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myOtaku.com: Sakura H

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Yay for OhtoriXShishido! TnO=BESTEST!
AHHH! this is just the beginning of my Shouney fan girling here! LOL! XD WAIII! I'm a Tennis no Oujisama fan girl BIG TIME! LOL! ^^ I luv luv luv that anime! Plus i luv the music to - i've got over 100 tracks, but i could NEVER get the stuff by Ohtori and Shishido from Hyotei and it was making me INSAIN! >< DAH! But while i was acctually looking for something totally differant, just now i found them! Their song Brand New Days ANNNNNNDDDD their voice message!! AHHHH! VOICE MESSAGE! XD WAIIII! *luv luv luv* *dies of fangirly giggly craziness* Ohtori and Shishido are hands down my fav pair from TnO! I have too many favorite characters that's for sure though! LOL! ^^ Jirou, Eiji, Taichi, Sengouku, Akira, Atobe, and Mizuki, being seven of my others... AHHH! I LOVE THEM ALL! *DIES* X__X
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