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Sakura Aka Saku
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Hints: Megacon, Jacon, AFO-con.
Member Since
Highschool girl Otaku.
Real Name
Okay, so.. Sakura may not be my REAL name, but hey, I have all my teachers calling me it, so why not?
Anime Fan Since
1999. 6 years!
Favorite Anime
anything by clamp is godly, rurouniken, full moon, Flcl, gravi, and others. But mainly CLAMP stuff ..
To pass the 10th grade, OH DEAR PLEASE GOD X.x;; And also to become a great mangaka as well as a great person!
being an otaku. 100%.
Deb says I should put "Being a good friend" hehe, shameless plug! Anyways, my talents, I believe are using my oddball sense of humor, drawing/art/otakuism, and surviving difficult times ^_^
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, December 3, 2004
o_o Hm.random thingies:
+Played DDR, got my first A on breakdown.
+Went to tana's and we practiced for our driver's ed test
+I failed it anyways.
It was parallel parking and yeah. We only got one day to practice and he never told us how to parallel park with the truck. Guess what vehicle I got?
x_x fscking truck.
Anyways. Today I went to run errands with Deb for an hour with her uncle. Her uncle is strange.
o.o yeah.
Tama has hentai on her comp.
XD I would know, I watched it. It's called Love Love... weird stuff..
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
Yay, updated my fanart! Its tenten from naruto! please check it out and rate! ^^;
Also, if you havent read the post below from yesterday, please do so! :3
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Okay, all of you wanted to know how my cousin stole 32 mangas. The answer is a big backpack. All we did was walk in, take the books off the shelf, place them in the backpack and walk off. Very simple.
Now, anyways... OOH! Did I mention I got a portable DVD player? :D yayayayay.
Hm. Ah yes. I got a 102 on my french test, a 110 and a 100 on my two geometry tests and I got a 91 on my latest driver's ed test. ^^ Yayayayyayaya~ only two more weeks of school :3
Tomorrow I have to do an oral book report, blech!
Today was a pretty good day, Iwould say. Very fun. After school my grandma and I went out to eat and then she let me drive around! ^^; for the first time on an actual ROAD. I drove around for about 10 minutes through a really nice rich neighborhood and then I got to go on a main road :D 35 mph. w00t. At night. <3
On the way back, we stopped at my old house. The walls were bare, only a few things left floor. Yet my mother's room was almost completely still there. It made me happy. I flopped down on her bed and tried to think of what she would say if she saw me doing so. I was disappointed when I couldnt remember what her voice sounded like or what she would say...
Anyways, Today's the last day of the month, which means me and my boyfriend, Maikeru's monthiversary! :3 thats right, a whole 11 months of our online relationship. Teh heart. You can see his myotaku. It's on my friendlist, as Maikun. He rarely updates though, that baka.. -sweatdrops- Anywho! hehee...
I cant wait for Otakucon, yay! That's Dec.17. it'll be my first con where I actually cosplay and get to go all 3 days and stay in the hotel for 3 whole nights. <3 Whoohoo! My 4th con. ^^;
Okay, so, questions of the day...
o.o I got none? Ask me some! :3 and I'll answer.
-Saku. -huggles-
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
Stealing is bad?
Yesterday, my cousin stole over 400$ in stuff from the mall O_O
32 manga
2 shirts
2 rings
2 bracelets
2 decks of cards
a poster
2 pins
2 wallets
2 pair of earrings
a pair of gloves
japanese language book
and a dog chain
how, you ask? A backpack. and stealth. Anyways. We're not gonna do it again, so dont worry. I was just surprised how we got away with it, O_O it was a cinch! I got 7 manga books total from her. >>; Stingy cousin-chan~! She visited this weekend from Keywest. I got her addicted to DDR. Yay!
Question 1: What did you do for Thanksgiving?
2: Have you played DDR?
3: Ever stolen something?
Give me details!
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Driver's ed test tomorrow. Ima fail it >O< argh.
planning my cosplay as Shuichi and Tenten tomorrow and the next.. o.o and the next... until Otakucon. booked the hotel rooms already ^^; whee...
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Monday, November 22, 2004
My weekend was pretty dull.. And, Blech, my keyboard broke~! Im sorry you guys didnt see comments from me then, but trust me, I read them ^^;
So I got a new keyboard last night and its sooo smex0r. :3 it looks awesome. I spent the whole weekend talking on the phone with Maikun and eating and reading fanfiction ^^; I found a VERY interesting Gaara x Sakura story... very smex0r. ^^;;;
Today was pretty normal, the only bad part was that we had to write two essays T_T; sucked.
A weird thing happened today as we were on the bus, ready to go home...
"Hurry!! Someone call 911!!"
I looked up to see the bus in a panic, glued to one side of the bus, looking out the window. I looked out as well.. and about 2 football field's length.. I saw a crashed plane! @_@; Someone flew right into the playground of the elementary school next door. The idiot. The worst terrorist attack Ivew ever seen. >>; I hope the guy's alright.
Ive been on a downloading spree of Full Moon wo Sagashite... Only 130 more hours to go!
-laughs nervously-
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Friday, November 19, 2004
The smileys are out there...
At school! Biology, actually, in the library doing a report on colorblindness with meh friend, Asia. Asia picked out the smiley above and asked if it was "Laughing or Ecstatic?"
Okay, so thats the question of the day.
--Is the grey smiley Laughing or Ecstatic?--
-cant spell ecstatic, asia had to correct me. -_-; -
Yay for Friday. What are you guys doing this weekend? I need to visit everyone's sites this weekend -nods to self-..
Uhm.. yeh. Had a weird dream about going to an anime convention with a bunch of preps there. o_0;;;
Uhm... -blinx0rz- Yes. o.o/)) Byebyes. Update later, maybe... Maybe.
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Thursday, November 18, 2004
I have been lacking posts, havent I? My apologies x_x
I got my interim report: Here it is:
Biology: B
English: A
Government: B
French: A
Driver ed: A
Geometry: A
so.. yep. gotta bring up my government grade, its almost a C. x_X
OOH! And I got picked for French. o.o; ON TO STATE COMPETITION! WHOOO!!!
o.o; thats all I have.
Take the how well do you know me quiz?
Yep. thats all.
for now.
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Monday, November 15, 2004
I havent updated in like... ever. Im so sorry! Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorrrrrrry~!
Okay. Um. On Thursday, I went to Tama's house and we watched X. ^^; On Friday... Friday stuff happened and I repeated kept thinking it was monday. Lol. On the weekend, me and Tama went to the mall, played DDR, wandered as usual, and found fluffy pillows in department stores and proceeded to huggle them.
Okay, so about today. I got good news and bad news concerning my drivers ed test. The bad news is that I failed the test. a 67. The good news is that I retook it and got a 100% O_O;; How did that happen? I learned the reason why there are side mirrors on a car. :D; So.. the highest you can get on a retake is 80%, so 80 it is. Not bad.
I saw my geometry grade today. a beautiful 93.5%. French has yet to fall below a 100%. Speaking of French, Ms.Lefever is going to determine who gets to go to the state competition for the French year 1 vocab division. -crosses fingers- That would be tomorrow. Eee. She's been giving me hints that its me. No, seriously. She looks right at me and grins and says that she'll pick the person who always bugs her about it and brags how much they've studied. That would be me, thank you. o_o so... I really hope Im right >>;
I may be possible taking a japanese oourse at the community colllege in the near future. Whee :D\
uhm.. Right. o.o the 9 dot-puzzle.. I'll get that up here as soon as I find out how to. ( I know how to, its just, argh, takes a while o_o)
So.. yeah. :3
How was your day?
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Got a C on my govt test.
A or B on my English Quiz.
A on French Test
... Failed drivers ed test.
I was in the middle of backing up when the bell rang. I heard coach say "keep going back" so I thought "Maybe we should just keep backing backwards to avoid hitting other cars to get back to starting point to park and then grab my backpack and run like mad crazy to my next class?"
so I rushed myself and ran over 2 more cones.
._..... he counted that as the test.
I know I wouldnt have hit those if I hadnt just rushed when I thought it wouldnt matter if I hit a cone.
.________.;;;;;;;;;;;;; -cries- I wanna retake it, coz I know I can do better.I was so upset.
We had to go to an assembly at the end of the day with my math class. ><; people made fun of me the whole freakin' 45 minutes.
"Ew. I dont want to sit next to HER... she's a FREAK."
"Animeee suuuucks.."
"I dont like Japanese people."
"Nyah Ching Chaaannng.. ahaha, pearl hatbor!"
"Stupid girl.."
Stuff like that from the 4 people behind me and two from the left ><;
RAH. I was about to STAB THEM TO DEATH.Argh. How annoying.
When I got home, my nana, her boyfriend Larry and I went out for italian.
He drew 9 dots on a piece of paper and told me to connect them all in 4 straight lines without pulling up the pen. I stared at it.
15 minutes go by.
"Nicole, eat your food."
"I am." Stare.
Left the restaaunt, wrote it on my to-go box. Stare.
Car ride.
It's been an hour.
Getting out of car.
Stare..."...Can I do this?" I drew the 4 lines and connected them.
Apparently, I was the first person he's met that has solved that puzzle.. o_0 and he's been trying it on people for 30+ years.
O_o;;;;;; Told an online friend and he said that means your IQ is 150+
o_0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I feel proud of myself, but I dont think it means I'm smart.
if anyone wants to try it, comment, and I'll make it on paint and put it up here, the nine dots and re-explain. o_0; then I'll show the answer on Friday, if anyone even wants to do it in the first place.
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