
Me: 24
So yeah, gone downhill, get it?
I think it's coz I've been obsess with Internet, and basically Otaku... So I think I should just stop surfing the Net and cut my broadband so I can study well... I just think it's bad, I'm getting my Bio test tommorow...and a test next monday of Bio about I should study and EPA too, the rights to complain...blahblahblah...
So I might never update again, coz I really wanna get good grades... before I go I thought I'll give a message to everyone...but only to ones I feel like something to talk about...
LS: I really like ur stories...but I might not be able to read if it's ok can u tell me the link to all ur stories by PMing me? Thanx
Jaguar: Thanks to you I've learnt a lot about Jap words and new actor/ess that I never knew. It's nice to see u doing research and all...
SAS (sizic-aka-sakura): U no the song u got on ur site? Yeah, I feel like that now too...I feel like I wanna die...just coz my marks...but I feel realli bad...
Shishou: Thanks for ur tutorials and all, it made my site prettier...
Le kun: Thanks for teaching me about the words at the bottom of the net thing...I didn't put it up yet but I might later...but thanx
I would have written more...but I dunno what to say to everyone else...sorri
So I might not update anymore...but I might stop by and check my PMs or gbs or comment and stuff...
I hope Ill get some sort of heaps of PMs, or heaps of people commenting to mke me feel better...or maybe gbs
if ur my new friends and u just signed my gb, Ill get back to u some time... for going to ur sites...I might come just one last time and yeah...
Well this might be long but it's worth it...if I'm in a good mood, I might come and comment...but I got these hws to do:
- Read English bk to Chapter 13
- EPA worksheet about the duties of consumer
- Physics about light rays
- Biology study about enzymes
- History worksheet about the two alliances in WWI
- French study for retest on next Friday 13th
- RS project about sorrowful mysteries
And they r all due by Friday...happy me~
Oh I added something at the top, it's to give hugs, hope u click...
Goodbye...maybe forever~
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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
Okay...I'm getting too obsess now...but I guess it's better than my friends...
Right now I'm trying to do my Biology hw, French hw, English hw, Eng. Lit hw and Physics hw all at once...and well, not going too well...
My friends right now should be going out with their bfs and they just come to school and copy people's hw...
U see the difference? That's why I don't fit in at school right now...
Oh yeah, BTW a new quiz updated to my quiz results...but it's for girls so don't bother guys...unless ur gay... and i'm sure none of u are...
well bye, need to do hw
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Monday, October 2, 2006
hoi hoi
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
Yes My aunt's wedding is very different, no standing up and walking down a great long stairs and stuff, not priest saying 'do u take -name- as ur wife/husband. No flowergirl and whatever-boy. yes, just plain.
Jaguar - Yes I have fun, it was kinda nice to attend a wedding coz i never did...
athrunsgurl - hm...i'm trying to be a straight A+ but it's not working right now...but u should keep trying ^^
animegurl - it's ok, but at the beginning was kinda boring ^^"
Le kun - i don't get addicted, actually i don't even remember how to play, i got the most cards left coz i didn't wanna win, i have no interest in
New quiz:
1. What kind of friend make u feel happy?
2. Chocolate, Vanilla or Strawberry ice-cream?
3. What's ur favourite colour?
4. What's ur favourite period in ur life? e.g. High skool life, primary skool life, working life, etc.
5. which do u prefer? Chemistry, Physics or Biology? (Can be all or none)
My answers:
1. Friends who are cheerful but serious when doing class project
2. Vanilla, chocolate and strawberry i hate
3. Sky-blue, lightish-blue, and basically all the shades or blue!
4. High School in Australia
5. Chemistry and Physics
Biology seem so boring to me...and the DNA is the only thing intersting so I memorise only that for the test, no cell wall, cell membrance, no nucleus what so ever^^
See you next time!
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Sunday, October 1, 2006
My aunt's wedding
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
Like I said, Ill talk about my aunt's wedding, unfortunately it's just a simple one so no flowergirls or anything, just...plain. We were at a wedding and just the adults drink wine while us(the kids) drink Orange juice or coke.
Now I finally met my new uncle's family and they r so randomO.o
There's only a family with children, one 5~7 and one APPARENTLY 15. I capital it coz she doesn't look like 15, the age of my oldest female cousin. Here is how she look:
-Heavy black make-up (it might be alright if ur 20 or something being a punk, but HELLO! She's just 15)
-Smokes in the bathroom (mum doesn't no, only me and my two cousins know)
-Dress with REALLY Ugly clothes
-but of course it matches her face
Really her mouth sticks out and her nose is flat...not to be mean but it looks kinda weird to me. Before eating, there was a table for Chinese gambling game, it was there for the people before, but they didn't move it yet. Me and my cousins were just random grabbing the blocks and making pyramids(that's not how you play but we were just having fun^^) and then she was like 'What the heck r u guys doing?' and then sat down and ACTUALLY playing the gambling game. We put out cards randomly and she was like no no that's not right, and said we're hopeless! I mean, we never play gambling games so how should WE no? In the end of course she won (she new how to play)
The rest of the evening was OK, the adults sit at one table and the kids another. You know how before people eat they say 'Cheers!' and drink their wine? Yeah our parents did that, and then one adult (a photographer) was at our table, and when the food arrived, he siad 'Cheers!' and we sighed and siad with no enthusiasium 'Cheers.' and we drank our orange juice/coke. The parents laughed of course but we were like saying to each other, that was sooo humilating...everyone just quit ok?' and then yeah, we didn't cheers again.
After having the main course we went outside and play with our 5-6 years old cousins...Actually lemme give u my cousins' names, including those not there:
Jackie: 24, in Canada
Nicky: 23, In canada
Winky: 15, my oldest female cousin (sister of Vicko)
Wimby: 13, My oldest little cousin (sister of Vicko)
Vicko: 5, annoying yet cute little boy cousin
Robin: 6, kawaii little girl cousin
Sharlene: 10months old, dunno much, but like to dance a lot^^
Mark: 8months, Robin's bro, sleeps a lot -_-
OK so anywayz, Me, Winky and Wimby went outside the room into the hallway and played with Robin and Vicko. Actually only me, each of my hand was in Robin and Vicko's hand, and they run around me making me dizzy @_@ and Wimby and Winky laughed, and then both of them got dragged in as well. Now the girl I was talking about before, I don't know her name, but she played on her phone, so yeah well leave it at that.
Actually mum said her English is less than Year 7 level...and she 15...and Me and Winky were chatting about how boring Biology is...and then I was like:
Me: Hey do u actually remember what the full DNA name is?
Winky: Well we were suppose to remember it but i forgot
Wimby: I used to remember but right now I forgot
Me: I learnt it yesterday, it was something like...Deoxyribonucleic acid...i think
Girl: -silence-
The evening was quite fun, and considering that everyone was thinking I'm still the straight A+ student like I was in Primary School, it was rather fun^^
Oh yeah, I'm not a straight A+ anymore, but trying to be^^
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Friday, September 29, 2006
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
OK so I said I'll change my theme to Daa!Daa!Daa! right? I found a wallpaper, put it in my Photobucket...but after the link, I went to my site and it said pic removed! And it's not and some other pics I tried with others before r the same! So for now Ill stick to Tsubasa *_*
Oh yeah I don't need to go to skool on Monday coz it's Chinese National Holiday, the day after Chinese flag-raising's where we sing the anthem and stand still and look at the flag raising...if u don't get my short Ill be on otaku then and Tommorow Ill talk about my aunt's wedding...
Me: Well it's done!
My mind: WAH! Too old to be flowergirl but too young to be bridesmaid!! WAH I wanna be flowergirl but too old wah!
Me: *cough* Now we shall end this...
My mind: WAHHHHH!
Me: *speak to mind* shut UP! I know OK?!!
My mind: OK
Me: *to u all* now this is the really the end
My mind: Yes I shall now...
Me: Shut up, yes, please do.
As u can see the bg is made by me (with horrible cuttings using Paint) and the avatar too! So now u all know what this anime is, except the missed the bottom part... I placed the pic of them getting married *in someone's imagination* here's a pic of them kiss^^

Oh yes and this is the full version of my pic(some of u might not see the bottome coz I didn't), somehow from 1024x768 it changed and made it smallerO.o but here's the pic:
Well Enjoy~
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
gome mina! Didn't say I changed my theme and avatar...well u see it already, so yeah...
But anywayz I saw ur comments, I think I might go with Daa! Daa! Daa!...except I can't find any pics as a bg...and I don't wanna make one, coz I lost my Adobe Photoshop...(that's part of the reason why I didn't update) and so I can't be bother with using Paint...but I'll try, okies? Maybe next next week la~
However, I'll still give u a poll okies?
Click Here to get this from!
Oh yeah^^ I'm at skool right now, we get to use computers at lunch...different from my old skool lol~
Mata Ashita~
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Monday, September 25, 2006
Ta da!
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
Not much people comment last time...oh wellz but as u can see...TA DA!
NEW THEME! I'm actually watching CCS right now but I choose TRC...I'm thinking of making a Toya theme, but I haven't got the pics yet... Just tell me what theme u guys want me to have!
Themes to choose (say in ur comments):
- Tsubasa
- Naruto
- Fruits Basket
- Prince of Tennis
- Inuyasha
- Daa! Daa! Daa!
I actually want Daa! Daa! Daa! but not much people know the anime... oh wellz just say which one okies? ta ta^^
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Saturday, September 23, 2006
About me
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
Hey everyone... I just think well...I think I should tell u guys all about u know me better:
~About moi~
Age: 13
Birthday: 18th Nov, 92
Birth Place: Hong Kong (It's somewhere in China)
My childhood: When I was 1, I moved to Australia in Sydney. I lived there and study there until Year 1, and then I came back to Hong Kong, here I study and became the *smartest* (not boasting, just telling the truth^^) kid in the grade...and I also become he youngest in the grade, and often go referred to o-chibi (well they didn't say that, they just said little girl). In year 5, I moved back to Australia, Sydney and study in Pymble Ladies' College, where I'm not the smartest anymore, but I don't really care. There I became in the top maths class, the 5th English class, the 2nd Science class, and Japanese class. In year 8, I went back to Hong Kong, and that's now. Instead of going to Form 2 (which is year 8), I am now in Form 3 (so basically I'm a year faster). And that's about it...about my's not full of excitement, but I can also say that next Saturday my 7th aunt (I got 9 aunts and uncles)'s wedding, and I might say what's happening then...
My favourite animes: I like all, but especially Inuyasha, Naruto, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Fushigi Yuugi, Daa!Daa!Daa!, Prince of Tennis, Mermaid Melody and Furuba
Anime currently watching: Prince of Tennis
Favourite lesson at skool: Maths, English, Physics, Chemistry, Music...basically everything...except RS...coz I'm not religious...and they can't force me to believe
Favourite Singers: Kelly Clarkson, The Veronicas
Languages I can speak: Cantonese, Mandarin, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese...
Languages that I'm FLUENT at: Cantonese, English...oh yeah gibberish ^^
Languages that I can speak properly, but not to a fluent person: Japanese, French, Mandarin
Languages that I only know a few words: German, Italian
Languages I can't speak but will to speak: Korean, Latin
~Random facts~
Height: 160cm
Weight: 45kg
Family: Mum, Dad and one annoying older brother
~My family~
Mum: She cooks me food, she takes care of me...
Dad: Important to be around so I can ask him about Physics and Maths and Chemistry homework
Brother: Just something to make my day somehow interesting, we yell at each other, and can fight to death...i think
~My HK friends~
Peggy: older than me by 4 months, has a sister with the same name as me, lazy, hopeless at maths, has a bf that she toys with
Jenny: older than me by 1 year and a half, hopeless in every subject, lazy, sad, had 3 bfs and another one that just dumped her a few days ago
Grace: Older then me by 3 months, looks like a 10 yr old kid, smart, listen to teacher, do all hw, no bf, VERY picky with food
Karena: Older than me by 4 months, kinda hopeless at maths, tries hard in every subject...yet fail, funny, acts like a baby
Ceris: Older then me by 4 months, not very good at any subject...yet not too bad, no bf, gossip a lot, bitch about people a lot
Homeroom Teachers: OK, sometimes seem to pick on me, sometimes laughing at something NOT funny
Maths teacher: Do maths, yet make wrong answer, need us to help him see the wrongs, he's funny
English teacher: not very artistic, random, make us LOL
RE teacher: -yawn- what do we do? I think we read ze Bible...yeah that's it...ZZZzzz...
Eng Lit teacher: seem strict, yet nice, but acts strict, yet nice...wait I'm repeating myself O_o
Physics teacher: Boring with light rays and stuff but I like drawing the light rays^^
Chemistry: hm...chemical...toxic...flammable...Corrosive...Harmful...we got a sticker for all of them, some student put flammable on their head and said 'we are flammable'
Biology: Photosynthesis...yadayadayada...blahblahblah, I know them...and I'm pretty sure u do too
French: improvement
Free lesson: Go to library, bludge, do nothing, sometimes hw, talk with my french friends(it's suppose to be Chinese History, but since we're French-ies, we have free lesson instead), laugh out loud...yet not loud coz we're in library...
*Looks up* O_o I wrote a lot...I didn't even realised...hope u guys got time to read all that... well, Ill write about my aunt's wedding next Sat or Sun ok?
BTW, I think from now on I'm just gonna have friends who ACTUALLY comment on my site and stuff, so if u r not on my friends list and wants to be on it, then comment on my site ok? Unless of course it was ME who added u...
-new quizzies-
-go to my quiz results to see-
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