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Sakura Aka Saku
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Hints: Megacon, Jacon, AFO-con.
Member Since
Highschool girl Otaku.
Real Name
Okay, so.. Sakura may not be my REAL name, but hey, I have all my teachers calling me it, so why not?
Anime Fan Since
1999. 6 years!
Favorite Anime
anything by clamp is godly, rurouniken, full moon, Flcl, gravi, and others. But mainly CLAMP stuff ..
To pass the 10th grade, OH DEAR PLEASE GOD X.x;; And also to become a great mangaka as well as a great person!
being an otaku. 100%.
Deb says I should put "Being a good friend" hehe, shameless plug! Anyways, my talents, I believe are using my oddball sense of humor, drawing/art/otakuism, and surviving difficult times ^_^
Thursday, April 22, 2004
Sakura is sick... VERY sick.
I went to the doctors today, and my doctor knows that I have more than just a cold. Im always getting sick, Ive been to the doctors 3 times this month. Heck, I go to the doctors nearly once a week. He wants me to get that bloodtest. Why?
He thinks I have possible
blood/thyroid/liver diseases O_O
I looked at the piece of paper that said for me to go get my blood taken. It said stuff like "Fatigue, Anemia" Bleh. Thats an understatement. I collapsed twice today, I lost my balance because I was so tired and dizzy. Good thing I was in my room when that happened.
I hate my doctor. The ADHD medicine that he suscribed said that its probably screwing my liver or something o_O grrrrr! and he keeps calling me Princess. I want to smack him. Again.
In good news today:
I weigh 126! <------ YAAAAY!
My height is 5'6<------ WOOT!!!!!
Deb says "great, you're even MORE anorexic now."
Aaand, I got RurouniKenshin 4 and X/99 10 at the store.
AND! I finally got my drawing tablet, YEY! It costed 200$ @_@; ugh. for those who dont know, its a like a little grey board you can set on your lap, and doodle on with an inkless/blank/special pen. Why draw with that? Duh, coz it shows up on the computer. Drawing with a "pen" beats a mouse ANY day, yessirie.
o_O So. I dont know what today was. crappy or cool?
Ne, xD; come to my funeral when I flop over and dont get up, mmkay?
Oh-- My new fanart is up. Rate it. :O And it better be a nice rating or I'll chase you down with a stick! Or I'll disease j00.
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