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Quiz Results
somewhere is some naruto land...of course!!
Member Since
computer computer COMPUTER.... oh and being some different naruto character that can beat the crap out of naruto!!! or just plain computer... your pick...
Real Name
Ummmmm...... When you find out, could you let me know??
Anime Fan Since
ever since my sis did. go ask her.
Favorite Anime
D.N. Angel, Bleach, Inuyasha, D.Gray Man, Ouran High School Host Club, Fruits Basket, Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, Cardcaptor Sakura, One Piece, Zatch Bell, Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Chobits, Yu Yu Hakusho,and so forth...
to do my best in annoying my sister
watching anime
watching naruto and know what is going on!!!
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/29/07:
What's your ideal pet? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
 CAT! Meow... Elegant,with an own will. Cats are cool and they are independent. When they want to cuddle they come and if you want to, and the kitty won't, it will show you her claws. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/29/07:
~ What Anime Haircolor would you have? ~
Result Posted on 09/29/07:
~ What Anime Eyecolor would you have? ~
Result Posted on 07/12/07:
Result Posted on 06/16/07:
What Spirit Resides in you? (Beautiful, Detailed, Banner Results!)
Result Posted on 06/16/07:
What Spirit Resides in you? (Beautiful, Detailed, Banner Results!)
Result Posted on 06/16/07:
You Are 20% Boyish and 80% Girlish
Even if you're not a girl, you're very feminine.
You're in touch with your feelings, and your heart rules you.
A bit of a emotional roller coaster, one moment you're up and the next you're down.
But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible.
Result Posted on 06/16/07:
What kind of soul do you have? (Long results and beautiful anime pics!)
 You have a Bright Soul. You are one of the few in this world who appear to be almost continually happy. You are contented with your lot in life, and a firm believer in fate and fortune. This enables you to accept the bad things that happen in life and move on. People enjoy being around you, as you are very friendly, and are the life of the party. Some of your happiness seems to rub off on whoever you hang out with, so you always have fun with them, no matter how upset they are, your energy always manages to cheer them up. You enjoy going out with your friends, and spend alot of your time planning out your ambitions and how you're going to achieve them.Likely Career: Nursery Nurse, Dancer or Fashion Designer.Prized Possesion: Mobile Phone.Mythical Creature: Guardian Angel Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 05/06/07:
~What Colour is Your Aura?(Astonishing ANIME pictures!!!)~
 The colour of your aura is Green You have a lot of self-confidence. Your mind is full of ideas, and you are calm. You are very sensitive. You have a deep trust in other people. Also people come to you for advice. People love to be around you. You usually stay away from unhealthy situations. You may be a shy or quiet person. You are well liked for your confidence and you are thoughtful and generous to others. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 05/06/07:
~What kind of beauty are you?(Lovely ANIME pictures!!!)~
 Your beauty is different, funny, and cute! You often don't wear what other people wear! You always want to show your uniquness! You are physical, and like to keep in shape! You are easy liked, and you tell funny jokes! Ypu love to be outside, and cannot stand being indoors! You are a extraordinary person, who is beautiful, and gratifying! People describe you as well-rounded person, who listens to people concerns!Type of Beauty: Enticing! Take this quiz!
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