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Sunday, October 22, 2006
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
OK just then I read the comments...so here's something to everyone here:
Le kun: Lol I said Happy Birthday already but anywayz...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
MoonlightDreamer7 : Aw...until March? Well don't worry, March comes by quickly...oh yeah, welcome to my site^^
Little Birdie: End of July? Well remind me okies? Ill go to ur sit then and say Happy Birthday to you...Ghostlyninja's b-day is at the end of this week? OMG! I'm gonna say Happy Birthday to him then!!
Kazehara4: Woah ur older than me by a year and 4 days! lol^^ Well Ill come by ur site and say Happy Birthday okies?
In case I forget anyone's birthday, send me a PM, and Ill go to ur site and say happy birthday, oh yeah I might make an e-card as well for everyone, and MIGHT put it on Otaku to let u all see^^
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Saturday, October 21, 2006
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
Oh yeah baby! My birthday is less than 30 days!!! YEAH~
Oh yeah my oldest auntie is coming back to Hong Kong for a visit from Canada!!! I'm so happy^^
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Friday, October 20, 2006
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
If anyone got MSN read this:
OK everyone, I got this link from my friend right? It says 'Is that you in the photo?' and a link. I STUPIDLY clicked it and WHAM! everyone's MSN chat window pop up and the message I just clicked on got send to all the people. Everyone told me to shut up...it's very upsetting...then I said sorry to them and they said it's ok...apparently this is going around the world right now. So everyone if you see that message on MSN, close the window IMMEDIATELY. I didn't log into MSN for a while now, and my friend told me just then (via email) that everyone got that too, that their comp is f***ed.
My hand is sore...not only because of typing this blog fast, but coz I had to type 'sorry' to everyone, that means 20 people. And then it happened three times, so time that to 60. Then include moving hands at different windows to shut it(that's what happen when i got the virus) and then saying 'sorry' to everyone AGAIN. I even wrote it in my other blog. Hopefully my friends won't hate me for this...some of them said shut up to me for typing, and they won't forgive me and not believing me that i didn't mean it...
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Place: IT Lab, when: Lunch
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
Lol I'm sooo happy^^
Well I just had French vocab quiz right? And ok I didn't pass...but I didn't get a 0 ^^ I got 6.5/20 ...oh wellz it's a better mark, a good one for me. I mean, I suck at French so it's ok...
I'm kinda happy^^ not high though... and oh yeah, thanks for saying about my bg, I like it too^^ Fujiko-chan is so kawaii^^
But it also symbolise something about me...look at how he's dressed, now imagine I have a friend...dress like him, not as a cosplay. You know what it means? I don't wanna say. Anywayz it symbolise my friend and Halloween. Yeah...^^
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Thursday, October 19, 2006
Oh so sorry
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
Oops apparently even 'I' can't see it...I did the first time though...
Well anywayz I changed it okies? I upload to my photobucket account so now it should be better...it worked for me, so hopefully...
Anywayz today's nice^^ I got A- in maths test and A in my Chemistry report. I would have gone high but I never do...dunno why, I just don't...so yeah I just siad 'Yeah.' and then smiled and sit down, like nothing happened...^^''
Anywayz hope you all have a nice day! Here's a cute pic^^

In case you couldn't see the words there it says: Does the word KAWAII mean anything to you?
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
New look
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
IMVU - The World's Greatest 3D Chat
Hey everyone! As you can see I haven't changed my theme for a while! I now feature Fuji-senpai from Prince of Tennis, he dress as an angel at Halloween^^
Anywayz the theme is about Halloween(obviously) and I hope you all like it!^^
Pic of the day:
* From now on I will have a pic of the day here, sometimes I might not have, depends on how much time I've got, these pics are not by me*
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
IMVU - The World's Greatest 3D Chat
OK today we got Home Economics, it's like cooking... anywayz we make portugese chicken, we try making food from around the world, anywayz mine, with my partner, was really great^^ And we got recess and then two lessons before lunch... Here's the problem:
We taste our food a little and LOVE it. But we got no fork so we can't eat...T_T and then we came late to recess coz of clening up and so we can't go to tuckshop to buy food. And we were fine, but once the first lesson started 20 mins, our tummy (grrrrrr...) and then we were soooo hungry, well now I just finished lunch...so we ate JUST in time-^.^-
I didn't feel down like last week for sooo long! At least it feels like that^^
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Saturday, October 14, 2006
My life has ups and downs
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
IMVU - The World's Greatest 3D Chat
It's funny...coz when I check back on the post I've update on...well, it's like one day bad and one day good...and it's like ups and downs...and it's true to now too, remember I said dictation was really bad? Yeah, on Black Friday I had a retest, and guess what? Even though we don't know the score yet, I think I might pass!
OK so my friends are saying I'm aiming very low (they aren't studying French, They're studying Chinese, so they don't know) and that I should aim higher...of course I know, just that if I don't get a pass how do I even aim higher? It's weird, I keep my feelings inside all my life, and there's once when I burst out...and well...the results ain't pretty!
I was, and still am, angry at a girl at my Aussie school, Sharon. She acts like she's the greatest and smartest and picks on people whose English isn't the first language. She think she's the best. Everyday, she just seems to pick on me, or my two best friends, and my group of friends...except my smart friends, coz their smart. Actually all my friends are her friends, but yeah. One time, she keep on acusing me of stealing her artwork, which I didn't, I even showed her my sketch and stuff. Yet she still make something out of it. I would be fine by it, coz it will go eventually, but the worse of all, she talks in front of my friends, my BEST friends. Of course they're on my side...but Sharon is a good persuater...or so they say, I just find her hypnotising people, and besides, I'm told by a fortune teller that my best talent, apart from making an idiot out of myself, is persuating...so yeah. Anywayz she keep acussing me everyday and one time at lunch, we all sat on the stairs of our school chapel...a holy place right? And she keeps saying how horrible I am stealing HER 'Wonderful' artwork (I gotta admit, it's good, coz I MADE IT. duh...) and saying I'm an art thief. I got pretty mad when she said that, coz I NEVER steal, the only other time I was mistaken coz I put something up accidentaly. Anywayz I got soo mad that I stood up and yell and her: 'Well, I don't CARE what YOUR talking about, you F***ing b**** because I have PROOF that I made it and YOU just acusse me for NOTHING! You are just lying. You don't even have proof, u just accuss me and then you however, got no proof. I never even wanna be friends with you, it's only coz (friend name) that I became friends! You stupid damn f***ing little b**** you think just coz I'm quiet and a good listener that means Ill just allow to B**** about me? NO. Why don't you just GET LOST and never come back huh?
OK there are some swear words, and that's really what I said, I admit, I swear, but ONLY when I'm really, really angry. And that's close to 0%. So yeah...why did I even say all this? Oh well. My point is, my life is on the bright side again, and yeah^^ Mum is getting agry for me being up late, and 11:30pm is considered early to my friends...oh wellz, good night^^
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Thursday, October 12, 2006
To the point of crying to death
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
IMVU - The World's Greatest 3D Chat
I'm at skool, lunch
Just then is double French, we got dictation and I got 0. Again. This is the second time that I got 0. I NEVER got 0, so now I feel so piss off and I'm crying soooo hard...oh no, not physically. I'm not the type to cry out loud and have people comfort me. Ooooohhhh no. This is how I cry, and this is what I'm doing as I type:
-Heartache (not coz bf dump me, not that i have one)
-eyes sorta feel with tears but keep blinking them away
-Wanna kill myself for getting a bad score(I'm obssess)
-Distance myself from everyone
- and have a computer blog to write my feelings down
Serious, everytime I wanna cry but not out loud, I got to my comp, same as at skool. My friends in Australia understands and let me be until I calm down. Hong Kong however, are too stupid to even care about how people around them feel...
They are ignorant to everything except homework...seriously...
And if I fail anymore I'll need to drop a year. From Year 9 to Year 8. Even though my real level is Year 8, I DON'T wanna BE in Grade 8! I wanna be a year faster! Gosh I don't wanna be drop a year...I wanna cry out loud but can't and not at home either coz my mum will just tell me to shut up and try my best revising.
All my HK friends who got a bit of idea about me will just say keep trying...like i'm not. They have NOOO idea what it's like to stay up to 3 am just to revise...try harder? how? No sleep? Wake for 48 hours? Like hell Ill just get worse for no sleep.
I'm perfectly fine with all the subjects except French. I can't take Chinese coz I don't know how to read all the words...so stuff Chinese. And the only other choice is French, so yeah...
Oh yeah I would have put a crying face next to my post but there's none that fits mine, and I can't be bother to make a custom. Yeah.
Any suggestion of how to get a better mark? and like...no fail? Pass mark is 50
And laugh all you want, say I'm stupid all you want, basically I just wanna say this all out, whether verbally or just typing it out. Say whatever you want, Ill check in a moment. Oh yeah, I won't visit all the people's site...especially LordSesshoumaru, coz ur story just make me wanna read more and I won't be able to study...
Quiz 4 all of u:
1. Ever feel like crying but don't want anyone to know?
2. Ever wanna kill yourself for something people find silly?
3. Do you have a time when you want to drop school and just run away? If so tell me about it
4. What is one subject or subjects that you feel like you're never gonna catch up to people? (for students)
5. What is one part of you job that you feel you are always the worst worker in whole whole group? (for adult, well people who work)
6. How do you help yourself to study a subject you are hopeless as? Even if ur an adult, just right something u used to do...
bye all~
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Bus 115 broke down
Love Everlasting~~
Vicki_4eva's Site~~
OMG! Today, I was trying to catch the Bus 115 with my friend right? And then, we finish running (not to mention knocking into people) towards the bus stop, but by then the bus driver closed the door and when...so sad...I mean, the nest bus is like 15 mins later...and I need to get back home fast! And well, the bus came in 5 mins, surprisingly...and then we were crossing the bridge and voila! We see the 115 Bus we missed right in front of us and guess what? It went out of petrol...well i dunno, but it's either that or car tyres or that it crashed...but no bumps though...
Well me and my friend was like 'woah good thing we didn't get it' and we were kinda happy that we missed the bus lol^^
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