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Sunday, November 26, 2006
tomarrow i have school and i dont wanta goooooooo!!!!!!
i want to spend the whole day doing something worth doing rather than sit in a classroom!!!!!!!!!!!!
now that thats all out, now lets see what i was going to say in the first place...... ummmmm.... hmmmmmmmm... *scratches head* ummmmmm.... i know there was SOMZETHING..... what was it.... *scratch chin* ummm... i think i know... no... sorry that was something else... oh well. as you can see i had something to say, but as usually, i completely forgot. and tomarrow at school, i will suddenly go: "so that was what i was going to tell them about!!" and then once i get home and am in reach of a computer with internet, i would go: "no what was i going to say again?? oh no. i forgot again!!!!!" then i would run around the house, hitting myself over and over again on any reachable wall. then my head would start to hurt and i would go and get some tynonal or whatever you call it. as you can see, my afternoon will be really... ummm... eventful and painful. and then watch. tomarrow i will forget that i every even wrote this post. you will see. i always do that. looks like things are finally back to what you would call around here "normal." happy rest of the night all you people who have nothing better to do and are reading my post. bye bye!
~Sakura 8D~
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last sunday
i am going to have to make this really quick. this is my last sunday being 11. my cousins left last night and i had a good time. CAKE IS GOOD!!
well i hope you all had a good weekend. and i have to go now. bye!
~Sakura 8D~
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Saturday, November 25, 2006
The Big Red Button
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my last full saturday being 11
well today is going to be my last full saturday being 11. and here is what we are plannng to do. first, we would have breakfest (^^') then we would start to get ready to celebrate my birthday. then we would have a little lunch (^^") and finish getting ready. then some of my friends will come at 3 and so on. we would do a whole bunch of junk and stuff. then we eat cake (yum) and they would leave. depending on whsnt time we would end, my cousins are most likely going to be leaving tonight. i hope you all have a good rest of the weekend and that it will be as eventful or boring as possible. (^^'") yeah...
bye bye now!
~Sakura 8D~
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Friday, November 24, 2006
yeah. tomarrow we are going to be celebraiting my birthday. even though it is really going to be next friday. so today is going to be my very last full friday of me being 11...... how sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad.... isnt it?
well yeah. im going to have a few friends coming over and it will be nice. but i really want the cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Sakura 8D~
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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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happy thanksgiving!!!!
happy thanksgiving allllllllllllllllll!
and make sure to eat a lot of yummy food and gain about 5 pounds!!!!!the turkey we got is so big!!!! it barely fits in our pan. and we are going to have a really full house. there will be about 17 people over!!!! and there will be only 3 boys!!!!! looooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!
anyway g2g now. byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye!!!
~Sakura 8D~
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Tuesday, November 21, 2006
happy thanksgving allll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just want tomention that everyone who is on my friends list is going to get a pm for thanksgiving. it took a while but i got them all out. if someone who is one my friends list and didnt get a pm, plz comment!! bye now!
~Sakura 8D~
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Monday, November 20, 2006
this is just a little post for nothing!
the background and avi are up and i will try to find some music but whatever i have up right now will have to do. i hope you all like it. this are pictures that were all found off the internet and were put togather using photo impression by me and only me!!!!!!!!! thank you
~Sakura 8D~
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im sooooooooooooo happy!!!!
my birthday is in a little more than a week!!!!! im soooooooo excited.... w00000000t!!!!!
can anyone guess how old i will be?????? huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh???? well huh huh huh well huh well?????!??!?!?!?!!?
*smacks self* ow....... anyway, sense my b-day is going to be on a school day and my cousins are already going to be coming for thanksgiving, its going to be very chaotic here.... please saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave meeeeeeeee!!!
oh and about my new theme. it will be up by my birthday. hopefully i can have it up tonight, but since i dont know how to upload... (^^') and plus i dont have an account with any place for things to upload and stuff and stuuf so im going to have to get me sis to do it. plzzzzzzz dont have toooooooo much homework tonight. anyway, i'll go see now. g2g now. byebye!!!!
~Sakura 8D~
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