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getting a 'Sakura' name that wasn't taken
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the dawn of time
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NARUTO!!! and InuYasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ruroni Kenshin, Fruits Basket, Full Metel Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop, Chrono Crusade, Flame of Recca (BIG FAN but just the manga, the anime is kind of stupid...well that and they made Tokiya look like a girl)......
*you know they cut me off up there?* see the end of Naruto (or read it)
anime, games, choclate
um... I can out burp my aniki (older bro)
| Sakura Hyuuga
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
OTAKON 2006!!!
Well I haven't been here in well... a long while. Updates:
My friend is pregnant. (I am so happy for her ^^)
I wasted a month of my life in Arizona. (-_-)
I finished my first year of high school. (;_; don't make me go back)
and I'm learning wicca. (^_^)
thats basicly it. this is most likely my last entry here.
so good luck to everyone
Jennifer (aka Saku)
p.s. email if you are going to otakon 2006 and would like to meet me ^^
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
to bring a smile to your face
My hands on my head, what have I here? this is my top knoxer my moma dear
top knoxer top knoxer diga diga doo thats what I learned in my school boom boom
My hands on my eyebrow what have I here? this is my sweatboxer my moma dear
sweatboxer top knoxer diga diga doo thats what I learned in my school boom boom
My hands eyes what have I here? this is my eye blinker my moma dear
eye blinker sweatboxer top knoxer diga diga doo thats what I learned in my school boom boom
My hands on my nose what have I here? this is my smell sniffer my moma dear
smell sniffer eye blinker sweatboxer top knoxer diga diga doo thats what I learned in my school boom boom
My hands my mustache what have I here? this my soup strainer my moma dear
soup strainer smell sniffer eye blinker sweatboxer top knoxer diga diga doo thats what I learned in my school boom boom
My hands on my chin what have I here? this is my chin chopper my moma dear
chin chopper soup strainer smell sniffer eye blinker sweatboxer top knoxer diga diga doo thats what I learned in my school boom boom
My hands on my chest what have I here? this is my air breather my moma dear
air breather chin chopper soup strainer smell sniffer eye blinker sweatboxer top knoxer diga diga doo thats what i learned in my school boom boom
My hands on my stomach what have I here? this is my bread basket my moma dear
bread basket air breather chin chopper soup strainer smell sniffer eyeblinker sweatboxer top knoxer diga diga doo thats what I learned in my school boom boom
My hands on lap what have I here? this is my lap sitter my moma dear
lap sitter bread basket air breather chin chopper soup strainer smell sniffer eye blinker sweat boxer top knoxer diga diga doo thats what i learned in my school boom boom
yep complete stupidness.. and no I don't have a mustache I got the song from a friend... when we were suposed to be doing math.. hehe
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
haven't we all gotten tired of this little icon???
Well lets see to start off, I know I said I would update more, but that is wishful thinking no matter how much I wish it not to be. -_-'
Well anyway I am tired of high school and think at the rate I am going I might just drop dead. No lie. *super pissed off mode*
*sigh* my grandpa died on on the 15th, and that was task to just get there. I missed almost all of my midterms to top it off, so I need to take them over again.
Also I've gotten very pessimistic, I used to like someone very much then I saw a movie with him (Aeon Flux, I almost fell asleep then Johnny Lee Miller woke me up, so it wasn't a total waste of money) but anyway I hate the guy now and well hes my neighbor so I need to see him everyday!!! *pulls out hair* and I am no longer the happy chipper person I used to be.
now let me think. hmmm no I think I'm done ranting.
now to good things...
1) I discovered the japanese soda, Ramune!!!
2) hooker boots
3) I managed to unearth my room, and it looks decent
and last but not least!! WARREN PEACE!!! OMFG!!! you all need to see Sky High!! Warren is soooooooo kawaii!!!!!!! *melts* ...sorry its my nonanime friends and family are happy I like someone whos real. ^^'
well I guess I'll put more later I think of something.
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Friday, November 18, 2005
and she said
*Saku emerges from the darkness* AHHH THE LIGHT!!! IT BURNS!!! ^____^
I have waited a long time... like almost 3 or 4 months... I dunno but it was too long! *glomps everyone madly* 
I'm so happy to be back!!! I no longer smile very much, but I'm grinnning like a fool while writeing this!!
Well guess what? I'm in High School!! IT F@#*ING SUCKS!!! ^_^ Just thought you all should know that. I am soooooo bored in there... I have saidstic teachers, like 3 friends and have been looking to Mia-ia-hi to quench my anime thurst... sorry I tried to be creative there ^^" But I like the numa numa. *numa numa on as Saku types away*
Kagome is being punished so I can't talk to her at all or see her since she went to a different school ;_; and now I am sending her hand writen letters (and I'm sure shes crying cause my hand writings atrocious)
I have gotten colder... litteraly, my hands are always like ice, and never heat up, I'm always cold!!!
I thought that this FuruBa theme would be best, since I makes me feel good.
My Naruto: CURRY OF LIFE XDDDDDD!!!! I stopped watching it tho, so that I can watch it in clumps, in stead of wating for a stupid Konohamaru epiosde every week.
American (POS) Version: My friend is so retard from this, he says cat-ra instead of chakra... and he says everyones names wrong [as much as I'd love to express how I really feel and all of the american verison I want to come back not be kicked out because of my foul mouth] yep.
So Dogma, yep I am in love Kevin Smith's works, and his new one's going to 'Passion of the Clerks' hahahaha!!! ...sorry if I offened anyone its just twisted humor with a stankpalm take on things.
Oh yes and the most important order of buissness!!

loneliness becomes me
love from
its good to be back!
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals. I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants. - A. Whitney Brown
I love it here. It's like my home. But I'm turning into a different person. One that I don't particulary like.
I am not gunna be around... I think you all got that... but now I guess its offical...
So thanks Spiritgun2, Duo, GeneralChicken, and SharingunItachi! don't forget me!
after thought: if anyone wants to try to contact me... IM me lunalimited
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Monday, September 5, 2005
You have to listen to listen -one of my gym teachers
I started school last monday... I hate, no loath high school... course I loath school... so... eh...
sorry I havn't been on in a long time... school... the sadists...
I realized why I wasn't getting any PM's was because my inbox was full... ^^'
well I'll complain more about school at a later time...
AND THEY'RE MAKING ANOTHER LUNAR!!!!!!!! (most people don't know the game but it so rocks!! XD)
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
oopsies -me talking a magor 'oopsies' of mine...
hmm... well where have I been?
well I went to...
(it would be much more impressive if I knew how to make the latters bigger...)
yes! the anime convention that is held once a year! it was a blast!
me and Kagome went... and well... hmm... HAD A WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE!... (has lost train of thought a while back and is making things up as goes...)
well... I have many stories... but they will be saved for a later day...
hmm... some quizzes to take...
 You are the loner. Quiet and Secretive. You are the mysterious girl that most dont know about and many are scared to. Though you seem to be an emotionless shell, it is to the contrary, you are probably very artistic and creative. To bad most don't understand you.
Which Female Anime Stereotype are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the loner. Quiet and Secretive. You are the mysterious girl that most dont know about and many are scared to. Though you seem to be an emotionless shell, it is to the contrary, you are probably very artistic and creative. To bad most don't understand you.
Which Female Anime Stereotype are you? brought to you by Quizilla
O_o how did that happen?
Ginny Weasley
Enigmatic, stubborn, and quite a catch. Ginny is popular, gorgeous and hilarious fun to be with.
Which Gryffindor Girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
huh? uh.. okay, if you insist
To be honest with you, you are like ten miles away from the friggin box! EX. (you) *----------> B (box)
But don't fret, this can be a good least don't think inside the box, you are your own mind!
Are you trapped in a box? brought to you by Quizilla
 Evening. You are a daydreamer, a hopeless romantic. You contantly daydream about your lover/crush and find the simplest things sweet. Your probaly gorgeous, and sweet, and very pleasant to be around. Your weakness is that you trust people too easily, and can be a doormat.
What time of day are you? (with anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
tell me if you agree with that....
Attractive Affectionate.Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves traveling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented.Loves special things. Moody
What does your birth month reveal about you? (read memo) brought to you by Quizilla
Daphne is your inner name because your a down to earth type of gal and you are pretty calm. You are very nice, but very shy.
What should your name really be??? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
Scooby dooby doo!!!
What hairstyle should you be? brought to you by Quizilla
still have feeling in your feet? can you move your arms up and down without cramping?..ok? well then, you can stay on a little longer. but then go outside and climb a tree or something.
should you get your a$$ off the computer? brought to you by Quizilla
mmmm trees...
 You chose blue-green eyes.
You are a very happy, hyper person. You love to laugh a lot with your friends, and you are loud in large crowds. Most of the time you're smiling, but inside, you have a slight low self esteem, and you try to cover it up with cheerfullness. You try to live life to the fullest. You also believe in all the supernatural things. Like in faeries, ghosts, aliens, etc...You like to keep your options open. You can sometimes be a bit bossy too, when people don't always like the same things you like. It makes you defensive.
The Eye color personality test brought to you by Quizilla
whoa... uhhh thats half right.....
 Daemon loves you! Good luck if you can get him next time him in part 2.
(Girls only) Who would you fall for? Vampire, Angel, Demon? brought to you by Quizilla
*laughing at the absurdity of it all* hey is that Hiro Sohma?
yes... I was sick and decided to get on the comp.... but I had to limiti where I could go... and to make a long story short... couldn't go here...
yea, yea....
love ya!!
(after thoughts:
hopfully I will get some pics of the Otakon to post!!!
I've been sick.
My neighbor (who I refer to as Lee, for he has big eyebrows) got a mo hawk, and I am still laughing 2 or 4 weeks later
I have lost track of time
I am looking foward to drooling over Heath Ledger in THe Brothers Grim
I am looking foward to drooling over cg guys in FINAL FANTASY ADVENT CHILDREN!!!!!!!!
I am driving myself crazy over trying to get this game... (mutters incoherent thing)
you really don't need to read this...
have 'Helena' by My Chemical Romance and 'Sugar We're Going Down' by someone...
I will sing peoples gb in a day... and I will be on tomorrow... unless I die of colera in the night... or the boogie man attacks me... *goes and hide under bed sheets*
oh and generalchicken reply in 2 days or die.)
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
How not to be seen. -Monty Pythons Flying Circus
Well nothing much to say... I rented this Mandarin movie called 'The Road Home' its won some awards, and its is so sad, I watched and was crying so hard! It was pathetic! I showed my mom a preview for it and she was crying just by the preview!...
and now for something completely different.
Lumberjack Song
I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay.
I sleep all night. I work all day.
Mounties : He's a lumberjack, and he's okay.
He sleeps all night and he works all day.
I cut down trees. I eat my lunch.
I go to the lavatory.
On Wednesdays I go shoppin'
And have buttered scones for tea.
Mounties: He cuts down trees. He eats his lunch.
He goes to the lavatory.
On Wednesdays he goes shopping
And has buttered scones for tea.
Chorus : I'm (He's) a lumberjack, and I'm (he's) okay.
I (He) sleep(s) all night and I (he) work(s) all day.
I cut down trees. I skip and jump.
I like to press wild flowers.
I put on women's clothing
And hang around in bars.
Mounties : He cuts down trees. He skips and jumps.
He likes to press wild flowers.
He puts on women's clothing
And hangs around in bars?!
Chorus : I'm (He's) a lumberjack, and I'm (he's) okay.
I (He) sleep(s) all night and I (he) work(s) all day.
I cut down trees. I wear high heels,
Suspendies, and a bra.
I wish I'd been a girlie,
Just like my dear Mama (or Papa in later versions)
Mounties : He cuts down trees. He wears high heels,
Suspendies, and a bra?!
Chorus : I'm (He's) a lumberjack, and I'm (he's) okay.
I (He) sleep(s) all night and I (he) work(s) all day.
Yes, I'm (He's) a lumberjack, and I'm (he's) ok-a-y.
I (He) sleep(s) all night and I (he) work(s) all day.
yes and I got that from this site!!
hehehe yes we rented that too...
well I'll be back layter I hope...
SPAM and all that jazz,
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Monday, August 8, 2005
I got it! I got it! I got it!... I don't got it...-Chunk from the Goonies
not much happening here, somethings wrong with the air thing here... I have no idea what...
I am going to get Linage soon... I have no idea how to spell it... my friend has been pestering me to get it for a while so I might be on the comp more...
I am really weird...
like the NaruHina theme? I thought it was cute...
(p.s. I fell like telling you all that I cried like a baby at the end of Final FantasyX... that was a long time ago... and I saw a mv for it and it had a clip of the ending and I was crying ...again... u_u'
don't ask...)
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
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