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Sakura Aka Saku
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Hints: Megacon, Jacon, AFO-con.
Member Since
Highschool girl Otaku.
Real Name
Okay, so.. Sakura may not be my REAL name, but hey, I have all my teachers calling me it, so why not?
Anime Fan Since
1999. 6 years!
Favorite Anime
anything by clamp is godly, rurouniken, full moon, Flcl, gravi, and others. But mainly CLAMP stuff ..
To pass the 10th grade, OH DEAR PLEASE GOD X.x;; And also to become a great mangaka as well as a great person!
being an otaku. 100%.
Deb says I should put "Being a good friend" hehe, shameless plug! Anyways, my talents, I believe are using my oddball sense of humor, drawing/art/otakuism, and surviving difficult times ^_^
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004
.-.; Poofledoodles
Today I went on a short boat-cruise. It was cool. I saw dolphins a lot and they got pretty close. It was really cold though.
I feel as if I'll get very depressed shortly if I continue to stay in Delaware. I know, they're family, but... they dont feel like it. I dont feel any more accepted or loved than I did in Cocoa Beach. I feel held-back and locked up here. I'm doing more outside and going to see new things, its amazing, but... It doesnt make me truly happy like sitting in my little corner at home, typing away on my computer 24/7. I just love the online world. I feel so accepted, loved, and cared for. Oh yes, and my great friends in Cocoa beach :3 they're all so wonderful, as all of you here on I just feel so... homesick. Its like being really cold but not having a blanket...I want to go HOME.
^_________^ And I just want to remind all my friends here on myOtaku that you guys all rock so much and make me happy :3 So thanks.
o.o I need a hug.
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Monday, June 21, 2004
This morning I went to a restaraunt for father's day. the waitress said
"Hi! Welcome to Crabby Dick's! Would you like to try our special, Crab balls with Seamen sauce?"
I was like
"o_o....... No...."
Yeah. Scary.
Then later I went to Ocean City :D It was amazing. And cool!!
I embarrassed myself in front of 15 people by playing DDR ^______^ and got 3 airbrush tattoos. One yin-yang bracelet-type design and two, the kanji of Ai and Yume :3
I guess it was pretty fun :D Oh. And a rode a cool roller coaster X3
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Sunday, June 20, 2004
Going to Ocean city :D
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Saturday, June 19, 2004
Waterpark. Is what I went to today. My long-lost sister person left. Yeah. Im realllyyyyyyyyyy tired. What annoyed me today was:
>/ I lost the box to my Furuba anime DVD
>/ AIM express is giving me a hard time
>/ I think I broke my grandparent's comp.
Well. Oops :D;
o_o besides all that, nothing too bad is happening. Tomorrow's father's day, right?
I can't believe it at ALL. This year, it'll be the first year I've ever celebrated it. With my father. O_o;;; Never did this "parent-celebration" thingys before. I think it's odd.
Really. The only view I have of my father is, is kinda like Santa Claus, a guy who comes around once every couple of years and gives you stuff. Except, with this santa, no one believes in him.
And this santa would kill you if you pissed him off XD;
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Friday, June 18, 2004
o.o; Okay. I'll sumarize
On the way up here, it was okay. The lady fell asleep when on the road. We almost crashed. Then we stopped in N.Carolina and stayed in their camper. Then we got to Southern Maryland. I stayed two days with my long-lost sister Holly. She's 19. She's obsessed with clothes shopping and stuff :| Doesnt like anime or anything I'm into a bit. -sigh- Oh-zee-well. I also met my father =_=;;;;;;;; No comment @ him. BUT! he DID buy me the whole fruits basket anime so... yey :D
I just got into Delaware yesterday. I went to the boardwalk today... o_o there were like...111000000000000000000000 yuri/yaoi couples.
o.O;;;;;;;; And. Yeah. Update soon
-Sakura <3
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Thursday, June 17, 2004
 You are White.
Simple, Truthful and innocent. Almost with the mind of a child, white's tend to be somewhat naive at times. Ignorance can be bliss, but it can also lead to a boring conversation.
What Color Best Represents Your Personality? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Yellow.
Pretty happy, aren't you? Spread that joy and cheer around a bit, people who got black may need some. Yellows tend to make friends easily, but can loose them just as easily with their selfishness and betrayal of trust.
What Color Best Represents Your Personality? brought to you by Quizilla
Betrayal..-_-; BLAH. Silly quiz.
 You are Blue.
Overall you're a pretty content person. At peace with yourself, you don't tend to over react. Although at times you can be quite harsh and cold towards others.
What Color Best Represents Your Personality? brought to you by Quizilla
o_o; So. Yeah. These 3 I dunno. O_o; Are they me-ish??
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-Milton, Delaware!
I'll post a big thingy post soooooooon! like.. when I get settled in. ^__^
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Monday, June 14, 2004
Here we goo!
O_O Here we go! To delaware or burst into a bunch of flames!!!!!!! O_O; Um.. jeez, that'd be bad. XD; Lol. Yeah.
I need to make a big post and stuff once I get up there. Prepare for iiiit >D Its comiiiiiiing...
The people that Im staying with are so nice, they're letting me on their comp all night @_@; -12:20 AM- and gave me things to eat, which I havent had a homecooked meal in 6 months +
really nice people.. o_o; Except when I met them, they said
"We're just TICKLED to have you here with us!"
Now thats just creepy.
ooh ooh. new quizzes :D See bottom
XD I think the nonsense friend is hilarious.
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Sunday, June 13, 2004
I saw the funniest sign on the highway today.
It said "No prepass" but I saw it as "No prep ass" instead of "no pre pass" XD Or something. And I was like "Good. Get all the preps off the freakin' road. :/!" XD; um..
Have you ever done something like that? o_0 Like seen a funny sign or mistaken one for something REALLY weird?
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They said we're gonna leave at 4 AM O_O; -passes out-
We might get to Maryland by tomorrow night night. Like.. early Tuesday. But then I have to get to Delaware. o_O;
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