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myOtaku.com: SakuraChan

Friday, June 25, 2004

lame restaurant
o_O yes. yesterday I went to a lame lame fancy-shmancy restaraunt with waiters with weird accents and where everybody eats french fries with forks and everything on the menu is nasty and comes in small sevings, even though its really expensive.

like "Fish, 18"
"Shrimp, 17" Im like.. "o_O What are those numbers?" Those numbers were the prices..

If any of you have seen the Furuba anime, do you remember the Jason part? o_O people were talking about bears and in the middle of dinner I yelled "Jason..!" o_O;;;;; Okay, I bet NO ONE just got that.

Oh. I'll be gone from Saturday-Monday.

I'll be on an island...
with no anime...
no technology...

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