First kiss, of course, never ever ever ever had a kiss before, from a guy i like anywyaz...
Your Candy Heart Says "First Kiss"

You're a true romantic who brings an innocent hope to each new relationship.
You see the good in every person you date, and you relish each step of falling in love.
Your ideal Valentine's Day date: a romantic dinner your sweetie cooks for you
Your flirting style: friendly and sweet
What turns you off: cynics who don't believe in romance
Why you're hot: you always keep the romance alive
So anywayz today at Home Economics my teacher said this:
Teacher: So some of you girls might be on diet correct?
Class: *silence* ...
Teacher: hm... well ill tell you all the reason NOT to
*rambles on about how important Vitamin A, B, C and D is to our body...and i forgot what they do already so i'm not writing it here^^*
Teacher: All right? So don't go on diet because...Diet, Diet, Diet and then...die
Class: O_O *minds saying 'WTF?'
Teacher: Yes, because you don't have enough proteins, carbondioxide...sorry I mean carbohydrates...yes carbonhydrates *she really said that^^*, fats, Vitamins and minerals. and, diet, diet and then drop the 't' and then you...die.
*she move her hand in the air in a straight line, meaning: dead people, no pulse*
Class: hahahahahaXDXDXD *because of the drop the 't' thing
Teacher: yes it sounds funny but in real life it's horrible, so don't try ok? Look at the ppor African child on page 12. He's thin, but does that make him healithy? No.
And before that she said this:
Teacher: OK, usually when friends call u fat, ur mind will also think this: stupid, clumsy, ugly. and thin: cute, smart, adorable.
*So moving back to before*
Teacher: He's thin, but does that make him healithy? No. Nor is he cute, smart...maybe, adorable. He looks like he's in great happy with what u have and don't think about being too thin or too fat ok?
-end of lesson-
Well OK it's not the end of lesson, it's just that i got so bored *coz the lesson stuff is pretty obvious* that I day-dream...ZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZzzz...
Well at least school this time is alright, I hope ur day is alright!