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myOtaku.com: SakuraChan

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Got a C on my govt test.
A or B on my English Quiz.
A on French Test
... Failed drivers ed test.
I was in the middle of backing up when the bell rang. I heard coach say "keep going back" so I thought "Maybe we should just keep backing backwards to avoid hitting other cars to get back to starting point to park and then grab my backpack and run like mad crazy to my next class?"
so I rushed myself and ran over 2 more cones.

._..... he counted that as the test.
I know I wouldnt have hit those if I hadnt just rushed when I thought it wouldnt matter if I hit a cone.

.________.;;;;;;;;;;;;; -cries- I wanna retake it, coz I know I can do better.I was so upset.

We had to go to an assembly at the end of the day with my math class. ><; people made fun of me the whole freakin' 45 minutes.
"Ew. I dont want to sit next to HER... she's a FREAK."
"Animeee suuuucks.."
"I dont like Japanese people."
"Nyah Ching Chaaannng.. ahaha, pearl hatbor!"
"Stupid girl.."
Stuff like that from the 4 people behind me and two from the left ><;
RAH. I was about to STAB THEM TO DEATH.Argh. How annoying.

When I got home, my nana, her boyfriend Larry and I went out for italian.
He drew 9 dots on a piece of paper and told me to connect them all in 4 straight lines without pulling up the pen. I stared at it.
15 minutes go by.
"Nicole, eat your food."
"I am." Stare.
Left the restaaunt, wrote it on my to-go box. Stare.
Car ride.
It's been an hour.
Getting out of car.
Stare..."...Can I do this?" I drew the 4 lines and connected them.

Apparently, I was the first person he's met that has solved that puzzle.. o_0 and he's been trying it on people for 30+ years.

O_o;;;;;; Told an online friend and he said that means your IQ is 150+

o_0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I feel proud of myself, but I dont think it means I'm smart.
if anyone wants to try it, comment, and I'll make it on paint and put it up here, the nine dots and re-explain. o_0; then I'll show the answer on Friday, if anyone even wants to do it in the first place.

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