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Monday, April 19, 2004

What is your favorite..
gum:I dont chew gum.
restaurant:Any restaraunt with food.
drink:code red
type of weather:sunny, warm.
thing to do on a half day:o.o? Sleep?
late-night activity:Get online
sport:get online
store:Any store with anime
When was the last time you..
cried:20 minutes ago.
played a sport:gym class, this morning.
laughed:-laughs- now.
hugged someone:today. gym class.
kissed someone:o_O; Um..Dont know.
felt depressed:today
felt elated:today
felt overworked:today
faked sick:a few days ago.
lied:probably today, but nothing big. "homework done?" "yeah"
What was the last..
word you said:Um, dunno. I dont talk when Im online, I mean like actually talk. Think it was "GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" o_o; or something. 3 hours ago.
thing you ate:chicken.
song you listened to:jpop station wont tell me.
thing you drank:o.o ummmm...... yesterday... root beer.
place you went to:o_O; The bathroom?
movie you saw:-shrug- o_O;
movie you rented:-shrug-
concert you attended:o_O;;;;; WOAH... Um.. Nsync... 3 years ago?
Who was the last person you..
hugged:-thinks- Sasori online. Piyoko offline.
cried over:my bro and sis. o_o;
kissed:o_O;;; ummmmmmmm........... No one? o_o;; Not like... for a long time.
danced with:o_O; no one.
shared a secret with:I forget.
had a sleepover with:uhhh.. Tara's.
called:-thinks- Maikeru.
went to a movie with:o.o My brother.
saw:o_O oh um. House on the range... farm.. o_o????
were angry with:myself?
couldn't take your eyes off of:o_o; YAOI! XD!
obsessed over:o.o;;; um. Maikeru.
Have you ever..
danced in the rain:Yeah.
kissed someone:on the cheek.
done drugs:never
drank alcohol:never
slept around:o_O What?
partied 'til the sun came up:No.
had a movie marathon:o_O Anime.
gone too far on a dare:I dunno.
spun until you were immensely dizzy:yeah.
taken a survey quite like this before:o.o uhuh

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! brought to you by BZOINK!

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[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? :::Nicole Bernadette Stark... sakura.
Birthplace :::Someplace in Maryland
Age :::14, 15 in less than 2 months
Age you act :::Von says: 10 when you talk. teenage when you contemplate. Deb says: 13 when you're pouting/hyper, 19 when you're serious. so, 15. John says: late 20s. chiyo says: 13 mostly.
Current location :::Florida. Beach.
Eye color :::This is really odd. I've been told I have yellow eyes. Its true. Yellow/amber/grey/green. More yellow/amber than a normal person. So. yeah, yellow. Like Chii's eyes.
Hair color :::Brown. Mixture of black underneath, blonde highlights from the sun, so... kinda.. copper-red-brown-black-everything.
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? :::mostly right. A little ambidextrous.
Zodiac sign? :::Gemini; Snake
Height? :::5'5 without shoes. measured myself with a bazillion different rulers, HA! ALMOST 5'6! I look taller,
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality :::o_O; NOT A CLUE! mostly english/european, 1/8 american indian.
Your hair :::curly. frizzy. poofy sometimes? x_X;;;;;;
Your fears :::oh-so-many...mostly... to be left alone. And I fear myself. -nod nod-
Your perfect room :::one... with stuff in it. and its gotta be comfy. filled with anime. Just... nice, y'know?
What you practically do in a day :::sit on the computer. from 4 pm - 4 am.
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse :::d00d. And.. "like" and...x_x; a lot! A lot of words! Grr.. <--
Phrases you overuse :::Too many. Grr.
Your first thought when you wake up :::whatever my fream was the night before. Snapping back into reality. Then "Sleeeeeeep....."
Your greatest accomplishment :::Making someone smile.
Something you want to do :::get married. o_o;
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke :::pepsi.
McDonald's or Burger Kings :::burger king.
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera :::neither. Ayumi Hamasaki, Hitomi, Utada Hikaru!
Chocolate or vanilla :::Mixed.
Adidas or Nike :::Neither. too expensive.
Black or white :::black.
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) :::coins. good for arcade games and snack machines ^_^
Burgers or hot dogs :::burgers.
Egypt or France :::egypt.
Rock or rap :::rock.
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke :::no
Cuss :::not often
Sing well :::I doubt it.
Sing in the shower :::All the time
Talk to yourself --a lot-- :::A LOT
Believe in yourself :::dunno.
Like taking these longass surveys? :::yes.
Play an instrument :::used to. A xylophone for band, no joke n_n;;
Want to go to college? :::yes
Want to get married? :::YES
Want to have children? :::Not really.
Think you're a health freak? :::NO WAY
Get along with your parents :::Nope... what parents?
Get along with your siblings? :::Nope.
Think you're popular :::Amongst the middle schoolers/dorks. I have like, 20 followers. Just not popular in my grade. The middle schoolers love me though :D I love them toooooo!
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state :::nah.
Drank alchohal :::no way
Smoke :::no
Get high :::nooo
Done any drugs :::NO! X_X
Eaten an entire box of oreos :::no, dont like oreos.
Been on stage :::Nope.
Gone skinny dipping :::Nooo!
Been dumped :::No.
Dyed your hair :::Not in the last month.
Stolen anything :::Maybe a little change.
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest :::me. deb. um.. everyone..
Loudest :::Me or Tara. Tara> "HEY!" *PUNCH* Thats... loud.
Most shy :::Chiyo or stripey.
Blondest :::Osaka. No doubt.
Smartest :::Jared/Chiyo.
Kindest :::Everyone. They're all so wonderful.
Best personality :::Everyone!
Most talented :::EVERYONEEEEEEE!
Best singer :::Deb? chiyo?
Most ghetto :::o_O; No one.
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) :::Me!!
Pain in the ass :::xD ME!
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style)):::Wha?
Funniest :::Me. :D
Best person for advice :::um.. chio.. or deb.. i dunno, I dunno anyone else outside of school except them x_x;
Dependable :::deb
Trustworthy :::deb. chiyo. everyone!
Druggie :::o_O No one.
Most likely to end up in jail :::Probably me.
Person you've known the longest :::People say Deb's known me since 2nd grade. I dont remember her one bit.
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream :::I dont remember. I have dreams all the time, though.
Last nightmare :::A few days ago? I dont remember.
Car ride :::To school/from school with my grandma,
Last time you cried :::Oh, this mroning. I cry everyday and all the time.
Last movie seen :::-sigh- I forget!
Last movie rented :::Dont remember.
Last book read :::Manga.
Last word said :::o_O; MANGA!
Last curse word said :::Shit. x_x;;; but I think I only thought it in my mind. Outloud, I say "SHIP!"
Last time you laugh :::I laugh all the time. When I'm happy, and smiling isnt good enugh, I laugh.
Last phone call :::dont remember.
Last CD played :::Ceres.
Last song you listened to :::JPOP radio songs.
Last annoyance :::-shrug- Yao trying to force me to read DK fanfics.
Last IM :::Von.
Last weird encounter :::Everyday!
Last person you hugged :::sushi or piyoko or chiyo or chidori or deb.
Last person you yelled at :::my brother.
Last time you wore a skirt :::the other day.
Last time you've been evil :::1 sec ago >)
Sarcastic? :::1 sec ago >D
Last time you fought with your parents :::What parents?
Last time you wished upon a star :::A few nights ago.
Played Truth or Dare :::A few months ago.
Spent quality time alone :::I spend time alone... all the time.
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM :::yeah
Do you feel lonely :::yeah
Ever TP'd someone's house :::o_O No.
How about egging someone's house :::o_O No.I dont like eggs.
Do you not like dislike not like me? :::o_o Excuse me?
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? :::o.o Not really.
Yo Momma :::x_X; EH? Whaaaaa? ;.;?
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? :::I guess.
What do you think of George Bush? :::He's okay. I couldnt do a better job, so I wont complain.
Any secret fetishes? :::o.o?
Do you like to wear chains? O_o :::o.o? no, not really.
How many languages do you speak? :::2. English and learning japanese. :D Nihongo!
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! :::not really.
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) :::I guess.

Bored? ((Over 100 questions)) brought to you by BZOINK!

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Friday, April 16, 2004

Back. I found me about 2 minutes after I walked away from my computer. I was heating up rice in the microwave. And just thought.
"Ah. Dammit. I'm running away."

.-.; Maybe I ran away from the answers, not the other way around? Anyways. I'm still gonna go away for weekend, I need the break.

Anyways. I'm still gone, looking. searching. for something.Shall be back in a few days.

I'm odd...

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I'm gonna go away, okay?
For a while. I can't take it.
I'm so lost. And I don't know.
I need to get away from it all.
So, have a nice weekend, I hope
you smile and laugh and are happy
and content and that you have a clear understanding of what's going on.
I don't. and that's why I have to go away.
I'll come back.

I'm so lost.
I don't know me.
Or you.
or the world.
or anything.
I dont have an answer
I don't know.
I'm naive, so it makes things worse
coz I naturally
"dont get it".
Dense. Slow. Whatever
you want to call it.

You probably still dont understand
what I'm talking about.
just imagine this:

What if the part of you
that guides you
and comforts you
and gives you an answer
and strength and reason
suddenly just disappeared?
got up and left.
"See ya, Sakura."
I've become so confused
that something happened..
but i dont know what happened
because I'm confused
and I don't know
I don't know anything.
I'm lost.
I'm scared.
I'm hurt.

about what? Everything.
Why is the sky blue?
I dont know
Why am I upset?
i dont know
Why am I typing this?
Don't know..

So, I have to go away.
away from online
because its confusing me.
I always got reality mixed up.
staring into a glowing box for 12 hours...
thats not going to help.
So I'm getting away from the computer.
I doubt anyone will read this.
i don't know.
I'll come back.
I dont know.
Do I even have the courage
to go? Ah. Is courage even the right word for that sentence?...
I don't know.

I'm lost. Really lost. I cant seee a thing. I dont know where I am, I dont know who I am, when I am, what I am, why I am... eh. who what when where why?

I don't know.

I don't know, but I think I'm leaving now, to find that 'missing piece' of me. If youve noticed in my entries lately, I've been mentioning that... yeah. but all the answers slipped through my fingers and I'm left with nothing. So, i guess I'm gonna wait for it to come to me, because I don't know where its at. Just because: I don't know. I'm sorry.


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Thursday, April 15, 2004

This sucks:
Argh. I had to retype all of this because AOHELL[AOL] needs to be shot. This is like, 1/3 of what I had written before it was all erased.

~It's a beautiful morning~! Liar:

This morning my leg was killing me. I couldn't find my glasses so I was really annoyed, because I cant see without my glasses [legally blind, seriously]. Felt like my muscles in my leg were tightening and they were stuck like that. I started to cry a little, because it REALLY REALLY hurt. But it eventually faded [A little], and I went to school, feeling sick and my legs aching badly. I live in florida, on the beach, and it's 40 degrees outside, the cold weather is driving me insane.

I go to a prison. It's called school:
--Science: Ms.Wamsley took away my CD player [ That stupid beach. ]. I got it back at the end of class, thankfully, but she made me and Deborah clean the classroom. And this kid Dustin said some crap about Deb and now she's trying to be all nice and friendly to us. Grr.
--P.E: Saku ish t3h clueless. Jade, a junior, was talking to Deb and I was just like "Ladedadeda" Walking next to them and Jade and Deb are like "That idiot." "he needs to stop messing with Saku." and I'm like "Huh?" their reply: "Josh Freeman keeps picking on you." I blinked. I know not of this Josh and what he's doing. Who's Josh? What was he doing, I wonder? I asked. "Gee, Sakura-chan, you're dense." "She doesnt even know what's goung on.". I said, "Huh?" And Deborah replied, "Nothing!" o_O; Argh.
--Math: Easy review. I had time to copy down the lyrics from my Ceres CD from the little booklet thingy that gives you the lyrics that comes with the CD. It was written in Kanji, Kata, Hira, etc, so I decided to copy it down. It got some attention and people "seemed" interested. I thought that was cool.
--English: I slacked off because I got all the work done yesterday, whoo.
--Lunch: this rocked. I stole almost all of Karoku's french fries. Then we tried to see if Karoku could throw a french fry at me and to see if I could catch it in my mouth. xD Ha! guess what, I rock! Coz, like, I caught it in my mouth, w00t! M4d fr3nch fr1 34ting 5k1]]z y0.
--Technology: My teacher still pisses me off. When I first got to class, he gave me a bunch of cool pamphlets and a booklet-thingy on art colleges. Then at the end of class, he took them back.;.;. And I had a lot of work to do in that class, because my partner, who is a senior, slacks off and he's at some dumb national comptetition. I hope I can finish the rest of the work tomorrow, grr.
--History: Now this was funny. Dr.Bates was showing us how wars like WWI [ coz thats what we're learning about now ]
get started, like, one person says something and then another and then everyone joins in and fights. He was like, "And Maurine smacks the crap out of Nate, but Nate bumps into Ernie, so Ernie thought it was Maurine and gets her. And then Nicole [ Nicole. That's me. Nicole= SakuraChan.] jumps me, because she doesn't like me [ Kill kill kill. xP] and Deborah tries to pull Nicole away because Nicole and Deborah are best friends. But Chris thinks that Nicole is being attacked by Deborah, so Chris takes her out, BAM! And Nicole hurts Chris and--" That's when I interrupted, "And then this is the part where Nicole takes EVERYONE out like wh00sh and wins this war." The class laughed, Deb and I were snickering. It was funny. :P ph33r meh.

Home, sweet, home:

And here I am. I'm gonna try and figure out some music for this page and stuff, oh yeah, gotta enter in that fanart, I havent done that yet. Hm. What I find annoying is that I've yet to see a picture of me that actually looks good. Maybe I'm just plain ugly? Nah >P This has been yet another pointless rant to take up time and space, ahahaha >D n_n;; Heheh. You're such a loser for reading this XD;; Agh. I'm even more of a loser for writing it though, ne? xD; Argh. hehe.

This is interesting:
My school is number #1 in the state of Florida in every sport this year. We won the state finals for everything so far. Tennis, Basketball, soccer, and I think baseball is almost there? No clue, I'm not a sports person, I just think its cool that out of like, a bazillion schools, we won a the state title, and then we win almost every title and are over-all state champs. I'm almost proud of my school for once. ... Almost but not really so actually not at all. :D

I doubt the font will turn out the way I wanted it to, but, oh well.

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Whats does your personality rate from 1-10? by morning_prayer
Your first full name
Your personality rates aseven
your best quality isyoure talented
your worst quality isyour family pisses you off
this is becauseyoure true to yourself
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

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Wednesday, April 14, 2004

o_O; Wednesday.
Interim report:

Science: C [WHAT!? yesterday it said I had a D! Someone must have smacked my science teacher XD; ]
Personal Fitness: F. Bleh. I dress out, do my work [sometimes], but its hard for me to keep up, I get tired too fast and then I
cant breathe. I need to get my grandma to write my coach a letter 'er something.
Algebra: A! Woah! WhAT!? Insane. Last term it was an F :X
English: A high D. But its actually a C or a B.
Tech studies: My highest grade. 92.0. That's an A. My technology teacher is crazy. He walks right up to my drawing sketchpad and tries to look in it! I turned around in the rolley chair and smacked down the sketchbook cover and slid it into my backpack. He said, "Let me see" And I was like "o_O;;;;;; NO!" Dur. Stupid person.
History: a D. but its actually a C. :/ So, I did "average" I think. Good enough, though I gotta pull my grades up in a few weeks before school ends to make sure I dont fail from an F or two, or three from last quarter.

Hm, so, yeah.. Ah, I learned something new today. I'm dense. Like, incredibly dense. Like, the total obvious things dont even phase me. Well, I realized that quite some time ago, its just that I feel,um, extra-clueless today? Some people have crushes on me, okay? Like, my friends, some online, some real life. Like, they've liked me for a long time and EVERYBODY would know except me. That happens to quite a few people, but, isnt it usually easier to see when its happening to someone else? Nope, I cant even see it then. Like in this one manga: Alice 19th. I came running in the library this morning and told my friends, "Kyou from Alice 19th is in love with Alice! Kyou loves Alice! Omg, whoohoo!" And my friends were like, "Duh. We've known that since, like, the beginning of the series." And I was like, "o_o; Oh." And they're like, "XP Jeez, Sakura, you're slow!" xD Hehe.

But then, during a lot of my classes, some popular people are talking or something and all of a sudden Deb will jump up and storm over to them and yell at them for doing or saying something about me. I go "Huh? Wha? Why are you mad at them? What'd they do?" And she goes "Ah.. Nothing." But I know its something about me, coz I heard my name in the conversation and people pointing at me and looking over at me. And that happens pretty often, and I'll ask Deb, "Huh? Wha?" And she's always say "Nothing, Sakura-Chan, it's nothing."

I guess I've learned that usually, when someone says "nothing", it's covering up for something bad. It's a lie because its obviously something.About me. Something bad about me. So, since I'm constantly hearing the word "nothing",I guess it means something's constantly going on behind my back. Something bad. And that means that someone's purposely trying to hurt me, right?

I sound like a little kid when I say that. People are like, "DUH, SAKURA." But it's coz I'm dense and slow and naive, I guess. I mean, Jeez, I'm almost 15, but I'm so oblivious to everything like a 5 year old. It's odd. But, there's something that makes me want to act dumb. To pretend to be clueless. coz then I'll just block out whatever bad I heard and pretend like I didnt ever hear in the first place. I'm stuck between if I'm really actually THAT clueless or if I'm acting it. Coz I know that I act stupid in a lot of situations, but... Maybe I have a really simple mind, so that when I try to trick other people into thinking "Its okay" or "I'm happy, not hurt, I dont have a clue" I end up tricking myself in the process.

Okay, okay, I'm sorry, that lastlittle rant was just a bunch of incoherentmumblings. I haven't a clue to why I typed it, I just feel comfortable when I'm able to immediatly type out how I feel or what I think. It's just I end up typing before I can finish what I'm thinking, so I end up confusing myself and... See? Doing it again. So don't stress over not being able to understand a single word I'm saying. Just typing without a plan. I think. Hm.

Edit: Ack. I've typed a lot when I didn't mean to. Hm. I have that stupid feeling of... "?"-ness. I don't feel content. I don't feel right. Something's missing. I need to be doing... something. Hmm.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2004

   Hm. Bleh. YO! Nah.Eh. Sigh.
Hum. Today was interesting. Deb tried to be straight for a day. Very, very, funny. She kept spazzing out whenever she saw a girl, which, of course, was just about every second for her. She says I'm doomed. Whoo. I'm doomed. Sounds funny now, but tomorrow I'll be complaining and whining. You dont even WANT to know how I'm 'doomed'. But, anywhooo... turned in my Japan report today. Finally. Yeah. Eating fried rice now. Kinda tired. A little annoyed coz someone mushed with Mitch's account and that everyone online is saying that I look like I'm 20, when I sent them a picture of me. d00d. I don't like looking old. Not cool. Got my JPOP music blasting in my headphones and a lot of my friends online now seem hyper. Well, not me. I'm not sad, but not exactly happy either. Tired. I feel.. complainish now. I do it waaay too often, but I feel bad when I do complain. Ummm. -thinks- Interim reports come out tomorrow, here's my grades:
Science: D
Personal Fitness: D or F
Alg: D, .4 from an F
Eng: Low C
Tech studies: low B. The teacher is a tree-hugging fr00t. Seriously. Sounds mean, but you'd agree if you met him. He treats me like a teacher's pet or something because I draw to help make his 'lets make the world a better place' flyers/posters.
History: D or F. Eff, eff, eff. o_o; I hate that teacher.

Whoo. I'm dumb. But I bought an IQ test the other day and filled it out, says I have a 140, which is like "exceptional" and 160 is genius. I want to be smarter than that, but I just act so dumb 24/7, it goes to my head. I heard that hanging out with people that are smarter than you makes you grow as a person. Yeah, but it makes you feel inferior. Not cool.

Gonna send in some fanart soon, look out for it. whoo?

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Monday, April 12, 2004

   Wanted: Sakura's missing... something.
Why aren't people commenting? :/ Usually someone comments once n' a while. No one's signed my guestbook in ages, but no one's even typed in 'hello' on my shoutbox! x_x; COME ONNNNNNNNNN, peoples! you could at least say 'hi' in my shoutbox! T_T; Anyways... today was fairly normal, though I seemed out of it, not necessarily tired, because I got plenty of sleep and food for once. Just feels as if something's... missing. I hope I find it soon :| I may write more in here later. o_O; Meh. Maybe things are a little boring? This is the type of day where I wished my life were more an action manga, and not such a shoujo-girly-romance-drama. o_O; wait a sec, my life's not a manga. Oh well.
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Sunday, April 11, 2004

   n_N After the piccynic
YEY! Guess what! Chiyo-Chan came with me to the picnic! It was really nice with her around. When we got back home, here, we watched DVDs and listened to music, and sung and danced. It was a lot of fun! I got my pants ruined when I jumped in the water at the park, though XD Haha. it was nice. My favorite part was this:

Chiyo and Sakura are sitting on the edge of the river, Sakura kicks the water and splashed Chiyo. Then silence.
Chiyo: So... what's up, Sakura?
Sakura: Ah, well... I'm here at Kelly Park with my best friend on Easter!
Chiyo: Hehe, For once, I can say the same.

:D It made me smile.

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