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myOtaku.com: Sakura H

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

HEY! ^^ I have a very sad story to tell you before i got to bed today... *sigh* T__T i was just at the lab working... till almost midnight AGAIN! XP (such is the life of a digital art student ^^ hehe) but... i'd taken alllll this time to draw out these cute little Neko shaped onigiri in Ad. Illustrator for a retaraunt menu project i've been working on... and i was JUUUUSSSTTT finishing the last one when... BLAHHH! >< Illustrator up and QUIT on me!! AGG! I'm always so good about saving my files! and i'd just made a backup before i started them... but NOOOOOOOO i lost them!!! *SOB SOB SOB SOB SOB* T__T well... guess it's back to the lab for me tomorrow to start them all over again... *sighhh* *sadness...*
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