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In a dream...
Member Since
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Haruno Sakura
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Naruto, ParaKiss
To be nicer to people, oh and to go to Anime Expo this year :D
internet, drawing, anime, manga, obsessing over bishies...
I can draw (somewhat)
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, December 6, 2004
^.^ hello people! Oi, well, most of today was very...depressing...and boring...but good news!!!!!! SASUKE-KUN IS COMING BAAAAAAAACK!! ^_^ I'm so so so so so so excited that I wanna go outside and scream, but I can't cuz it'll..really disturb the neighbors and plus, flying...monkeys..>.< XD don't ask..well, I'm sleepy! haha...I guess I'll go now...can't wait till Sasuke-kun makes his account!! lol....bai bai! *yawns* ^.^;
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Monday, November 29, 2004 it's been like 2+ weeks since I updated...;_; gomenasaaaaaaaaai!!! ^.^; you see, my computer is sorta...broken...again...and plus I spent a lot of my time daydreaming so I wouldn't have time to update anyway ^_^;; yes,very stupid excuses but meh who cares, me's back!! that's all that matters ne? *silence* -.- ne wayz, thank you for all of your nice comments for the question thinger! very very sweet!! and whoever gave me Sasuke or Jared rules! (hahaha jk iluvsasuk, hey, how about we split Sasuke 50/50? I get the head though ;P jk)Sorry I couldn't get to your guy's gbs yet..especially you xSakurax, and Ayame Sohma too! ^.^; I apologize.. kay well, I'll be catching up on stuff, so yeah...again, thank you for the comments everybody! salamat po!
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Sunday, November 7, 2004
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. Do you love me?'in new today...XD..answer da questions if you like!
<3 *..kUrA-cHAAn..* (new/old nickname XD)
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Thursday, November 4, 2004
@_@ hello everybody..or...whoever is willing to read my account (yeah Ai-chan, you're awesome!! x] ) yesss me updating earlier than usual!! XD...went to the library, went to cerritos towne in trouble for not telling my kuya (brother ^^;;) that I was going out at all -.- he called me a retard and now I have to tell my parent's my friend's cell phone numbers..but uhh...retarded pride..YEAH!! lol..talkin to Ai-chan on MSN..waitin for Sasuke-kun...~_~ if ya didn't notice, he deleted his account..^^;; but it was the best..he didn't have the time @_@ we will all miss ya sasuke-kun! ^^ Overall, today was a so-so was yours??

and I still didn't get to those graphics..but I did this >_> ^^;; farewell to a good friend...see you
*..Saku chan..*
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Monday, November 1, 2004
*blink* *blink* o.o does nobody want to talk to me?! ^^;; lol regardless, I'll talk to myself if nobody wants to read what I say..*huge sweatdrop* o.o ehh..I got nothing to say anyway, see you later...
*..Saku chan..*
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Monday, October 25, 2004
^_^;; I'm sorry guys..I'm tired of saying promises I cannot keep! @_@ I've been super busy...Homework is piling up, my mother is getting me to do more chores PLUS she's getting me fat x.x...and I'm rushing the Sakura costume I'm making for Halloween (thank god the main part is over..I slept at 6 a.m yesterday and only got 3 hours of sleep) ^.^ I hope everybody understands! Graphics will be up...uhhh...I'll tell you when! @_@ I promise to not make anymore promises!.... *relizes what I just said* ...o.o..x.x doh....gonna definately get to your guy's sites! ^_^;; and expect a slower update time from me! see ya later yeah? hehe ^^
*..Saku chan..*
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Friday, October 15, 2004
;____; GOMENAAAAAAAAASAAAAAAAAAI!! no been going to other's been been putting my graphics up XD..nor have I been signing any gbs! I'm so sorry..I've been going through..stuff...^^;; lots of homework, especially in history..big issues..don't ask ^_^' depression...that's the worst thing...and that's...bout it..hehe..well, I'm putting up my button like right now...and I'm still making my graphics :D..hehehe well I PROMISE..PROMISE that I'll get to your sites by the end of the weekend! ^_^ thank you for understanding...JA MATTE NE!
<3 *..Saku chan..*
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
nya, didn't go to your sites yet..gomen gomen..been very busy..and I was sorta depressed..sorta still am ^^;;..I'm making new graphics today..they'll be up later..and I have to put the button up only took me five minutes to make and it's pretty simplistic XD..sorry for the short update..JA!
p.s: I'll get to your guy's site in the afternoon..taking church pictures in da morning ^^;;
<3 *..Saku chan..*
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Thursday, October 7, 2004
^^ hello was..nice...I guess..early out in school! gotta love that...and me and my friends went to the library..had to do something for school...a big ol' project that's due a long time from now..haha..*yawns* *is bored* well, short update as always...oh yeah! my button will be up by either tonight or tomorrow! ^^ I'm going to change my music...reflection by christina aguilera..ya know..the one from mulan? yesss it's SUPER old..but it makes me feel..happy ^^ bai bai for now...don't stop being awesome all of you!! gonna go on your guy's sites when I'm not lazy..
<3 *..Saku chan..*
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
hiya everybody!! ^_^ just got off school like an hour was...normal..^^;; almost finished with my clay project in ceramics...and I started two days ago XD...^^ P.E was very very fun!! The running, the stretches, volleyball!! aieee so fun! but my friend rachel (or as I call her, mitsiki chan XD) wasn't participating much!! ^^ but we had fun..barely any homework! HELL YEAH!! ^^ now I'll sit here and wait for Sasuke kun to go on AIM...^^ oh yeah yeah yeah! new buddies ^^ GeninSakura (my clone XD) and SoraKoi (my awesome buddy ^^) I think they'll be two of my awesomest buddies on my list of awesome buddies (yes, I keep a list..nah jk XD)Oh and one more announcement! I'm making a button least, when I get the hang of image editing! Kay that's it..bai bai!
*..Saku chan..*
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