Birthday 1990-09-23 Gender
Female Location Um .... JAPAn! Member Since 2005-01-26 Occupation Cartoonist in training Real Name Sakura (thats not really my real name)
Achievements Part of the National Honors Society Anime Fan Since 1998 (around Sailor Moon and DB came out) Favorite Anime .hack//sign,Rurouni Kenshin, Yugioh, Digimon, Fruits Basket, Chobits, One Piece, Naruto, Zatch Bell, Yu yu Hakasho, xxxHolic, Cardcaptors, Anitique Bakery, Sugar Sugar Rune, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop, Lupin 3, Trigun,Pita Ten, Kodame, D Goals To become a artist or writer Hobbies drawing , reading Talents volleyball, drawing manga, listenin to rock and hip hop Sakura Star
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
I've been so busy lately Ugh need some rest. First off Im reading this book (Wonderland by Micheal Bamberger) and Im only on the second chapter >_< its so long. And Im studying for my drivers ed test which is going to be on my Birthday {September}
Inuyasha- They're going to let you drive
Me- Yea so wat, At least Im trying to get my license. your older than me and still don't have one :P
Inuyasha- Well I don't need one. Besides Crim doesn't have one
Crim- Yep I do and a sports car
Inuyasha- 0.0 Zolo doesn't have one wait where is he and where is Tsume*yaoi thoughts* Ewww
Tsume- Yo *walks in without a shirt*
Inuyasha- O.o
Me- Boh Chika Wa wa!
Crim- *stares at Sakura :0*
Tsume- Wah? Ya'll just some perverts I just came in from a storm and my shirt was wet
777 is over booo
Mood: Happy
Song: All Around me- Flyleaf
Weather: Good
Yesterday was 777 the holy luckiest day eva! I went to the mall with my little niece, bro, sis, and ma. It was so much fun. Got a chance to read some manga but not enough >.< But I didn't get a CHANCE TO PLAY WITH THE iphone.(everyone was using it in the store) All and all my day was good^^
Inuyasha- >_<# *what he is thinking=
Inuyasha- Chracters block I don't know what to say
Yay I got a new layout you likey Sakura Haruno. I chose her this time because she shares my name ^^ hehe Im still taking exams and tomorrows my last day!
Inuyasha- umm....woopie?
Me- @-@ anyway Ill be online as much as i can in Florida and Im trying this year to post up my art
Inuyasha- If you can find a scanner Me- yea and Im making a online comic Crim- its going to be about us!
Me- Yup all the fun of the Stars gang rolled into a fun comic strip
Inuyasha- Stars Gang who came up with that stupid name
Me- Sit Boy
Inuyasha-*falls on knees* yea you didn't get me!
Tsume- *hits Inuyasha in back of head*
Inuyasha- *falls on face*
Me-O.o anyway have fun this summer K.I.T Comments (4) |
I've seen POTC3 and it was goood but it didn't have enough Johnny Depp parts in it but it was still good(now Im just waiting for Todd Sweeney- Johnny's other movie) Shrek the third was hilarious, I was laughing through the whole movie. ^^
Im not going to be on that much
Inuyasha:YOu haven't been on the much anyway when was your last post oh yea last month.
Me: Sit boy, Anyway i have finals next week so I won't b able to visit sites during the weekend. And Im going to Florida next week directly after finals
Crim: Florida ahh the sand Disneyland
Inuyasha: thats in Cali
Inuyasha: Where doo doo and sleepy?
Me: TSume and Zolo they said they had to do some stuff.
^ ^
Inuyasha: *thoughts* Yaoi! (-///-)
Tsume and zolo walk in with stains on their pants
TSume and Zolo: YO
Inuyasha: o.O told you!
Me: you didn't tell me anything
Inuyasha: Don't you see!
Crim: crazy
Tsume: Are you trying to imply something?
Zolo: 'cause we just came back from paintin a house in da heat and We're pissed off so if ya wanna say sumthin i advise you not 2
Inuyasha: -.- oh thought never mind
Crim: Pervert! *laughs*
Me: *laughs* see ya later JA Ne
random picture that has nothing to
do with anything: Comments (2) |
Saturday, May 19, 2007
:P lol L33T omg lmao jk 54KUR4 5T4R
Mood: H4ppy Happy
Current song: Pretty Girl-Sugarcult
Sayin for the day: wow its smells like happy feet in here
Well today Im going to see Shrek the 3. Woahoo yay!
Me: ? well any way im silently waiting for my man to come out with his movie
Inuyasha: -.- yea ur man.tsk he does even know ur existance.
Me: sit boy!
Inuyasha:*falls on face*
Me: Johnny's movie is coming out May 25 but secret screening is on May 24 Clifton, NJ. Pirates of the CArribean roxs my purple soxs!
Inuyasha: Wait a sec were's the other idoits
Me: Crim, Tsume, and Zolo? oh their off hanging out or something