Hey peoplz!!!! Ok, I'm not going to be on today or tomorrow, busy.....And Sry bout not posting yesterday.......Really tired....lol.^_^ Not going to tell you about it though......Too tired.....lol. Well I have plans for this weekend!!!!!! I'm going to Chihiro7'ss house to sleep over.^_^ I haven't seen her for a long time, because I moved.... So I'm soooooo happy!!!! I get to see her, first she's coming here, and then I'm going to her house......FUN. And maybe we'll go trick or treating at the mall.....Depends if we feel right.....lol.^_^ YAy I'm soooo happy.^_^ I have plans^_^ And since Mikey isn't on, and I haven't talked to him, I won't be on for a while.....this is payback Mike......^_^ Yep. Me=mad at you.....jk, I know your busy, so I'm going to go find something to do to keep me busy, or maybe busy forever....So then you can go find another girl who isn't too busy for you, so you can talk with her, and hug her, and do other happy gf,and bf things with her.........Sry, went into a thing.....lol. Yeah, but I mean it Mike. As you can see, I'm calling you Mike, not Mikey, sweety,cupcake,pumpkin,cookie......Just Mike. lol. I still love you hun. even if your too busy for me.^_^ Yep. Ok. Right, going back on track. I had alot of fun yesterday. Fun,fun,fun.^_^ So yeah, I'm going to go cut my hair again tomorrow, and I want to highlight it, but I have to ask my sis. I want it her color.^_^ pretty. And I'm getting it cut layered again, so me=busy...lol.^_^ I'm sooooo happy.^_^ I want a cookie!!!!!!!!!! lol. Well any ways, I'll be on at J's house maybe, I don't know, unless I have something to distract me.....lol. I lost 5 lbs.......Scary....lol.Also I'm making a club, it's called "Friends 4ever", so if you want to join fell free to pm me, and ask. I'll post all the banners up.^_^ Or you can ask me for what theme you want it to be and I'll try........ Well anyway, talk to you when I can.^_^ Love yall's bye!!!!!!!