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myOtaku.com: SakuraChan

Tuesday, October 5, 2004

-huggles you all-
Meeh! Im still feeling all out of sorts. (Im afraid it might be depression, Ack!) but but but.. for a little while I got really cheerful. ^^; Why? Coz of you guys. :3 I have such great friends on myotaku. Thank you all for commenting! O_O!I can't beliece I got 7 comments. ^^; Nowadays, I get at least a comment every post.. or almost. Now I see like... 6, 5.. 3's.. 2s. O_O ITS INCREDIBLE! I used to get so jealous, you know ^^; -laughs- I wanted to get noticed so bad. I wanted people to acknowledge that I existed, that I'm here, and that I'm not useless. o_o But I got tons of friends who care about me here and in real life! I'm so grateful. Thank you, you guys!

-teh uber 1337 huggles a million zillion times-

I better get some homework done and scoot to sleep before I get all upset again. night all!

...o_o I hope school goes well tomorrow.

Wish me luck!!

Oh yeah!
-almost forgot-
I wrote a review on Saikano! and also, an article on CLAMP's controversial pairings. I hope they get accepted... Im a little worried about the CLAMP article, because its mainly about the yaoi and yuri in their stories.
-crosses fingers- They should be up in 2 days or less, so keep an eye out for them! ^^;!


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