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Sakura Aka Saku
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Hints: Megacon, Jacon, AFO-con.
Member Since
Highschool girl Otaku.
Real Name
Okay, so.. Sakura may not be my REAL name, but hey, I have all my teachers calling me it, so why not?
Anime Fan Since
1999. 6 years!
Favorite Anime
anything by clamp is godly, rurouniken, full moon, Flcl, gravi, and others. But mainly CLAMP stuff ..
To pass the 10th grade, OH DEAR PLEASE GOD X.x;; And also to become a great mangaka as well as a great person!
being an otaku. 100%.
Deb says I should put "Being a good friend" hehe, shameless plug! Anyways, my talents, I believe are using my oddball sense of humor, drawing/art/otakuism, and surviving difficult times ^_^
Thursday, April 15, 2004
This sucks:
Argh. I had to retype all of this because AOHELL[AOL] needs to be shot. This is like, 1/3 of what I had written before it was all erased.
~It's a beautiful morning~! Liar:
This morning my leg was killing me. I couldn't find my glasses so I was really annoyed, because I cant see without my glasses [legally blind, seriously]. Felt like my muscles in my leg were tightening and they were stuck like that. I started to cry a little, because it REALLY REALLY hurt. But it eventually faded [A little], and I went to school, feeling sick and my legs aching badly. I live in florida, on the beach, and it's 40 degrees outside, the cold weather is driving me insane.
I go to a prison. It's called school:
--Science: Ms.Wamsley took away my CD player [ That stupid beach. ]. I got it back at the end of class, thankfully, but she made me and Deborah clean the classroom. And this kid Dustin said some crap about Deb and now she's trying to be all nice and friendly to us. Grr.
--P.E: Saku ish t3h clueless. Jade, a junior, was talking to Deb and I was just like "Ladedadeda" Walking next to them and Jade and Deb are like "That idiot." "he needs to stop messing with Saku." and I'm like "Huh?" their reply: "Josh Freeman keeps picking on you." I blinked. I know not of this Josh and what he's doing. Who's Josh? What was he doing, I wonder? I asked. "Gee, Sakura-chan, you're dense." "She doesnt even know what's goung on.". I said, "Huh?" And Deborah replied, "Nothing!" o_O; Argh.
--Math: Easy review. I had time to copy down the lyrics from my Ceres CD from the little booklet thingy that gives you the lyrics that comes with the CD. It was written in Kanji, Kata, Hira, etc, so I decided to copy it down. It got some attention and people "seemed" interested. I thought that was cool.
--English: I slacked off because I got all the work done yesterday, whoo.
--Lunch: this rocked. I stole almost all of Karoku's french fries. Then we tried to see if Karoku could throw a french fry at me and to see if I could catch it in my mouth. xD Ha! guess what, I rock! Coz, like, I caught it in my mouth, w00t! M4d fr3nch fr1 34ting 5k1]]z y0.
--Technology: My teacher still pisses me off. When I first got to class, he gave me a bunch of cool pamphlets and a booklet-thingy on art colleges. Then at the end of class, he took them back.;.;. And I had a lot of work to do in that class, because my partner, who is a senior, slacks off and he's at some dumb national comptetition. I hope I can finish the rest of the work tomorrow, grr.
--History: Now this was funny. Dr.Bates was showing us how wars like WWI [ coz thats what we're learning about now ]
get started, like, one person says something and then another and then everyone joins in and fights. He was like, "And Maurine smacks the crap out of Nate, but Nate bumps into Ernie, so Ernie thought it was Maurine and gets her. And then Nicole [ Nicole. That's me. Nicole= SakuraChan.] jumps me, because she doesn't like me [ Kill kill kill. xP] and Deborah tries to pull Nicole away because Nicole and Deborah are best friends. But Chris thinks that Nicole is being attacked by Deborah, so Chris takes her out, BAM! And Nicole hurts Chris and--" That's when I interrupted, "And then this is the part where Nicole takes EVERYONE out like wh00sh and wins this war." The class laughed, Deb and I were snickering. It was funny. :P ph33r meh.
Home, sweet, home:
And here I am. I'm gonna try and figure out some music for this page and stuff, oh yeah, gotta enter in that fanart, I havent done that yet. Hm. What I find annoying is that I've yet to see a picture of me that actually looks good. Maybe I'm just plain ugly? Nah >P This has been yet another pointless rant to take up time and space, ahahaha >D n_n;; Heheh. You're such a loser for reading this XD;; Agh. I'm even more of a loser for writing it though, ne? xD; Argh. hehe.
This is interesting:
My school is number #1 in the state of Florida in every sport this year. We won the state finals for everything so far. Tennis, Basketball, soccer, and I think baseball is almost there? No clue, I'm not a sports person, I just think its cool that out of like, a bazillion schools, we won a the state title, and then we win almost every title and are over-all state champs. I'm almost proud of my school for once. ... Almost but not really so actually not at all. :D
I doubt the font will turn out the way I wanted it to, but, oh well.
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