Good Morning peoplz!!!! It is 7:51 A.M., where me Miss V. See the MIss? I'm not married just to let you all know......LOL. I've lost it.........But yeah, my forcast for this morning.........It is quite cloudy, dark, and rainy today, because of of a certain something.........That I want to kick or kill, because it wouldn't leave me alone this yr!!!!!!!! Sry, I'm just annoyed by so many hurricanes......I went through 4 last yr. and I missed school soooooo much.....I mean it was only the first week of school, and we couldn't even finish it last yr......So we kept haveing to stay home, and the freakin school board I guess for the whole Orange County decided to make us have to pay back those missed days......So yeah, I didn't have short Wednesday anymore, and I had extra days for school, so we didn't leave school for summer break like every other county did, and we WERE the ONLY ONE who did it........That's why dispise hurricanes........And when it rains I get sleepy, and I get a runny nose, and my whole body aches, like now........It's a side effect thing, but only for like storms, when it hurts painfully........And I'm going to get those headaches.........I love the rain, but.........great now my headache is here.......................................................................I'm going to go, drink medicine......So I'm not sure if I'll be on........I might be......*lost, headache, aching everywhere*........Welllove you all, night........It's still dark.....So yeah. Talk to you all laterz.....*hug and kisses* Love you!!!! And my pic. posting, I guess it's going to be postponed.......I doubt any pharmacy will be opened to let me go develope my pic.s.........unless one is crazy enough to do it.....I'll find out later in the day......But I don't know, I guess I'll have to post it tomorrow...........