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myOtaku.com: SakuraChan

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Sorry that I havent updated much.. there's been so much school x_x I got a lot of homework everyday and a ton of projects, usually having 3 different projects at a time and stuff.

Meh. o.o

Oh. o.o; Tomorrow morning I'm going to go get my Driver's learners permit tomorrow... if my grandma can find my papers >>; She better. We've had this appointment scheduled for over a month,now.

o_O anywho, I will so be like ">>; Yeah, I r0x0rz, I got my learners permit <33"
and stuff.
though, I doubt ANYONE I know will let me drive their car around

People really think that I'm going to spaz and be all hyper at the wheel, but after taking drivers ed and seeing like.. non-stop horrific car crash videos, >>; I'm gonna be like.. so-uber-careful and calm and smart and stuff.

Heh. o_o;

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