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Friday, September 22, 2006
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
I haven't updated for 2 days eh? Well on Wednesday I got to go have a teacher to coach me for French...and she works so the earliest time she could come is 7:30pm...so for 1 and a half hour...and so by the time we finished I have dinner, then I do my hw and can't update...
The same thing with Thursday too...except it's with Madarin...and 6:30pm...I got more hw so I need to work on it...I'm obsess with finishing hw...like I said some time before...
So right now I'm in school at lunch and we're free to use the net...and I'm writing this...with my friend sitting next to me looking at what I'm typing... she's laughing at me how I'm soooo slow at typing...oh wellz...
See ya around tommorow everyone! Mata Ashita!
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006
My lovely lovely Home E lesson...NOT
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
First kiss, of course, never ever ever ever had a kiss before, from a guy i like anywyaz...
Your Candy Heart Says "First Kiss"

You're a true romantic who brings an innocent hope to each new relationship.
You see the good in every person you date, and you relish each step of falling in love.
Your ideal Valentine's Day date: a romantic dinner your sweetie cooks for you
Your flirting style: friendly and sweet
What turns you off: cynics who don't believe in romance
Why you're hot: you always keep the romance alive
So anywayz today at Home Economics my teacher said this:
Teacher: So some of you girls might be on diet correct?
Class: *silence* ...
Teacher: hm... well ill tell you all the reason NOT to
*rambles on about how important Vitamin A, B, C and D is to our body...and i forgot what they do already so i'm not writing it here^^*
Teacher: All right? So don't go on diet because...Diet, Diet, Diet and then...die
Class: O_O *minds saying 'WTF?'
Teacher: Yes, because you don't have enough proteins, carbondioxide...sorry I mean carbohydrates...yes carbonhydrates *she really said that^^*, fats, Vitamins and minerals. and so...diet, diet, diet and then drop the 't' and then you...die.
*she move her hand in the air in a straight line, meaning: dead people, no pulse*
Class: hahahahahaXDXDXD *because of the drop the 't' thing
Teacher: yes it sounds funny but in real life it's horrible, so don't try ok? Look at the ppor African child on page 12. He's thin, but does that make him healithy? No.
And before that she said this:
Teacher: OK, usually when friends call u fat, ur mind will also think this: stupid, clumsy, ugly. and thin: cute, smart, adorable.
*So moving back to before*
Teacher: He's thin, but does that make him healithy? No. Nor is he cute, smart...maybe, adorable. He looks like he's in great pain...so...be happy with what u have and don't think about being too thin or too fat ok?
-end of lesson-
Well OK it's not the end of lesson, it's just that i got so bored *coz the lesson stuff is pretty obvious* that I day-dream...ZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZzzz...
Well at least school this time is alright, I hope ur day is alright!
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
MATHS HW!!!!!!!! OKOK I got maths hw today right? My maths teacher said to do Supplementary excercise 1 and 2...but then I ask my friends about whether to do the WHOLE page or just the question...and they said just question 1 and 2...but I doubt the teacher give that easy questions...ARGH!!! I can't do my maths hw!!!! OK so the hw isn't until Friday...but this is just me, the finish-the-homework-first-and-play-later type.
The reason is coz of this: I use to play first and then do hw...one day (it's pretty the VERY first day I start using the computer...or even knowing how to^^) I got obssess with using computer (I find the typing intersting...how it corrects my spelling^^) and so I got excited about TYPING O_o...but anywayz moving on...I used so long that I didn't do my homework...later...next day i didn't/couldn't hand in hw...and I got busted...
So I learn the lesson (of course with my mum yelling at me for not doing hw too^^), do my darn, annoying, stupid hw before playing...of course now I can't do hw so I'm writing this (I consider this as playing...well sorta)^_^
And you guys can say I'm the nerdy type girl...but I don't mind, coz I just wanna play stuff on net without worrying about what to do after...I alwayz have a time management thingy...you know, what to do and when to do...stuff like that...and yeah...I'm kinda drifting off ze topic...wait what's the topic again? *scroll back up* oh right ...
OKOK I'm exaggerating, but I will just be thinking about it so much that I'll...*sigh* what am I talking about? I don't actually know...whatever, right now...Back to Tennis no Ojisama^^ Hoi hoi, nya~, mada mada dane ^^
Sayounara mina, mata ashita! See ya all tommorow!
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Monday, September 18, 2006
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
OKOK as you can see I now got my wallpaper STUCK there...thanks to Jaguar and shishou for helping me! OKOK Jaguar gave me the site for the wallpaper help thingy...which is to shishou... so now...ta-da! My lovely new bg! so like my title says THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is to shishou and Jaguar...
THANK YOU!-hugz- I know I said it already but THANK YOU!!!! hehe^^ Me happy!
Oh yeah...I got a french test today, and I dunno the score yet but I bet it's low *I didn't study for a year already* and a sudden maths test...but for maths...
I GOT FULL MARKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe such a happy day today!!!!!!!!! yeah!! So much exclamation marks!!! But whatever!!! Me happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Wee!!!!! hehe^^
OKOK Ill stop now...byez^^
~My newest quizzies updated~
Your Life Is Worth...

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Sunday, September 17, 2006
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
Alright everyone I solved my problem^^ (The problem was about how I couldn't put Sakura*points up* up...but now the problem's done...
Oh yeah I changed my bg...into a cuter one... and I actually have a question...how do people have their background stuck there while the page moves up and down? oh well...if you dunno it doesn't matter...so anywayz... going to dinner with my mum's family...AND I GET TO SEE MY CHIBI COUSINS!!!!! OKOK, so they's 5 and I'm 13...not much different...but they r soooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!*gets hyper*
*talks fast* OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!! KAWAII CHIBIS!! Here I come!!!!!!*runs off*
heheXD see ya all around^^
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
Hi there! Me adobt a chibi, but I don't have enough room to put it at the top*points up*
I need to delete something at the top to put this*points down* up, any suggestions?
I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Sakura Haruno
Likes: Sasuke-kun -^^-, owner, owner's friends and being the greatest ninja!
Dislikes: Orochimaru, Kabuto, owner's brother
Owner: Sakura -^^-
Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!
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Friday, September 15, 2006
Hong Kong 3.5 earthquake!!!
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hong Kong got an earthquake yesterday right? It was soooo KOOL! OK so it's not really a strong one, 3.5~
So anywayz I was updating my post yesterday right? Mum in shower. Anywayz I was typing and then I feel this shake...and then it stopped...I was like WTF? So I got up and ask mum when she came out, she was like, r u feeling alright? I don't feel anything.
So I thought great, another imaginary thing that I imagine...watching to much anime i am...
so next day headlines:
'Earthquake shook Hong Kong, none injured, but 1 died'
So, that person was near the quake and he was on i think the top floor and shook him off his balcony...
It was kinda cool, living though an earthquake, it's just another thing that could make my life more intersting...without killing myself. Anywayz I went to Ocean Park today, saw the pink dolphins and the cute Panda from China, An An and Jin Jin. They were asleep though but they are still so cute...here's the photos my friends and I took:
Enjoy~ The panda pic is not ours, I found it on the net...it's very close but i can't make it any smaller sorri~
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Thursday, September 14, 2006
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
OMG! I forgot to write name on my PE shorts and shirt right? And the teacher make me stay back at school for half and hour! So I'm gonna be home late!!!! Anywayz I got there at 3:40 *school ends 3:30* and then she said *she's actually nice* even though u came 10 mins late, I'll let u go at 4 anyway. and she went back to the staff room.
So I was just standing there, like a total idiot, then everyone went, and the teacher came out and went to the bathroom. She came back *it was 3:50* and she told me, next time I should listen properly because she said we talked about it in class and she DID say people will have to stay after school if forgotten. She then said OK next time don't forget ok? and she let me go! Like 10 mins earlier! So I went home and now I'm typing this in...
On the other hand, in RS *XDDD* we got a sub coz Mrs Poon was sick, and he was soooo crap at speaking english that even make my friends laugh. At the last 10 mins, he said this 'Those who have finish the task then please do ur homework or just sit there quietly. And plese *here's the funny part* DO NOT DESTROY UR NEIGHBOUR'
I told my friends *they were working, I finished* and we crack up...here's the convo:
Peggy: What u serious?
Me: Yeah
Karina: XD he's so hopeless...make me feel smart la~
Grace: Don't be so mean...
Peggy: Destroy...haha, i think he means disturd
Me: yeah it is
Karina, Peggy: XD something smells la~*it's like our canto saying of someone said some stupid and doesn't realise it...sort of*
Anywayz so the bell rang and then I went to the staff room, hang around til 3:50, and then went home. My grade is going to go to Ocean Park tommorow as a Wide-Life Learning Day...this day my skool made up. Anywayz we can't get cameras or Ill get a pic of the Pink Dolphin or something and put it on here...oh well...
Anywayz see ya all~
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
to tell u when I'm away
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
Click Here to get this from FreeFlashToys.com!
BTW, I actually have enough time today...well I did a few quiz so look at them alright? Oh yeah, Ill put this thing*points up* up when I'm gonna be away for more than a day OK? So u guys know, anywayz later
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Monday, September 11, 2006
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
Hey there! Sorry I haven't been updating! Ya know...high school, I'm in Year 9(yeah a year ahead...don't call me nerd alright?) or in HK we call Form 3. Anywayz I can't update for a while but Ill still go around everyone's site*hopefully* and comment! Just don't have enough time to write... anywayz i definately can't update on Friday coz my grade is going to Ocean Park for Wide-Life Laerning Day and so I can't update... I'm writing really fast here I'm REALLY freaking busy here with studying and tests and stuff*even though it's like the first week, but this is the life of HK students* so yeah.. excuse my grammer and spelling and stuff, anywayz hope u guys have a great week and see ya around later, and Ill try to comment on ur post ok? Bye~
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