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myOtaku.com: SakuraChan

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Last Day of School... almost
Yep. The today is officially last day of school. n.n well. It's midnight now. but, yeah. I have my technology and history exams today *cringe*. Today's Algebra/English went ehhh. Well. English is a piece of cake. I flew through the 185 questions in 63 minutes. XD Yes. I timed myself. But on the math Exam, my brain exploded at the sight of numbers. I froze up and poof-- there goes my sanity. So. I took some "educated--wait, no, random, guesses" on that for a few questions. Bleh. Whooo. Um. Yeah. I might update later today after school. On Friday, Deb is going to be over here again and I'm going shopping and stuff. And then Saturday-Sunday, I'll be in Orlando for the JACON 2004 n_n I'll take lots of pictures. If you wanna see them, email me whenever.. :O Okay? Okay. Nightynight.
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