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Sakura Aka Saku
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Hints: Megacon, Jacon, AFO-con.
Member Since
Highschool girl Otaku.
Real Name
Okay, so.. Sakura may not be my REAL name, but hey, I have all my teachers calling me it, so why not?
Anime Fan Since
1999. 6 years!
Favorite Anime
anything by clamp is godly, rurouniken, full moon, Flcl, gravi, and others. But mainly CLAMP stuff ..
To pass the 10th grade, OH DEAR PLEASE GOD X.x;; And also to become a great mangaka as well as a great person!
being an otaku. 100%.
Deb says I should put "Being a good friend" hehe, shameless plug! Anyways, my talents, I believe are using my oddball sense of humor, drawing/art/otakuism, and surviving difficult times ^_^
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Yeah. :3 Naruto fanart! Check it our and please rate, it's shikamaru-kun!
Okay. good.
o_o now go to articles... and then go and read/rate my article on controversial CLAMP pairings.
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Wheee...Today was better
Yes. Much better than yesterday -nodnod- Actually, it started out as me feeling sick as usual, getting yelled at and 1 second away from missing the bus, then none of my friends were on the bus. It was even raining. But once I got to school, stuff picked back up.
I went into the library and there was the bookfair :D They had hello kitty junk ^^; Im hoping to get that stuff tomorrow when I have the money.
Science was... all-drawish. My teacher warned me about the quiz two days from now.
In english, I read.
In Government, I drew and took all the notes. At the end of class, the teacher warned mw about my drawing and doing it during class, asking if I had all the notes.
Lunch was teh coolies.
French was cool. I had an oral test, and I didnt know any of the answers, so I crammed all 25-ish questions, their translation, and their answers into my head. I got asked 2 questions at random... and passed them.
Driver's ed, I drew and took notes. Once again, the teacher warned me about drawing. It was mainly because he asked me an easy queestion we went over and over and over a thousand times. And.. I answered it wrong... when the class yelled at me to "STOP DRAWING!!!" I quickly realized I made a mistake and corrected myself.
Then I went to French Club. Then onto my last class, math. Since I had to take Algebra two years in a row -huge sweatdrop (long story, it wasnt my fault that I got stuck in it twice, either)-, I knew all about slope and all that crap. It was a review of that... o.o; In my Geometry class. I finished the 4 worksheets two seconds before class ended.
Then I came home, ate some chicken from KFC and for the first time, I played Chess. I quickly read the rules off the internet and challenged my grandma, who's been playing for like... ever (and that's a long time >_>;). We played for over an hour and I won. -V sign- It was coolie. but then she wouldnt let me play again u_u awhh... so now I'm eating more chicken and updating. Lmao.
-waves; huggles-
I need to do a little homework.. like... read about 60-ish pages in a book. x_X then uhm... that's it, I think.
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-huggles you all-
Meeh! Im still feeling all out of sorts. (Im afraid it might be depression, Ack!) but but but.. for a little while I got really cheerful. ^^; Why? Coz of you guys. :3 I have such great friends on myotaku. Thank you all for commenting! O_O!I can't beliece I got 7 comments. ^^; Nowadays, I get at least a comment every post.. or almost. Now I see like... 6, 5.. 3's.. 2s. O_O ITS INCREDIBLE! I used to get so jealous, you know ^^; -laughs- I wanted to get noticed so bad. I wanted people to acknowledge that I existed, that I'm here, and that I'm not useless. o_o But I got tons of friends who care about me here and in real life! I'm so grateful. Thank you, you guys!
-teh uber 1337 huggles a million zillion times-
I better get some homework done and scoot to sleep before I get all upset again. night all!
...o_o I hope school goes well tomorrow.
Wish me luck!!
Oh yeah!
-almost forgot-
I wrote a review on Saikano! and also, an article on CLAMP's controversial pairings. I hope they get accepted... Im a little worried about the CLAMP article, because its mainly about the yaoi and yuri in their stories.
-crosses fingers- They should be up in 2 days or less, so keep an eye out for them! ^^;!
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Monday, October 4, 2004
:| For most of the day, I was pretty much "bleh".
I did minium effort-work, and got a 30 on my quiz for driver's ed. things didnt pick up until my last class, in which, I have a ton of work to do.
Meeh. o_o I'm hungry... and... hm. and yeah.
These past two weeks havent been going very well for me.
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My head hurts so bad... and I didn't do any of my homework. I'm going to get strange looks today because of how I was on Friday.
Meh. But I gotta go to school, anyways, ne?
x_x Ah jeez... my head hurts... wait. I already said that.
update when I get home from school.
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Sunday, October 3, 2004
And Tama visits!
Yeh yeh. :D Tama-chan be here... whee.
It's... 2:17 AM!
I got her hooked on Fruits Basket, YAY!!
^^; We watched the first dvd... but..
._. My second dvd was broke. SO!
She had to read the second manga, and now the 3rd manga. When she's done with those, the 3rd dvd will pick right up where it left off in the books. and then there's the last dvd and that's it. 26 episodes.
I skipped ep 6, since it was pointless filler and I'm planning to skip the second to last one on the 3rd dvd. Why? Because I want to whirl through the whole series by the time we pass out. =_=
13 episodes to go. x_X... -sigh-
Geeh. And... Tama's... o_o about halfway done reading the 3rd book. Whee!
Today we were ninjas. I swear it. We looked JUST like ninjas. You'd gawk and say "WOAH! Its a ninja from Konoha!" if you saw us. We had actual hitai-ate bands, made from black fabric and tinfoil. (Lame, I know, but hey, it looked surprisingly good). Then we had our own outfits.. she looked a lot like a cross between Sasuke and Haku, so I kept calling her "Hasuke". Hee..
I was looking like.. who knows what.. o_o Fishnets under a pink tshirt and black pants that looked like ninja pants *hard to explain, but yeah..) Then I had tall sandals. I had a black ribbon and a white ribbon going across my chest and my back, and then the ribbons coming down past my waist, all flowy-like... with little bells attached. ^_^;; I was jingley today. What kind of ninja wears bells!? Oh well. o_o it was kawaii.
later we got athletic tape and cut off all blood circulation to our arms and legs by wrapping them up. YAY!
I have both my legs wrapped, one arm wrapped, and one small bit of my upper leg wrapped.
Me and Tama went shopping like this. We got strange looks, stramhe questions, and strange things shouted at us. Oh well. o_0.
It was fun.
Now Im tired.
-MUST... STAY... AWAKE!!!-
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Friday, October 1, 2004
Read if you like. My day of pain.
SakuraLove2u v2 (6:59:23 PM): I had a hard day at school
SakuraLove2u v2 (6:59:30 PM): got sick during my 2nd class..
SakuraLove2u v2 (6:59:36 PM): went on to my 3rd
SakuraLove2u v2 (6:59:48 PM): told the teacher I was sick.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:00:03 PM): and he said "Come on buddy, just take th test first, you can do it buddy"
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:00:12 PM): I was feeling so so so so so so so sick
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:00:18 PM): but I sat down and took the test
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:00:25 PM): and I barely did any of it.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:00:27 PM): I knew the answers.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:00:35 PM): they just wouldnt come out of the pen. x_x;
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:00:44 PM): and I didnt turn in my homework either.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:00:49 PM): but.. eh.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:00:54 PM): I got a 31 on the test
Maikeru Yume (7:00:54 PM): x.x;
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:00:57 PM): and I just started crying.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:01:01 PM): real bad.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:01:03 PM): As usual
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:01:05 PM): no one noticed.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:01:10 PM): and I didnt make a sound.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:01:23 PM): It proves so badly that no one pays any attention to me in that class.
Maikeru Yume signed on at 7:01:35 PM.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:02:26 PM): Anyways.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:02:27 PM): Yeah
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:02:34 PM): Tears were falling like rain.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:02:37 PM): all over my desk.
Maikeru Yume (7:02:37 PM): That isn't good. Try and retake it..
Maikeru Yume (7:02:40 PM): x.x;;;
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:02:59 PM): Im going to try to retake it.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:03:01 PM): -nods-
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:03:07 PM): The teacher checked on me 3 times.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:03:20 PM): "It wasnt the test was it? You'll be okay. Your grade will be fine"
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:03:23 PM): but I didnt answer.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:03:39 PM): and then he said "You're okay, right? Its not the test, is it?"
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:03:50 PM): and I shrugged and said "not really"
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:04:08 PM): and then later he asked if there was anything he could help with
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:04:17 PM): and I shook my head no and talked a little.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:04:23 PM): It was hard to talk though.
Maikeru Yume (7:04:32 PM): You could have just told him..
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:04:36 PM): I must have sounded and looked really pathetic.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:04:38 PM): Told him what?
Maikeru Yume (7:04:49 PM): That you were sick and would like to do it later?
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:04:55 PM): I couldnt speak.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:05:09 PM): I was silently choking on my tears.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:05:28 PM): Cant talk very well you know, after crying for like... half an hour straight.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:05:44 PM): you know? So that's how it was.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:05:48 PM): I went to lunch
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:06:00 PM): and kind of.. hid out. Well. Didnt go to the cafiteria.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:06:08 PM): but Chidori chan found me.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:06:15 PM): and she gave me a long hug.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:06:47 PM): and I went to the cafiteria, starving to death, I didnt take my medicine this morning, so I was starvin'.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:07:01 PM): and then when i got to the end of the lunch line, the lady said
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:07:11 PM): "..o.o.. you owe a dollar fifty."
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:07:17 PM): "Can I keep my lunch?"
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:07:18 PM): "No."
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:07:28 PM): "....But I'm hungry.."
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:07:31 PM): "Sorry."
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:07:39 PM): I almost said "no, you cant have it, its mine ._."
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:07:42 PM): but I didnt.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:07:44 PM): and gave it back
Maikeru Yume (7:07:45 PM): x.x;
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:07:51 PM): and Tama said "wait. Wait. Sakura. I got money"
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:07:54 PM): and I said "No."
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:07:57 PM): and walked off.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:08:12 PM): and Tama and Seraph tried to hold me back
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:08:18 PM): they grabbed onto my backpacks
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:08:22 PM): and didnt let go
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:08:34 PM): but someone bumped into them and I got free.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:08:45 PM): and just walked to the nurse's office.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:08:49 PM): Tama caught up.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:08:52 PM): Nurse wasnt there.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:09:16 PM): That kid, from my technology class last year... the loudmouth one that always yelled at me.. remember me talking about him?
Maikeru Yume signed on at 7:09:25 PM.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:09:33 PM): o.o;
Maikeru Yume (7:09:37 PM): o.o;
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:09:45 PM): SakuraLove2u v2 (7:09:16 PM): That kid, from my technology class last year... the loudmouth one that always yelled at me.. remember me talking about him?
Maikeru Yume (7:10:14 PM): o.o
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:10:19 PM): o.o?
Maikeru Yume (7:10:30 PM): You copied and pasted that?
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:10:34 PM): -nod-
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:10:42 PM): from our convo. o_o;
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:11:09 PM): Did you read it before my AIM messed up?
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:11:11 PM): Anways.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:11:14 PM): He just looked at me.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:11:18 PM): Stared, really.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:11:22 PM): and I sat down in a chair
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:11:26 PM): stared at the nurse's desk
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:11:37 PM): and slammed my head down on the table as hard as I could.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:11:44 PM): It hurt.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:11:45 PM): o-o;
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:11:53 PM): Tama freaked out and grabbed my shoulders
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:12:24 PM): but I managed to get three or so more slams against the table.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:12:29 PM): and then a dean walked in
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:12:36 PM): said the nurse wasnt available
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:12:40 PM): so I went to the front office
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:12:45 PM): and called my Nana
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:12:47 PM): she wasnt home.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:12:57 PM): So I sat in the front office for over an hour and a half.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:13:05 PM): And she finally came and got me.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:13:12 PM): After that, I was fine.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:13:14 PM): o.o;
Maikeru Yume (7:13:16 PM): o.o;
Maikeru Yume (7:13:25 PM): Why'd you hit your head on the table?
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:13:38 PM): I dont know.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:13:49 PM): it was convenient? -shrug-
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:13:54 PM): it was there.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:13:57 PM): so heck, why not.
Maikeru Yume (7:14:03 PM): .. What kind of logic is that?
Maikeru Yume (7:14:10 PM): You could say that about anything.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:14:14 PM): I know.
Maikeru Yume (7:14:22 PM): That's a dangerous way of thinking, you know.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:14:27 PM): I know.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:14:37 PM): I wanted to feel pain.
Maikeru Yume (7:14:39 PM): " Hey, I wonder what the arsenic tastes like..? "
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:14:43 PM): physical pain.
Maikeru Yume (7:15:09 PM): If it helped or something, I guess it's okay..
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:15:21 PM): I dont know if it helped.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:15:23 PM): for a second.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:15:42 PM): I wanted it to be so overwhelmingly painful
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:15:57 PM): so that the emotional and mental pain wouldnt stand a chance against it.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:16:04 PM): Didnt exactly work.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:16:13 PM): But meh. -shrug-
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:16:50 PM): When you're like..
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:16:56 PM): like how I was today
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:17:05 PM): you think way differently.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:17:12 PM): even though I knew what I was doing.
Maikeru Yume (7:17:30 PM): Why were you so upset and sick today?
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:17:39 PM): Everything.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:17:49 PM): Sometimes,
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:17:51 PM): I just get sad.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:18:00 PM): and its hard to say what made me sad
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:18:06 PM): because its not just one thing.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:18:10 PM): It's life.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:18:20 PM): and the tears just come out. I cant help it.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:18:56 PM): I wanted to scream
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:19:00 PM): when I was crying in class.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:19:08 PM): I wanted to fall out of the desk.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:19:21 PM): bring all the papers on the desk down with me.
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:19:30 PM): down to my knees
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:19:32 PM): and scream
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:19:54 PM): but you know... that would have been a bit weird, yanno?
SakuraLove2u v2 (7:19:59 PM): so. Yeah.
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=_= <--- My eyes prolly look like this right now from crying.
But it was a nice cry, I guess..
I'll prolly cry s'more later.
-huge sigh-
I'm better than I was before, at least.
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Thursday, September 30, 2004

o.o tis me? yes... I be a dork :B
Listnin' to my Gravitation Bad Luck CD...
This was taken almost two months ago. o.o; my most recent pic. I'll add more pics later when I get home from school.
o_0; I look weird, don't I?
Update: Here's some more.. o_0

And here are some pics of my room..o.o...

and... yeah. o_o there's more stuff in my room.. I just coultn fit it in the camera.
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Ghetto ninja y0
That's right.
me and Tama (DeruDragonsong) are gonna be Ghetto Ninja during School Spirit Week. How, you ask?
Wear our normal clothes... maybe some fishnets... o_o; tape around our arms and legs... o_0 and of course, HEADBANDS!!!
o_o fabric+ tinfoil+ logo.
My logo?
o_0 that's right. I'm a Chuunin Ninja from the hidden Ghetto of 1337.
choice of weapons?
Oh yes.
and our jutsu?
Mine: Beach-slap no jutsu
Tama's: Wigger Dance no jutsu.
XD Ph34r the 1337 ghetto nins...
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