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Tuesday, June 1, 2004

Updating to let you know Im alive. -nod- yep. alive.

hnn. Ive been doing NOTHING except sleep all day, stay awake all night. its... boring. And I'm rarely ever bored. Well. Im not bored, but, Im guess if this sleep-schedule continues, it WILL be. And I do dumb things when I'm bored. [ Like cut myself X_X; Erk.]
So! Im hooppppppppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing that the Saiyuki junk that my aunt ordered comes in soon. -fiery eyes- Or i'll hafta do something!! Like. Attack Kyotoko-chan! And steal all his yaoI!!!

When I go to AFO [Anime Festival orlando]in August, Im wondering who I should cosplay as.

Sakura from Naruto? :O?

Misao from rurouni kenshin would rock!

And.. Hmm...
o_o did anyone just notice that they're both ninja/shinobi/kunoichi? XD CREEPY!!

Im half tempted to cosplay as a guy, but. :| nahhh.. Hmm. Any cosplay ideas? O_O?

Kyotoko is hoping to go as Shuichi [Gravitation] for AFO. XD I'm going to make him a sailor suit for 'im, if he can actually go. I wanna meet someone there. Like. Someone I know online.

Once again? Cosplay ideas anyone??

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Sunday, May 30, 2004

-yawn- It's... 7:16 PM, I have no life, and I just woke up. -yawn-

^___________________^ <-- Loser

Nyeeeh, anyways, leseee... I wanna call someone today. If I know you/are not psycho/are on my friendlist... o_O I want to call j00. IM me. if. you want meh to do so.
People I wanna call:

Mitch <-- >_< I WANNA CALL YOU!!!
XD And.. Iforget the others.
;~; Must. Call. Someone. Or.
IM me!! >_<

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Saturday, May 29, 2004

Chiyo visits: 10:30 AM
Ugh, 10:30?!~ TOO EARLY! But, I had to wake up and crash into a few walls [to get my brain started], but anything for meh' Chiyo-chan! Grrr. Whats annoying is, she'd do anything for me, and i wish she wouldnt think that way. u_u She ended up cleaning my entire room and I couldnt stop thelittle runt, I feel so guilty u_____________u!

hmmh.. -yawn-. My grandma needs to get some food that:

1. I like
2. Isnt old.
3. isnt old people's food
4. or baby food
5. is not junk food.

I havent had a normal home cooked meal in ages. X_x; ugh. She buys old nasty food. I find stuff with the expiratyion date "8/02" on it. And she feeds it to me! Im getting sick of it. -.-

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Friday, May 28, 2004

XD Kyotoko visits at 5 AM
Yeah. o_O If you know Kyotoko.. -points to friendlist-, you know that's another word for d00m. A 13 yr. old criminal mastermind HENTAI punk goth kid from the depths of o_o; Shh, not telling. XD Agh, okay. Everynight I talk to him over IMand such and he said he was going to leave the house at 5 AM. I was like "XD Come visit me." And thats what he did.

5:45 AM: Sakura gets goldfish; snacks; manga; chii doll and stuffs it in a plastic baggy, tries to sneak out of the house, and fails. Grandma woke up XD I told her. "Im meeting this d00d downstairs, bye". Omg, she probably thought I was about to get raped XD She started freaking out. I tried to explain a little more but--ehhh, she wasnt very ":D Okay! Whee!" About it, yanno? But I got out anyways, and met Kyoto' down stairs.
XD Whee. Thats when it got crazy. We ran all over the place. O_O Lots of disturbing things happened. -- He had a cell phone camera and tried to get pictures of me-- o_o not my face-- more like, if you've ever seen RANMA, its like the opening theme. o_o If you understandthat, then, o_O--to you. dunno. XD Ive lost myself. Anyways. he said something funny, I just gotta repeat it.
"I was running here and I got tired and I ran into a bush and now I got little families growing on my leg!" XD Little families? he meant these little grass sticky things. Whee. o-o we eventually got in trouble... and he left at 9AM-ish. o_o mhm. Ah. And, mah goood friend Chiyo is coming over at 10:30 AM tomorrow ^^;. Too bad I woke up at 6 PM today, how will I ever wake up? x_x; uuuu..

o_O How do you say "j00"? Do you pronounce it like "Jew"? XD That would sound bad.
"I'll kill j00!" o_O "I'll kill jew"? X_x; I usually say "you" but kyotoko said "j00." o_o; which is odd.

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0.o; Odd. I told my grandma I would go to Delaware. And then she says she cancels it, until mid-June. -.-; Bahh. o_o -sigh- My Aunt is hooked on anime now-- especially yaoi XD Soooo scary. She's like, 47 O_O What an age to get hooked on anime. I wish I would have gotten to know anime at a young young age--like 2. But, nooo~~~~~. Not until I was 10! Humph. I was destined to love it though ^^. <~~~~ o_O Looks like Nuriko from F.Y.
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Wednesday, May 26, 2004

._. Bored. J-Music
Okay. =D Now then. Do you listen to anime/j-music?

._. Here's some music I listen to. Do you know of it?

Morning Musume
Hitomi [yaida?]
Ayu[mi Hamasaki]
Luna Sea
Little by Little
Hikaru Utada
The Pillows
Yuki Kajura
Nanase Aikawa
TM Revolution
Maaya Sakamoto

o_o And lots of junk.

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Am I back?
Am I back? Maybeee...
The JACON was a BLAST. Email me if you want to see some pics of me!!
SakuraLove2uv2@aol.com. title the subject "JACON PICS". Sorry,but I get a lot of spam and I tend to delete things quickly, so it needs to stand out.
A bunch of guys liked me. It was amusing. o_O.
The hotel I stayed out was cool. But, my aunt got dunk and ran into the anime dance called "Cyberia" and fell on people. I was embarrased... so! Deb and I escaped into the "Yaoi sleepover" room. O_O MY AUNT AS SITTING THERE WATCHING YAOI!! I nearly died. Actually, it was Saiyuki Reloaded. Not yaoi, but with 4 bishounen, heck, why not. She liked it so much that she ordered 25 episodes of it online today. o_O! And she doesnt even watch anime. Sakura is very surprised. :D and happy. Anyways. I saw some good yaoi XD Like gravitation, but I fell asleep too early, around 3 AM, before FAKE came on. ;_;. Oh well. Too much yaoi might fry my brain. Lol. Yeah.

My other grandma from Delaware wants me to visit her. hae to make a decision-- and fast. Please comment and help me make a decision. I'll be seeing my "long lost" older sister who I havent seen since... 9 years ago? My father... and some family that I dont even know exists... Im scared ;_; -cryishness-.

Oh. Yes. the icon, as some people have been wondering about, is my friend's bunny, with the color reversed, cut, and pic mirror-flipped.

And-- Orginal J, I accidently deletd your Guestbook signing ;_; Sowwwwwwwiiiiiieee. Can you resign, if it lets you? >_o; I hope.

-sigh- Im feeling sooooo much crap now, I'm hoping that the jpop Im listening to washes everything away...
._. Please help people. <3 Me loves youuuuuuu <3<3<3 Love the Sakura. Help me. In any wayyou can. Coz I need it.

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Thursday, May 20, 2004

Last Day of School... almost
Yep. The today is officially last day of school. n.n well. It's midnight now. but, yeah. I have my technology and history exams today *cringe*. Today's Algebra/English went ehhh. Well. English is a piece of cake. I flew through the 185 questions in 63 minutes. XD Yes. I timed myself. But on the math Exam, my brain exploded at the sight of numbers. I froze up and poof-- there goes my sanity. So. I took some "educated--wait, no, random, guesses" on that for a few questions. Bleh. Whooo. Um. Yeah. I might update later today after school. On Friday, Deb is going to be over here again and I'm going shopping and stuff. And then Saturday-Sunday, I'll be in Orlando for the JACON 2004 n_n I'll take lots of pictures. If you wanna see them, email me whenever.. :O Okay? Okay. Nightynight.
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Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Im alive.
I think.
Heh. Day one of Exams are through. Last day of school is Thrusday, whee!
Yeah. Um.. Submitting some fanart. 3 of them I think. Look for them soon, okay? lalaa..aaghh.. exams suck..
OMG XD Im taking Drivers Ed in the first semester next year. Thats going to be so insane. I can barely stand on two feet let alone drive O_O

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Thursday, May 13, 2004

o_o Yo!
Im feeling better so wheee~.. -little dance- Fwee~.. Um! Lesseee. o_O Ah. yes. On Saturday, I'm having a pool party for my b-day and then a sleepover, so I wont be online Saturday.. On Friday I have to clean and get everything ready for Saturday. And on Sunday/Monday, I have to study for my exams. Exams are Tues-Thurs, then thats it for school.

Then next weekend, I'm going to Orlando [Florida] for JACON. Dunno when I'll update next, it could be in 5 minutes or in 5 days. Just be on the lookout for me, coz you never know! Okay? Okay! :D

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