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Sakura Aka Saku
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Hints: Megacon, Jacon, AFO-con.
Member Since
Highschool girl Otaku.
Real Name
Okay, so.. Sakura may not be my REAL name, but hey, I have all my teachers calling me it, so why not?
Anime Fan Since
1999. 6 years!
Favorite Anime
anything by clamp is godly, rurouniken, full moon, Flcl, gravi, and others. But mainly CLAMP stuff ..
To pass the 10th grade, OH DEAR PLEASE GOD X.x;; And also to become a great mangaka as well as a great person!
being an otaku. 100%.
Deb says I should put "Being a good friend" hehe, shameless plug! Anyways, my talents, I believe are using my oddball sense of humor, drawing/art/otakuism, and surviving difficult times ^_^
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Mrgh, dead tired.
-Drivers Ed test today, gonna fail
-English Quiz today, gonna pass
-French, a B probably
-Govt, I shall be happy if I get a B.
Two things I want to be better at:
._. both require something I do not have. Commen sense, balance, concentration, mental stability...?
My cousin is coming here for thanksgiving. We shall then plot and create our cosplay for the Otakucon in Miami Beach of mid-december. I shall be SHUICHI from GRAVITATION and she shall be RYUUICHI. ^^; She lives in Keywest and her mom will pick her up on the last day of school and drive her 200 miles to Miami.
Me? I'll have to go straight to the bus station from my last day of school after exams to the bus... to West Palm Beach to take a train to go to Miami. OR take bus to orlando to take real, faster train straight to Miami. By myself. Then, once I am relocated 250 miles south of my home, alone, in the midst of a million people in a huge city, I shall then find my aunt and cousin. Then, upon doing so, we shall supposedly have enough time to check in to our hotel and go to the con. Then so on and so forth on Sat, Sun. I have no idea how I shall do this by myself, and take all my cosplay junk with me.
Cant you just imagine me standing on the busy streets of a ghetto miami street carrying a kendo stick, dressed in sezy jrock clothes and a backpack? Yep. All the weirdos are in Miami.
-siiiigh- Dunno how it'll work. I could take a plane, but meeh. expensive. Also, how will the bus get to the train station? Mer. Its gonna be like.. late by the time I get there.. if I get out of school by like.. 130.. or whatever... MER! We'll see in a month, when I actually know that I'll be going for sure.
so. If you have something to say, feel free to comment.
Question: How do you feel about traveling/going out on your own?
Question: What's the weirdest thing you've worn in public?
Question: Been to any conventions?
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Monday, November 8, 2004
1002 visits/
If you havent readthe post below, read it now.
:D I was looking for a pic to put on here to show my happiness and yay towards my 1000+ visits. I looked on google:
Sakura Smile.
I got this as a result. Apparently, someone named their pet, Saku. Saku is happy. YAY!

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My Statistics Total Visits 1001 Popularity Ranking # 379 (out of 14,709 active sites)
:D w0000000000t!
^^; wow... its kinda hard to believe. o_o why the heck would 1000 people want to visit me? XD its coolie.
What are your site's stats?
had fun on sat. Got my L'arc~en~cielCD, SMILE. YAY FOR JROCK! and saw teh Grudge again. Got two pairs of fishnets, Bright green and purple :D! YAY FOR BRIGHT GREEN.
School... uhm.. I hit 2 cones in drivers ed! :D ... death to that class.
In french, I want to enter state competition for level 1 vocabulary, but two others are competing for it. the vocab list is about 2000 words long and the competition is in March. But... the teacher can only pick one person to go, so she's gonna quiz us on it, by next Tuesday. soo.. I need to cram 2000 words into my head in less than 8 days to emsure my victory.
... my brain hurts. x_x
random french word:
bonhomme de neige: Snowman!
Lit.Translation: Good man of snow.
Speaking, of snow, its cold! Okay, so I live in Florida, but, stiiiilll~! It was in the 50s today! Omg, I thought I was gonna diiiie. stupid cold weather.
more questions:
~whats something you've had to study really hard for?
~How's the weather where you live?
That be all! -huggles-
Much love! Sakura.
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Saturday, November 6, 2004
Tama's coming over ^^ Gotta get ready and meet her downstairs in 5 minutes.
o.o What shall we do? Well, we'll stay home at night watching X. But while we're out, we'll go to the Mall, play DDR, see the Grudge, wander about in strange cosplay, read manga, eat chinese, go into hot topic and the dollar store. :D yay!
Im getting close to 1000 visits! -squeals- Im at 988 now, I'll give my current stats when I have more time tomorrow.
Bye for now, have a great Saturday!
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Friday, November 5, 2004
What are your plans for the weekend?
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Thursday, November 4, 2004
Nothing good came out of today. Nothing bad.
Knee-deep in homework but getting it done.
Everything is level. Equal. Fine. Okay. indifferent.
I still laugh and joke around with my friends and then it gets evened out by someone yelling at me or something.
Life seems to be going nowhere this way, but o.o; oh well. Odd, since a lot of things are going on. I guess Im just shrugging them off now.
o.o; So.. today was today.-nod-
Still working on homework.
You know what I need? A convention.
>>; Darnit. I wanna go to Megacon. I want junk to arrive in the mail. ;-; I want to wait but none of those things are even near here, so. o_o; im not waiting for anything. nothing's holding be back, but nothing's really pushing me forward. Just standing here. o.o
Dunno for how long, though o.o
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
>>; Had a junk of homework for the two days I missed... like.. 8 math assignments. -groan- =_=
I hate school. o.o I hate drivers ed... o_o and I hate the program mIRC.
o.o; do you hate any of these things?
o_o what do you want to pick up and chuck off a cliff right now?
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Yay for being better
Gotta go back to school tomorrow.
I watched all of X
:D Its a good anime.
Ive seen 20 eps into CCSakura. o.o; yaaay for subbed uncut CCS!
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Saturday, October 30, 2004
Sick with the Flu.
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Friday, October 29, 2004
I'm sorry that I haven't updated lately.. Today I was sick and now I'm a;; tired and stuff.. x_x here, this is my AIM away message that's currently up, it'll save my energy from typing the exact same thing out:
"SakuraLove2u v2: I woke up this morning with a sore throat but went to school anyways. All the classrooms seemed freezing cold, but everyone else said it was normal. I sneezed really hard a few times today, my head pounding afterwards, giving a sigh, even though it hurt my swollen throat. Came home, and there was my anime that I ordered online a weekago. Finally. So here I am, sniifling and sneezing, freezing cold, huddled up in a huge quilt drinking cherry cola, might have some rice later if my throat feels better, watching the anime, X, in its complete series, CCSakura complete sitting in my anime drawer, resting and stuff to get back to my normal self by tomorrow.doubt it, but, I dont think it'll stop Tama from dragging me away to see The Grudge. Or her coming over to watch my anime. So...Leave a message if you'd like...Have a nice night. "
Yeah, that basically explains it. oh yeah, got my report card today
English II honors-B
American Govt Honors-B
French 1-A
Drivers Ed-A
GPA- 3.333...
It's pretty good, except for that nasty Biology grade. Oh well, guess I better work harder...
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