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• Sakura Ikayuro
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• 1990-08-28
Member Since
• 2005-08-15
• High School Student
Anime Fan Since
• Er... to put it year wise, 1995? When I was a little kid. We'll put it that way.
Favorite Anime
• Naruto, Escaflowne, D.N. Angel, Chobits, Sailor Moon, Card Captor Sakura, Pretear, Yu-Gi-Oh!
• To write at least one shoujo-manga and a few novels. Also, to do some of the non-cg art for some videogames. Weird, neh?
• Drawing, writing, cosplaying, videogames.
• See above <3 + Martial Arts.
| Sakura Ikayuro
Friday, November 25, 2005
Listening To: Dawn
*Nods* as everyone usually does, I have overstuffed myself from Thanksgiving! I didn't even have any desert or orderves, either. simply amazing. My stomach really is getting smaller. X3 I bet you can't guess what my dad is doing right now. You see, he got some birthday money from his mom and he bought a digital camera with it. Well, with most dads and new electronic toys, they've got to be played wit obsessivley and right away, correct? at least that's true with my father. Anyways, he's got his miniaure tri-pod out and he's sitting on the floor, with his camera, in the dark, trying to take pictures of racoons. Yeah. We put a plate of our dinner leftovers out there, and they've come up twice.. so only two pictures so far XD They're rather cute, but come on.
XD I didn't notice my egg thingie hatched. He's so cute... my little baby candy corn. @w@; Honestly.. those eggs can literaly hatch into anything! I wasn't expecting a candy corn, but it is rather adorable. Okay. Done. [I promised myself I'd post about 'im].
I want to see the new Harry Potter movie sooo bad!! Tis my favorite of the series, number 4. My mom says she wants to see it with me, and I do want to see it with her (we have seen them all together, after all) so she says we're waiting until next sunday x.x' By then, I'm sure I'll know the movie inside out by hearing stuff about it from people at school, or just walking in random places and overhearing conversations. Damn.
Hmm... what else is going on with me... Not musch, actually. Except, found a really awesome book on the shelvs of my local Safeway called Memoirs of a Geisha. I'm not quite done with it yet, but it's an amazing piece of awe-inspiring work. *nods* [My dad is STILL taking pictures.]
Well, I think I'll leave you at that. Oh! I decided to return to Gaia Online. If I *happen* to have any fans out there [which I know I don't] my sn is Ikayuro. Drop me a pm, and make sure you tell me you're from My Otaku! <3
.:Sakura Ikayuro:.
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